
5 Health Benefits of Avocado Fruit for Sick People

Avocado used as a drug because avocado, leaves, and seeds have chemical nutrients like saponin, alkaloids, flavonoids, tannin, polyphenols, quercetin, and sugar alcohol.

Avocados are classified as fruits that have high fat, not many people know that avocado majority consist of unsaturated fatty acids which have the function for reduce blood cholesterol.

Consumption of around ½ to 1 ½ pieces of avocado with a size of approximately 200 to 500 grams per day balancing a dietary low fat to reduce blood cholesterol.

We can consume it as breakfast and get the health benefits of avocado in the morning. Besides, avocados have other benefits such as :

1.     Gastric Ulcer

The avocado seed is one of the parts of avocado fruit that often trash it. Its seed can be used to treat gastric ulcers. This disease is uncomfortable things, pain and other things go with the inexplicable.

Basically, this is a common disorder caused by an imbalance between aggressive factors and defensive mechanisms in gastric mucosa. Some causative factors are oxidative stress, alcohol intake, helicobacter pylori infection, and chronic use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). Avocado seeds have high antioxidants.

It gives the effect to decrease lipid peroxidation, protein, and DNA damage. As a result, it assists in inflammation leading to gastric ulcers. There is a study that found that seeds have beneficial compounds anti-microbial such are anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, anti-hypertensive, and antioxidant.

Otherwise, an avocado seed is rich in polyphenols such as catechins, procyanidins, and other tannins, flavonols, triterpenes, lipids, and fatty acids. After investigating polyphenols and the effectiveness of gastroprotective, researchers conclude the use of avocado seed for ulcer treatment.

Based on research, show that avocado seeds have gastroprotective activity. Therefore, it can be used as a source compound in preventing or treating gastric mucosal injury caused by indomethacin.

Further investigation explains the effect caused by the synergistic action of polyphenols. A study recommended consuming 1.4 mg per pound around 3 mg per kg for adult human body weight.

Boil a cup of water and add this quantity to a teacup. Let it for some minutes for infusion and drink tea. Here is a recipe for avocado seed for the treatment of ulcer

  • Wash the avocado seed using boiled water
  • Grate the avocado seed
  • Mix 100cc of boiled water with the grated avocado seed earlier
  • Filter

For those people who have a gastric ulcer or stomach ulcers that are not severe, just regularly routinely drink avocado seed juice once per day. Meanwhile, for people who have severe heartburn, drink routine avocado seed juice 2 times a day.

Another natural medicine is tulsi, one of the species of basil leaves. Find more about unpredictable tulsi for stomach ulcers.

2.     Kidney Stones

Kidney stones are hard mineral coagulation forms in the kidney. They often cause extreme pain and are harmful if they block the flow of urine or break down into small dice which walk through the urinary tract and cause other health problems.

These are symptoms of kidney stones. The good news recent studies show that avocado leaves known as Persea americana mill can assist kidney function and kidney stones for the body.

Avocado leaves have been used for hundreds of years as a drug. Lately, scientists confirm its effectiveness in treating kidney stones. Avocado leaves are a source of rich minerals and vitamins like calcium, iron, and magnesium.

These nutrients help to prevent the formation of kidney stones by reducing the risk of dehydration can cause kidney stones. The presence of potassium can help to keep a level of healthy blood pressure by preventing an excess of sodium from being retained in the bloodstream.

Otherwise, avocado leaves have active natural ingredients saponins, and alkaloids. Both of these active substances help the body break kidney stones.

The research was conducted by IPB and published in the International Journal of Pharmaceutical Science and Research shows that avocado leaves have been proven as effective drugs for the treatment of kidney stones.

According to the research published in the Indonesian Journal of Pharmacology, avocado leaves contain anti-inflammation and analgesic properties.

These compounds used for the treatment of kidney stones caused inflammation and pain. Here is a recipe for avocado leaves for the treatment of kidney stones

  • Add 2 tablespoons to 1 liter of water
  • Bring to a boil and let it for 5 minutes
  • Cover the container and let it cool
  • Ready to consume avocado tea cold or hot, recommend 2 to 3 cups a day before dinner

3.     Diabetes

Avocados have a green color with vitamins, nutrients, and heart-healthy fats. While it’s high in fat, it’s a good kind of fat for people with type 2 diabetes. Otherwise, there are benefits of coconut oil for type 2 diabetes. There are benefits to avocados for type-2 diabetes because.

  • It won’t cause spikes in blood sugar

Avocados are low in carbohydrates means won’t give impact the level of blood sugar. A study published in Nutrition Journal evaluated the effect of adding ½ of avocado to standard lunch for healthy people and overweight. They found that avocados can’t have significant levels of blood sugar.

  • It’s a good source of fiber

One-half of small avocados contain 5,9 grams of carbohydrates and 4,6 grams of fiber. According to the National Academies, the intake minimum of fiber recommended for adults is women 50 years and younger is 25 gram, women over 50 years is 21 gram, men below 50 years is 38 gram, and men over 50 years is 30 gram.

A review of 2021 published in the Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine looked at the result of 15 studies involving fiber supplements (around 40 grams of fiber) for people with type-2 diabetes. They found that fiber supplements for type-2 diabetes can decrease fasting blood sugar levels and A1c levels.

  • Help Weight Loss and Improve Insulin Sensitivity

Losing a little weight loss can increase insulin sensitivity. The healthy fats found can help feel full for longer. When we feel full for longer after eating, tend not to go for snacks and consume extra calories.

The healthy fat called monosaturated fat can help the body effectively use more insulin. A study in 2007 was conducted on various of plans to reduce weight loss for people with decreased insulin sensitivity.

The researchers found that a weight-loss diet high in monosaturated fats improves insulin sensitivity with an unseen to high carbohydrate diet means restricted calories.

  • It’s loaded with healthy fats

There are several fats, generally categorized as healthy and unhealthy fats. Consuming excessive amounts of saturated fats, and any amount of trans fat, raise bad blood cholesterol (LDL) levels.

Trans fats can reduce the level of healthy blood cholesterol (HDL). Both of these blood cholesterol related to the risk of heart disease with or without diabetes.

The good fats, which are monosaturated and polyunsaturated fats, raise good cholesterol levels. It is to help clean bad cholesterol which decreases the risk of heart attack and stroke. Here is how to process avocado seed to help with diabetes.

  • Grate the avocado seed
  • Brew the avocado with a glass of hot water
  • Wait until it’s warm and the water changes color a bit
  • Consume every 1 to 2 times a day before eating

4.     Cavities Toothache

Avocados have high potassium levels to help lower the risk of cavities and toothache called tooth decay. Potassium is a mineral to function for strengthens and prevents bones from breaking down.

A lack of potassium can be the cause of tooth decay for some people. Cavities called tooth decay are holes as permanent damage in the part of the area on the hard surface of teeth.

It is caused by a combination of factors including bacteria in the mouth, snacking frequently, sipping sugary drinks, and don’t clean also brushing teeth well.

Cavities are a common health problem that occurs in children, teenagers, older adults, and even infants. If cavities aren’t treated, they will get larger and affects deeper layers due to cause severe toothache, infections, and tooth loss.

Visit the doctor regularly and brushing also flossing is a good way to protect teeth from cavities and tooth decay. Here is how to process avocado seed to treat cavities and tooth decay.

  • Dry the avocado seed and roasted them on the stove
  • Mash it until smooth as powder
  • Mix the powder with warm salt water
  • Gargling with that solution

5.     Improve Blood Pressure

Avocado provides monosaturated fats, alpha-linolenic acid (omega-3 fatty acid), vitamin B6, pantothenic acid, folic acid, magnesium, potassium, beta-sitosterols, and vitamin E.

All of those to add heart health. Otherwise, in rich antioxidants to reduce inflammation. Avocado seed can be consumed with remove the fine layer of brown skin and grating it or using a bean grinder into a powder.

Avocado seeds contain protein, fiber, calcium, magnesium, potassium, flavonoid, and phenols. Potassium is helpful for increasing the level of healthy blood pressure in balancing sodium.

Besides potassium, some natural medicine like the health benefits of ginger tea for blood pressure. The dietary guidelines recommend 4,7 grams of potassium every day.

The soluble fiber of avocado help to reduce the level of cholesterol by binding it and remove from circulation. For every 1 – 2 grams of fiber consumed daily can reduce 1%.

Healthy blood pressure and level of cholesterol, both of decreasing the risk to get heart disease while antioxidant properties and avocado seed attack inflammation to reduce the risk further. There is hot to serve avocado seed to help improve blood pressure.

  • Prepare 2 cups water and 1 avocado
  • Honey and cinnamon to taste, optional
  • In a medium pot, bring the water to a boil
  • Add the avocado seed and continue boiling for 5 minutes
  • Remove the seed carefully and slice it into smaller pieces
  • Continue boiling for another 10 minutes
  • Strain out to seed particles and serve
  • It can add honey or cinnamon to taste as like