Mental Health

Singing Your Heart Out Has Surprising Psychological Benefits!

When it comes to singing, I believe that most of us love to do that. Not only it is fun, but then the lyrics and melody that we release through our voices also provides emotional and mood improvement. Imagine how will things be like if we go through our daily routines without singing. Boring right? So, for now we are going to talk about the benefits of singing to our psychology, and here they are.

Singing Your Heart Out Has Surprising Psychological Benefits!

Singing is to make musical sounds with the voice, particularly with a set tune. Singing, just like music is prevalent in almost all cultures across the word and is regarded as the verbal interpretation to music. Meanwhile, a person who sings, be it as a profession or for the sake of just doing it is called a singer or a vocalist.

Singers can come as a solo (an individual singer) or an ensemble, which may come in the form of choir, band or orchestra. Finally, singing’s cultural functions also include way of worshiping, ceremonies, rituals, hobby, education (such as in music education), recreations and so much more.

Singing’s benefit is heavier on the cognitive and physiological side compared to physical side. As you sing your heart out, you are likely to feel much better afterwards. Researches came out with the verdict that singing your heart out in a group makes the singer and their surroundings happier by reducing symptoms of anxiety, symptoms of depression, sorrow, as well as loneliness. Indeed, the title of this article is also the name of an organization that promotes singing as a way to treat cognitive and emotional discomfort.

Singing Your Heart Out (SYHO)

Singing Your Heart Out or SYHO is a movement that originates in Norfolk, United Kingdom that conducts weekly singing workshops especially for those who suffer serious mental issues. It differs itself from other singing ensembles or choirs by opening itself to anyone, regardless of their vocal skills. Participants are trained to “sing for fun” instead of preparing for concerts or live performances, therefore performance-related anxiety can be minimized.

Psychological Benefits of Singing

Like what it is said before, singing provides more psychological advantages compared to physical advantages. This is so because in order to provide the best vocal quality, the singer will make the best effort to appreciate the rhythm and melody of the song. By that, you can also animate the spirit of the music at its best and it is almost impossible to think about reality while singing. That is why singers need to be at the stress-free state before performing, otherwise it can affect their performance in a great way.

And then, choir singers also have their happiness even increased because of the social bonds in between singers that they have built. Happiness is perhaps released by endorphins, which are the substances inside our brain that brings the “good mood” and remove the health risks of stress.

And also, the feelings of belonging inside the group, emotional fulfillment and the cooperation needed in between each one of them to create the most harmonious melody are just about the ones needed to prevent loneliness and emptiness inside one’s self. It roughly works just like when you are part of a sports team, only that it is less tiring.

Other than that, singing also builds confidence, which affects our performance and is necessary to get rid of anxiety, nervousness, stage frights as well as other emotional discomfort. In the long run, confidence gives long-lasting effects on emotional and general well-being.

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Physical Benefits of Singing

Don’t be mistaken, because singing also gets you some physical advantages as well. One simple example here is singing in the shower. Singing in the shower practices your vocal and breathing techniques, because singing requires voice to be properly exerted from the diaphragm instead of lungs.

In relation to the management of breathing flow, deep breathing is also another effective way to reduce emotional discomfort, such as anxiety and stress, which is why before you exercise or meditate you should do deep breathing to get the most of your session. And then with you singing in the echoic shower room, you will know which areas of your voice are in need of improvement.

On the other hand, singing can also be regarded as an aerobic activity. Aerobics are exercises that are intended to enhance efficiency in the body’s cardiovascular system by absorbing and transporting oxygens. Singing is considered a form of aerobics since it absorbs more oxygen into the blood for improved yet efficient circulation, again which also promotes good moods.

Other Benefits of Singing

Singing your heart out has surprising psychological benefits, here are:

  1. As an Alternative Method to Communication

Communication is the transmitting of messages from the sender to the receiver through an intermediary channel. When we sing, we communicate our messages through the lyrics and the melody of the song. Communication is important and inevitable for human beings because without it, we would have a restricted development process. 

  1. A Reminder that Practice Makes Perfect

We are often advised that practice makes perfect, which reminds us to always keep on trying until we master something. That advice is easily visible in singing. You may seem to have mediocre voice upon your first attempts at singing. But the more you train your voice; which includes the articulation, breathing techniques and more, the better it gets. Indeed, the more you sing, the better vocal styles that you can build.

Psychologically, singing also offers self-satisfaction through discovering, learning, practicing and accomplishing. Even if it may seem hard at first, practice takes you close to perfection.

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Tips on Singing for Happiness

  • Know your vocal range and stick to it. There are seven vocal ranges known; soprano, mezzo-soprano and alto for female, and countertenor, tenor, baritone and bass for male. To identify your vocal range, play notes on a piano and match your voice with the note being played.
  • To obtain the best voice, stand instead of sitting down. You should stand up straight but with a relaxed posture to let yourself “flow with the rhythm.”
  • Breathe from the diaphragm (belly) instead of chest.
  • Do vocal exercises before you start singing.
  • Practice daily. Remember, practice makes perfect!
  • To maintain your voice, drink adequate amounts of water, do not smoke, do breathing exercises regularly and avoid straining your voice.