Justicia Gandarusa has scientific name Justicia gendarussa Burm. F and the synonym of the plant are gendarussa vulganis Nees and gendarussa nosea Rumph. The altitude of the plant in Java is 100-500 meters above sea and can reach 2 meters high that starts from near the base of the stem. Furthermore, its young branches are dark purple and turned to brown shiny color when it is old.
The plant belongs to Acanthaceae family or it is a bush plant that you can find in live markets and grow wild in the forest, river embankments. Surprisingly, the plant is popular as a medicinal plant where in Papua, Indonesia, it is being used as hormonal contraception. Actually there are still more health benefits of Gandarusa and they are:
- Increases blood circulation
One of the health benefits of Justicia Gandarusa is to increase blood circulation. Furthermore, it can lead to the improving of many organs in the body, as the oxygen also will be increased. It also even makes the body healthier and feels better.
- Treats fever
Some people believed that Justicia Gandarusa can treat fever effectively, just like any other herbal leaves. The condition you can treat probably as same as other treatment by taking the fresh or dried Gandarusa in a certain amount.
- Cures bones fracture
The most known benefit of Justicia Gandarusa is in cures bones fracture. It is by boiling the leaves of the plant in 3 cups of water then you can drink the water in the morning and night for ½ cups. Regular consume of the drink reduces the fracture immediately.
- Prevents rheumatism
Justicia Gandarusa can prevent rheumatism due to some essential nutrients contained in the plant. The benefit you can get by drinking boiled water 30-60 grams fresh Gandarusa or 15-30 dried Gandarusa. Not only for rheumatism, it also for sprains and bruises.
- Heals eczema
The other health benefit of Justicia Gandarusa is to heal eczema or it is a condition when the skin is inflamed. It also happens because of allergies and the allergies should be tested to the doctor to prevent the condition.
- Relieves headache
Gandarusa may relieve headache by taking a pitcher of Gandarusa leaves about 2 times a day regularly. The headache will be relieved as it also gives relax feeling. It is probably due to the increasing of oxygen in the body when you are taking the water of boiled Gandarusa.
- Acts as cough treatment
The plant can be as a treatment of cough by taking skinny Gandarusa roots about 10 grams then boil it in three cups of water. Drink the water 2 times every half of cup.
- Plays a roles as hormonal contraception
In Papua, Indonesia, the people used Gandarusa as hormonal contraception by taking its leaves. However, some studies are still needed to prove the benefit and they are conducted to Papuans.
The other health benefits of Justicia Gandarusa are:
- Relieves vomiting
- Treats diabetes
So, those are the health benefits of Justicia Gandarusa and the benefits of other herbal plants you can also read in Indonesian herbs health benefits, health benefits bacopa herb, health benefits of lotus flower, list herbs health benefits and health benefits of purslane plant.