Herbal Spices

8 Top List of Arabic Herbs and Spices You Must Recognize

Have you tried some Middle East cuisines? If you have and then you will find that your tongue is served as well as your belly. Though most of Arabic cuisines were dominated with red meat especially lamb meat but still the rich combinations of Arabic herbs are not only enhancing the flavors but also giving a lot of health benefits. You must be surprised about how long the list of Arabic herbs and its health benefits will be but the top 8 Arabic herbs below may represent the Arabic herbs well.

  1. Cardamom

It is true that cardamom could not only be found in the list of Arabic herbs and health benefits but also as part of Asian herbs in general because most Asian uses cardamom as herbs and spices. However, the Arabs are not only adding cardamom to their food but also to their drink. You must be surprised to find a trace of spicy flavor of cardamom in your cup of morning coffee.

The main health benefits of Cardamom; it is excellent source of minerals especially manganese, iron, zinc and also calcium. It means cardamom could help promoting bone health while the anti-inflammatory properties of cardamom will help with the pain caused by inflammation.

  1. Allspice

The appearance of allspice is almost similar to peppers but these dried spices were derived from fruit plant called Pimente dioica which is actually native to Africa, that’s why allspice is also well known as Africa’s peppers. Though this spice is well known among the Arabs and widely found in Middle East cuisines but allspice is not really popular among Asian.

Though allspice is commonly used in the cuisines but the Arabs also make allspice into tea or tonic drink. The health benefits of allspice tea are like great beverage of diabetic patients because it contains low glychemic index and when consumed before meal could help managing the blood sugar level in diabetic patients.

  1. Nutmeg

This herb has unique and strong flavor, so you cannot add it too much to your food but the right amount of nutmeg will give significant improvement to the food flavor. Most Middle East cuisines are using nutmeg for that reason though of course the health benefits of nutmeg are also the reasons why the Arabs will not leave this spice behind.

Besides to make food healthier and tastier, nutmeg is widely known to be natural skin treatment. One of the health benefits of nutmeg powder is to treat conditions like acnes and premature aging caused by free radicals. The nutmeg powder will be used as face mask to help removing the dead skin cells while at the same time is optimizing the skin cells regeneration.

  1. Cloves

Cloves is one of the important herbs and spices in Arabic cuisines, though this spice native to Maluku, Indonesia. Cloves are excellent source of vitamin C, vitamin K and also folate. Besides that there are also some traces of minerals found in cloves like copper and zinc.

When talking about the benefits of cloves, the list could be endless but the most well known benefits of cloves are people used them to fight bad breath naturally and home remedy to toothaches. It is because cloves contain some antimicrobial properties to kill bacteria commonly found in oral organ. Furthermore, the combinations of antioxidants and antimutagenic properties found in cloves make these spices excellent solution to fight free radicals and prevent cancer.

  1. Cumin

Cumin is probably one of Arabic herbs found in Middle East cuisines because the flavor of cumin is very spicy yet very strong. It represents the signature taste of Middle East cuisines which is the mixtures of several spicy flavors. Cumin is originated from Asia regions including Middle East regions. There are some mixture spices well known in Middle East cuisines and cumin is one of the important ingredients.

Cumin is essential source of some vitamins and minerals especially iron and calcium. When it comes to the health benefits of cumin seeds, most Arabic may tell you that it great for digestion system. It is also rich of antioxidant that could help fighting cancer and as rich of Vitamin A and vitamin C, cumin is an excellent immunity booster.

  1. Turmeric

Asian foods are not complete without turmeric. The benefits of turmeric is not only functioning as natural food coloring but turmeric also contains certain compounds that could help improving appetite. Curry is actually one of the signature dishes of Middle East cuisines and turmeric is essential herbs to make it.

Turmeric is the excellent source of antioxidants and most people are taking it for the sake of benefits of turmeric for beauty. Antioxidants will optimize the regeneration of skin cells to promote healthier and younger skin from the inside. Furthermore, turmeric could be used as treatment from outside used as face and skin mask to remove the dead skin cells from the skin surface. Not only for that, turmeric contains anti-bacterial agents that also great to be used as home remedy to treat diarrhea and some other stomach conditions.

  1. Saffron

Surely you have known that saffron is actually the most valuable or the most expensive spices you could find in this world. It is because from one flower of Crocus sativus, only produces three strands of saffron. Saffron is native to Greece but the Arabs know better about this herbal plant and take advantages of all the health benefits of saffron. Though the fact is saffron could be found in almost cuisines from Asia regions but still no matter how expensive it is, saffron is considered to be one of the essential herbs and spices for the Asian.

However, do you know what the health benefits of saffron during pregnancy? Well, not everyone knows that saffron is actually rich of iron, manganese, magnesium, vitamin C and folate. Folate will promote optimal growth of brain and nerve system of fetus during pregnancy while vitamin C will help boosting the immunity system since during pregnancy, a mother is supposed to be in their excellent state. Furthermore, vitamin C is also optimizing the absorption of iron, manganese and magnesium to make sure enough stock of red blood cells for optimal development of fetus especially during the first trimester when the fetus is essentially needing all the nutrients. So, in other words this valuable spices are actually very valuable for both mother and the baby during pregnancy.

  1. Sumac

Sumac is probably one of the secret of Middle East cuisines; the sour flavor of sumac is giving a unique taste for the dishes. Among the locals, sumac is also used as substitute to lemon for those who have problems with their digestive system and sensitive to lemon or any citrus family. One word of caution of sumac is you should know well about this herbal plant before decided to add to your food because some species of sumac is poisonous. So, it is better to only consume the dried sumac instead.

The most amazing thing of sumac, it is not only well known as part of important Arabic cuisines but also has been used due to its medical properties for over centuries. It is because sumac is excellent source of antioxidants. It means, sumac could help fighting conditions caused by free radicals like premature aging. However, as contain powerful antioxidants, sumac could be used to prevent more chronic diseases like cancer or tumor.

Actually there are more lists of Arabic herbs and spices including cinnamon, aniseed and caraway but of course the list will go on forever and those top 8 are spices and herbs you should know. Some people out there prefer to avoid Middle East cuisines, using their current health conditions as excuses.

Well, perhaps by knowing the list of Arabic herbs that may be beneficial for your health, perhaps you could be a little light with your food rules because sometimes you need to savor your taste by making sure your belly is fully served and your health is also fully guarded; it seems the Arabs know well how to do those both things because the Arab people were well known as food lovers and they will always like that.