
6 Undeniable Health Benefits of Sea Salt Flakes

Sea salt is commonly associated with spa days and relaxation. However, it is not only that. There are more health benefits associated with sea salt. They include skincare, dental health, and even pain and cramps reliever. Furthermore, sea salt is also beneficial for exfoliation, nasal and eye wash and improving electrolytic balance of the body. […]

Magnesium Nutrition

Do You Know These 10 Health Benefits of Dead Sea Salt?

Dead sea salt is loaded up with natural mending components that happen naturally in our bodies but are usually lost as we approach our bustling days. Soaking in the water enhanced with this salt is known to help the body such as treating skin conditions and working on internal cycles. In this article, we will […]


20 Health Benefits of Black Hawaiian Sea Salt #1 Traditional Drugs

Sea salt is kind of salt that produce from sea’s evaporation process. Some people commonly used as cooking ingredients to add salty taste into. Some of  ingredients in sea salt generally same with the ion onside the sea salt. Dry sea salt contains approximately 55.5 % chlorine, 30.8% sodium, 7.7 % sulfate, 3.7% magnesium, 1.2 […]


24 Best Health Benefits of Sea Salt (#1 Top Mineral Source)

Before talking about what are the health benefits of sea salt, firstly, let’s have a look at the definition of sea salt. Sea salt is known as the salt which is produced by the evaporation process of salt water bodies. What makes sea salt different from table salt is the presence of darker minerals and […]