
7 Benefits of Apple Blossom Tea for Health

Has anyone tried apple blossom tea? This tea is combined with roses, giving it a sweet taste and a fresh flavor.

Apple blossom tea is often called tea for women, as it helps improve the female organs. Making apple blossom tea is very easy, just brew fresh apples with warm black tea and some spices.

It is known that apples are very rich in nutrients and antioxidants, combined with tea makes it a very healthy drink, making the body better and healthier. The benefits of apple blossom tea are as follows:

1. Body Resistance

Not only apple famous with antioxidant but also mangosteen. Find here the health benefits of mangosteen tea for body system. As it is known that apples have antioxidant content. Antioxidants themselves function to protect cells from free radical damage.

Free radicals themselves are formed from metabolic processes in the body and can also come from cigarette smoke, air pollution, drugs to pesticides. The production of free radicals can be accelerated when oxygen with a high energy content in the body endangers the immune system.

These free radicals can increase the occurrence of premature aging and chronic and cardiovascular diseases. Regular consumption of the antioxidants found in apple blossom tea can boost the immune system, helping to fight the effects of free radicals that cause various diseases and infections.

2. Cures Constipation

In today’s era of globalization and technology, everything is made so easy that we sometimes forget to have a healthy diet and rarely exercise. This condition makes food and beverage intake not digested properly, causing digestive disorders, one of which is constipation.

When constipated, the sufferer feels an obstruction during bowel movements, abdominal pain and nausea, bloody bowel movements, dry, lumpy, hard feces and straining during bowel movements.

One way to overcome constipation is by consuming apple blossom tea, which has fiber content in it. Apple blossom tea can improve digestion and keep bowel movements healthy. Luckily for us who like to eat banana because we can get the benefits of banana for constipation too.

3. Bone Health

Bones have a very important role in life. With healthy bones, it helps us to walk, stand, and move to do various activities. If the bones become fat, it will be difficult to move and may not be able to move at all if the condition of the bones gets worse and this becomes a big problem in our lives.

This condition will cause obesity, osteoporosis and other diseases. In apple blossom tea, there are contents of magnesium, potassium, vitamin C, and sodium which are very good for bone health.

Magnesium is needed by the body to form new bone cells and maintain bone density. Potassium in the body serves to increase the absorption of calcium in the bones so as to prevent osteoporosis and bones are not easily cracked or broken.

While the benefits of vitamin C for bones are to produce collagen which is part of the bone structure and sodium itself helps to strengthen bones.

4. Prevent Diabetes

The accumulation of sugar levels in the blood to above the normal threshold due to an unhealthy lifestyle can cause diabetes. Symptoms of someone who has diabetes in general are frequent urination, frequent thirst, the desire to eat continuously, and weight loss for no apparent reason.

In addition to these symptoms, a person is said to have diabetes if the blood sugar level is > 200gr/dl.  Normal blood sugar levels are < 140mg/dl and prediabetes conditions in the range of 140 – 199mg/dl.

Many ways to prevent diabetes like getting the health benefits of aloe vera juice and consuming apple blossom tea. With the vitamins and minerals contained in apple blossom tea and needed by diabetics, it is highly recommended to drink apple blossom tea regularly to lower blood sugar levels.

5. Eye Health

The benefits of goat milk is good for eyes and healthy vision like apple blossom tea, there are vitamins that are very good for maintaining eye health and sharpening vision.

Some of them are; vitamin E which is very good for reducing the risk of developing cataracts, there is also vitamin A which can slow down nerve damage to the eye and prevent loss of vision.

Vitamin C, which is rich in antioxidants, protects the body against free radicals. And there is also zinc, which combines with various vitamins to protect the retina of the eye and reduce the risk of macular degeneration.

With this vitamin content, it is highly recommended to consume apple blossom tea to maintain eye health.

6. Maintaining Heart Health

Globally and nationally in Indonesia, heart disease is one of the number 1 causes of death. Whether we realize it or not, heart disease is caused by consumption of salt and bad fats, an unbalanced diet, smoking, being overweight and lack of physical activity, things that can actually be avoided.

Before developing heart disease, it will usually be characterized by symptoms that often occur such as heart palpitations, frequent fatigue and shortness of breath, bluish nails and lips, chest pain to the arm area and even swelling in the legs, thighs and ankles.

Apple blossom tea, which is rich in nutrients, can be consumed to help reduce bad cholesterol in the body and lower blood pressure. We can also getting the benefits of roasted peanuts for healthy heart.

7. Improves Female Organs

Intimate organs including the reproductive system are very important for women. Through these intimate organs, women can menstruate, conceive, give birth and even have relationships to fulfill biological needs.

So it is very important to take care of the female organs. Sometimes hormone changes, reduced estrogen levels, stress, improper use of contraceptives to sexuality problems can be a problem for female organs.

Several ways can be done to care for female intimate organs so that they are always healthy and clean such as cleaning the vagina properly, drying it with a towel, avoiding the use of scented pads, using the right underwear, avoiding the use of soap containing perfume.

No less important is the intake of food and drinks that enter the body for the health of female organs such as consuming nutrient-rich apple blossom tea regularly.