
10 Health Benefits of Eating Avocado Before Bed

Magnesium in avocado gives quality better sleep while potassium in avocado help relax muscles and improve symptoms of sleep apnea.

Caroline L. Young, RD, owner and founder of Whole Self Nutrition says that the key nutrition factors for better sleep are adequate calorie and macronutrients in eating, carbohydrates, fat, and protein.

Fat help food tastes delicious and satiated at meals and snack. Nutrition in avocados includes fiber and fat that can help one sleep well and have satisfaction.

Avocado is good for quality better sleep and gets health benefits of avocado fruit for sick people. Here is another benefit of consuming avocado before sleep:

1.     Aids Digestion

Fiber plays an important role in dietary health. It helps with constipation and other dietary problems. How lucky, avocados contain the highest fiber, about 14 grams of fiber per fruit.

That’s why consuming avocado before bed probably aids digestion, helps to maintain a healthy digestive tract and sleep comfortably without disruption.

To get healthy digestion can be obtained from fasting. One of the best fruit consumed at fasting time is avocado. Here are the health benefits of avocado fruit during fasting. There are some nutrients in avocado benefit for digestion,

  • Dietary Fiber

As already known that fiber is help to increase healthy digestion. Fiber won’t break into energy when passing the digestive tract meanwhile absorbing water to soften and loosen feces. Fiber helps to overcome constipation.

A diet rich in fiber reduces the risk of diverticular disease, related to the growth of a pocket called diverticula in the colon. Eating a cup of sliced avocado increases the intake of fiber by 4,9 grams each of 13% and 19% of requirement daily fiber for men and women.

  • Vitamin C

Vitamin C in avocado has the function to increase digestion health. Otherwise, there are health benefits of vitamin C for children. Digestive tracts contain collagen, a type of protein forming tight fibrils to provide tissue strength.

Collagen fiber wraps the intestinal wall and vitamin C helps to produce sufficient collagen to keep tissue strong. Following a diet rich in vitamin C gives other benefits of digestion including the risk of gastric cancer.

According to the Linus Pauling Institute that a cup of sliced avocado contains 7,3 milligrams of vitamin C fulfilling 8% of the required daily vitamin C for men and 10% for women.

  • B-Complex vitamin

Adding avocado to food can increase the intake of vitamin B complex. It is supporting healthy digestion because helps cells to get fuel from food. For example, vitamin B6 helps to metabolize protein while pantothenate acid changes carbohydrates, fat, and protein to become energy.

A cup of sliced avocado contains 1,01-milligram pantothenate acid and 188 micrograms of vitamin B6 with each 20% and 14% of pantothenate acids daily and intake of vitamin B6 is recommended. Avocados provide a little amount of vitamin B complex including thiamine, niacin, and riboflavin.

2.     Reduce Depression and Stress

Avocado in forming juice contains monounsaturated fats. Consuming this fat has been proven can decrease depression and balance the intake of fat to control depression.

Other than that, avocados are a good source of folate, and research found a connection between low folate levels in the body and depression. In fact, it is proven there is potential folate in the role treatment of depressive disorder.

The high folate in avocado has proven to help maintain brain chemicals, dopamine, and serotonin in balance. Folate works by preventing the creation of homocysteine until excessive.

It can trigger depression. However, folate breaks down excessive homocysteine into other chemicals that the body needed. Folate also produces serotonin which is helping induce sleep.

3.     Reduce Effects of Gastrointestinal Disturbances

Besides aiding digestion, avocados are good at reducing gastro disturbances due to their high fiber. Gastrointestinal disturbances like lactose intolerance, nausea, and diarrhea probably hinder sleep. Consuming avocado before going to bed prevent this symptom and helps to get a restful night.

4.     Protecting from Chronic Disease

Avocados contain monosaturated fatty acids which have benefits for the body. One of the benefits of monosaturated fatty acids is protection. It can against chronic diseases such as high blood pressure, arthritis, and the different of heart disease.

The symptoms of chronic disease are anxiety, chest pain, and irregular heart rhythm. Both of these make it difficult to sleep so consuming avocado as part of a healthy diet offers protection from the disease, inadvertently preventing these symptoms and helping a goodnight’s rest.

5.     Prevent Insomnia

There is a research-proven that food that has high magnesium helps to improve sleep quality indeed magnesium is often prescribed to help sleep disorder. Among others, avocados are rich in magnesium so should be helpful for people with suffer from insomnia.

Eating avocado before bed increases sleep duration and eases the process of waking up due to magnesium. It increases blood flow to the brain which id help to perform better the next following day.

6.     Healthy Eyes

Consuming an avocado routine is good for the eyes. It is because avocados contain high antioxidants such as lutein and zeaxanthin. Both of these compounds can neutralize free radicals and are essential to reduce the risk of cataracts, glaucoma, astigmatism, and macula degeneration.

Those diseases are common and have occurred and are experienced by people of age. Besides that, it can protect from UV rays. According to the research by Silvio Buscemi in the journal Nutrients, lutein is carotenoid with anti-inflammation properties.

Lutein is known can increase or even prevent macula disease related to aged causes of blindness and sightseeing disorder. While zeaxanthin helps to build up pigments yellow shields protect the eye cells from the effects of danger because of certain lights such as the sun.

7.     Reduce the Risk of Heart

Heart disease is common and caused by cholesterol, triglyceride, an inflammation marker, blood pressure, and others. The fact from scientists at Pennsylvania State University in the Journal of Nutrition found that consuming avocado routinely every day can reduce the risk of heart.

The research subject carried out the activity eat randomly and the researcher found that eating 1 avocado per day was related to a level of cholesterol lower in adults with overweight called obesity.

A study found that avocado help to reduce the particles of cholesterol LDL (low-density lipoprotein) that have been oxidized. Similar to the way oxygen can be harmful to food such as apple slice changes color to brown, the researcher says oxidation is bad for the human.

Professor Penny Kris-Etherton in explains that we can show when people consume 1 avocado per day in their habit eating, more a little particles small LDL and solids from previously. It can resume that avocado can reduce bad cholesterol (LDL) and can increase good cholesterol (HDL).

8.     Reduce Body Weight

Avocado contains carbohydrates and fiber that people who consume it feel full for longer so consuming avocado is good to keep body weight. A study in 2013 published by the Journal of Nutrition found that people who consume avocados as food feel 23% more satisfied and have little desire 28% to eat for the next 5 hours than people who don’t consume it.

Avocado is believed to be one of the fruits that can help to reduce weight loss and push appetite excessively. Although that, still have to consider do not consume excessively because avocados contain adequate enough calories.

9.     Reduce the Risk of Cancer

Avocados contain vitamin C, vitamin E, lutein, and oleic acid to hinder the growth of cancer cells. A study shows that avocados can help to reduce side effects from the treatment of cancer called chemotherapy to human lymphocytes.

Otherwise, extracting avocado believe to hinder the growth of cancer prostate. Many compounds in avocados prevent cancer. According to the study by Dreher and Davenport in the Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, avocados also contain bioactive phytochemicals including carotenoid, terpenoid, D-mannoheptulose, Persenone A and B, phenols, glutathione.

Both of those compounds have anti-carcinogenic properties. Phytochemicals extracted from avocado as selective induction to stop cycles of cells, hinder the growth, and induction of the death of cancer cells.

10.Increase Fertility

Nutrients of vitamin K in avocado can help the body to absorb the nutrition effectively and also help to keep the healthy hormones. Otherwise, avocado-rich potassium has an essential role to regulate blood pressure.

Folate in avocados has the function to prevent birth defects in babies such as spina bifida that must be owned by women in planning pregnancy programs. Zinc in avocado helps to protect sperm. If have adequate zinc will help to increase the amount of sperm and sperm’s motility.

The intake of sufficient folate can reduce the risk of miscarriage and neural tube abnormalities. Consuming at least 600 micrograms (mcg) of folate per day during pregnancy.

1 avocado probably contains 160 mcg. Avocados also contain fatty acids which is part of Integral, of a healthy diet and the growth of the embryo. Besides fatty acids, there are benefits of carbohydrates for pregnant women in growing embryos.

How to serve?

Avocado is one of the types of fruit with high calories. It contains 250 calories but, keep to not excessive eating. More detail about calories in avocado here,

  • 1 portion (1/5 avocado) contains 50 calories and 4.5 gram total of fatty
  • ½ Avocado contain 130 calories and 12 gram total of fatty
  • 1 avocado contains 250 calories and 23 gram total of fatty

Avocados have a lot of kind nutrients. With many nutrients, we can get also the benefits of avocado for babies. 100 grams of avocado contain vitamin K 26%, folate 20%, vitamin C 17%, potassium 14%, vitamin B5 14%, vitamin B6 13%, and vitamin E 10%.

Besides that, avocados have nutrients such as magnesium, iron, zinc, phosphorus, vitamin A, vitamin B2, and vitamin B3. Consuming avocado juice can make fullness because of 9 grams of carbohydrates and fiber.

The meat of avocado contains fatty acid lutein, beta-carotene, and omega-3 fatty acids. Although the calorie of avocado comes from fats. This is healthy unsaturated fats and it can make full of longer.

Avocado is good to eat before going to bed, for getting quality sleep well. One of the ways to processing of avocado for the night is to make it juice. It can be consumed as breakfast and obtain the health benefits of avocado in the morning. It is easy and simple to make it, here is the process,


  • ½ avocado, throw the seed and skin
  • Almond milk without sweetness
  • 2 tbsp of honey
  • Ice water


  • Input the avocado into a blender
  • Add ice water, almond milk, and honey then smoothing
  • Pour it into a glass
  • Juice ready to drink