
6 Proven Health Benefits of Fermented Black Bean

Black beans. It is one of soy bean family member plants. For taste and shape it does similar with soy bean but it has black and dark color. Black bean has more flavor than soy bean. It is tasteful and much oily. It is not originally from Asia, in Latin American black bean known as […]


10 Amazing Health Benefits of Black Bean Hummus

Black beans hummus is often also referred to as Arab nuts or the Middle East because it comes from there. In other languages, it is also called chickpeas. This type of bean is a superfood which means it has a very excellent nutritional content for human health. In addition to delicious eaten as a snack, […]


10 Unexpected Health Benefits of Black Bean Burgers

Burgers are fast food that is a favorite of many people. Because this food offers a distinctive aroma and flavor. One of the burgers that have delicious flavor is black bean burgers. The black bean itself is a type of nuts that contain high protein. As the name suggests, this bean is black. Who would […]