
The 10 Health Benefits of Honey For Children

Honey acts as a soothing agent for a child’s sore and irritated throat. 1 tablespoon of honey can help a child who has difficulty swallowing because of a sore throat.

Honey is nature’s gift of sweetness for humans. It can mix with other beverages and of them is coffee. This is the benefit of coffee mixed with honey.

Not only does taste is delicious but also beneficial for health for any age especially specifically children and also babies. Here is the health benefits of honey for babies. Other colors and flavors are seductive, honey forming the base of medicine to treat disease.

1.     Relieve Cough and Cold

Children are the most vulnerable to illness and common problems during changes in season. Sore throat, cough, and flu are the most common among them of symptoms inflammation in the respiratory tract.

Children often have been experiencing it when they catch ISPA or flu. According to some research, honey is proven can relieve it and inflammation, of course, which often occurs in the respiratory tract.

The benefit of honey to children include providing it relieves the symptoms of cough and cold such as runny nose, mild fever, irritated or sore throat, sneezing, etc.

Honey has antiviruses, antibacterial, and antioxidant properties that help to attach infection of viruses, bacteria even fungi as causes this common and treat the symptoms from the root. Let’s try to implication honey to treat children’s sore throat, cough, and flu in this way,

  • Mix 1 tbsp of lukewarm honey with ¼ spoon of cinnamon powder
  • Give it to children 2 times per day or until it’s vanished symptoms.

Preferably during time because will give comfortable sleep. Using a combination of ginger and honey due to drinking green tea is also one of the way home remedies for treating it. These are the health benefits of drinking green tea with honey.

2.     Healthy Digestive

Among benefits, well digestive healthy is the most popular of the honey’s benefits. Honey contains natural prebiotics that can increase the production of good bacteria in the digestive tract and help relieve various stomach problems such as diarrhea, constipation, and so on.

Honey is a source of potassium, magnesium, and other electrolytes that can help to normalize bowel movements and relieve diarrhea with thrown toxins from the body.

Besides that, honey can relieve the symptoms of GERD. The intake of honey can improve this condition by coating the esophagus and stomach lining.

This is prevent to flow of food and stomach acid to up then provides relief. Furthermore, honey can stimulate the sphincter tissue and help to reduce the chances of acid reflux.

Honey is helpful to keep the baby healthy. Consuming honey is beneficial for the digestive tract to maintain any blockages and regulate bowel movements.

It helps to relieve stomach infections like indigestion, constipation, bloating, flatulence, etc. If children often feel stomach disorders, prepare and consume regularly honey as a solution for it to soothe the stomach and digestive healthy system also happy with this recipe,

  • Prepare a cup of black tea
  • Adding some drops of freshly squeezed ginger juice
  • Stir 1 teaspoon of honey
  • Drink at least 2 times per day to get results effectively

Honey can also help to increase children’s appetite. One kind of honey s manuka with benefit of manuka honey for the stomach to get healthy digestion.

The result of the study found that some of the research shows that honey can relieve digestive problems such as abdominal pain and constipation in children.

3.     Heal Wound Faster

As we know that children are actively moving when they are playing so easy to get fallen and cause wounds. Honey is helping to heal wounds caused by abrasion, burns, cuts, etc.

The quality of therapeutic honey and its anti-bacterial properties are also antifungal in rich and can help infected wound will heal properly and can help soothe irritated skin.

If the children come home with injury or wound, just enough with cleansing properly with water and squirt a little honey into the affected area.

Honey can be smeared around 1 – 2 times per day until the wounds heal. Or if a wound is too deep just rub it gently then apply a bandage on it.

4.     Boost Energy

The boosted energy of children, there is no better than giving them spoonsful of honey. It’s not only taste is delicious and fantastic but also a source of rich glucose.

This compound is sourced from carbohydrates needed as fuel or energy to use the body to maintain the activity all day long more enthusiastically. 1 tablespoon of honey provides around 17-gram carbohydrates.

Honey also contains vitamins, minerals, calcium, magnesium, and amino acid in complete amounts to fulfill the requirement of nutrition daily for children.

Energy is really needed for children to be active in playing, moving, and running. One of the important here is that honey has a natural sweetness which is fructose.

It is a source of energy that can last long enough. Consuming honey for an active child is the best way. Choice honey with low index glycemic to support children’s overall health.

5.     Natural Multivitamin

Honey for children is not only good for medicine but also because of natural multivitamins which have essential for their growth. Honey is good to consume for women during pregnancy.

Find more about the benefits of honey to a pregnant woman here. As a source of nutrition and essential rich vitamin, a daily dose of honey can be easy to cover the requirement of multivitamins such as vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin B3, vitamin D, vitamin E, and vitamin K for bones, muscles, the body of children would have, and optimize the growth of the child.

Not only that, honey has another benefit which is absorbed by the body quickly just need time 1 hour after consumption. This is the underlying reason for a child’s body to get fit quickly and feel full after consuming honey more than other foods.

6.     Strengthen Immune System

Honey is known can stimulate the production of immune cells in the body to keep the immune system keep on healthy and strong. Anti-bacterial properties and antioxidants can help to fight against germs, and free radicals which result in various diseases and give strength to withstand any attack on immunity.

Although honey is considered for children, it can’t be given to children below 1 year. Before honey is introduced to children, remember always to keep these pointers.

  • Check honey allergy in children. Most kids can’t digest honey because of botulism which is a form of food poisoning. After finishing giving honey to them, pay attention to the sign of uncomfortable or stomach disorders on them.
  • If the child complains of stomach ache, directly contact the pediatrician.
  • In some cases, probably for children get pollen energy. Because of this condition left behind in honey, there might be a system of digestion sensitivity that can’t receive it easily.

To obtain the benefit of honey for the children’s health optimally, we have to give quality honey which isn’t much through the process of screening and adding other chemicals. Therefore, we can select raw honey because its nutrients are too high.

7.     Help The Growth and Build-up Memory

For growth and children’s development, they need adequate nutrients by consuming honey 1 to 2 tablespoons. Not only that, consuming honey routine every day can push regeneration cells in the brain.

And stimulate hormone production which has a responsibility in intelligence and also memory. As we know that memory is needed for children can exploring and study many new things around them.

8.     Healthy Liver

Honey is helpful to help increase the liver health of children. Honey in nature can help to prevent the risk of liver disease and throw various toxins because of given chemical drugs that have been already by parents.

Therefore, the benefit of honey for a 1-year child is enough essential for bile healthy consuming honey can maintain liver function resistance to the bile ducts and isn’t easily attacked during the process of digestion of food.

9.     Allergy Repellent

Moms, honey is helpful for children as an allergy repellent. Honey is present as a histamine antidote (source of cause of allergy) which can raise allergy reactions in the shape of itching, swelling of the face and eyes, shortness of breath, eczema, and hives.

According to some study that benefit of honey helps to heal allergies seasonal caused by its pollen. Parents can give honey gradually first and check the reaction in a little one’s allergic condition.

10. Medicine for Nausea, Vomiting, and Diarrhea

Children are especially prone to experience nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. Although that occurs condition commonly, the health problem can trigger the risk more seriously if it’s allowed to continue.

However, mom doesn’t need to worry because the benefit of honey for children can be used as a drug for nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. This is because honey contains anti-bacterial properties that can speed up the healing of a child’s diarrhea caused by gastroenteritis bacteria. Â