Food & Bevarages

All You Need to Know about Health Benefits of Yam Bean

Jicama is a round, fleshy root vegetable from the legume family plant. Jicama is a type of tuber food that is usually served as a vegetable. The tuber whose flesh is ice white is crunchy, refreshing, has a fruity aroma and has a sweet and savory taste, can actually be eaten raw or cooked in […]

Skin Treatment

6 Essentials Health Benefits of Yam Bean for the Skin

Yam bean is a globe-shaped root vegetable with papery, brilliant earthy colored skin, and a starchy white inside. It is the root of a plant that produces beans like lima beans.  The tuberous root of this plant tastes somewhat sweet, however, it is low in sugar, settling on it as a decent carbohydrate alternative for […]


3 Main Benefits of Jicama Scrubs for Beauty Purpose

Who doesn’t recognize jicama ? This white-solid  texture fruit can be found easily in the market. Jicama (pachyrhizus erosus) generally originated from Mexico and Central America. This sweet and crunchy fruit can thrives in tropical area. This fruit diameter is approximately between 7 until 10 cm. (Also read: Health Benefits of Jicama  ) Jicama usually consumed […]


15 Proven Health Benefits of Jicama (No.2 Super Potent)

Jicama (pronounced hee-ka-mah)or yam bean is known as healthy snack that we can eat at home. It used to eaten raw or cooked. People know that jicama is great source of vitamin C and best thing for people who are in diet program is the jicama does not contain any fat. It usually cooked in […]