
10 Health Benefits of Gummy Bears and Side Effects for Kids

Yummy! it’s first word appeared on the head every time it mentioned “Gummy Bears”. It’s a common, traditional and most popular snack in the world. Adults and kids love the taste of this sweet – chewy . Lately there is an issue that gummy bears has such a health benefit. And in this chance, we […]

Healthy Habits

16 Benefits of Chewing Gums for Mouth Health (Surprising)

Every human being in this world possesses a natural desire to masticate or chew something. It is something instinctual that’s triggered by stimulus in our taste receptors, tooth hygiene, and bad breath. This desire drives people to munch into some chewy and elastic substance, for example, the people of Ancient Greece used to chew mastic […]


12 Health Benefits of Arabic Gum (No.4 Shocking)

Mostly people are uncommonly know about Arabic gum. What is actually arabic gum? Arabic gum is a dried edible gummy exudates from which derived from the stems and branches of Acacia species plant such as Acacia senegal , Acacia laeta and Acacia seyal . Those three plant species grow abundantly in Central Sudan, Central Africa […]