
20 Health Benefits of Tea without Milk and Sugar

It is true when we say people cannot wake up sober without a wake up drink. Some people grab coffee to help them steady. Some choose tea rather than coffee with the health benefits as the excuse.

Well, people and even you believe that tea is healthier than coffee as we believe the health benefits of tea such in Health Benefits of English Breakfast Tea. However, when we talk about the health benefit, they are basically almost the same.

Both coffee and tea are piled with caffeine, the main component which keeps you awake, ready, and steady. Both of them also contain calories, especially when we love to add some sugar and milk or creamer. Why people love sugar on our tea? the answer is because sugar can give a kick on our morning daze. And milk? Who would deny the creamy taste of sweet milk tea in the morning?

However, do you know that adding some sugar and milk to your tea may ruin the health benefits of tea? Therefore, you definitely need to know the health benefits of tea without milk and sugar.

Nutrition Fact of Tea without Milk and Sugar

Before we are going down to the health benefits of tea without milk and sugar, we need to make it clear that the tea we are talking about is the massively consumed black tea from Camellia Sinesis plant. The health benefits of tea without milk and sugar comes from the nutrition value in tea itself. Here are the nutrition value lies in each cup of brewed black tea:

Calorie 2.4

  • Total fat 0g
  • Cholesterol 0mg
  • Sodium 7mg
  • Total carbohydrate 0.7g
  • Protein 0g
  • Calcium 0mg
  • Potassium 87.7mg

Talking about calorie, drinking tea without milk and sugar doesn’t mean that it gives no calorie. However, the calorie in every cup of brewed tea can be eliminated with zero minute light exercise such running, walking, and swimming. It means that the calorie in a cup of tea without milk and sugar would not affect your health.

Health Benefits of Tea without Milk and Sugar

Talking about the health benefits of tea without milk and sugar doesn’t exactly mean that there are no Health Benefits of Milk Tea. However, having our tea light, plain and slightly bitter will give you the other health benefits such as:

  1. Lose weight

When we talk about losing weight, it is not merely about losing weight to get a nice body shape. Instead, it also includes losing weight for health reason. As we know, obesity may lead to many harmful diseases such heart attack, diabetes, and etc.

We also know that tea is effective in helping you to lose weight. But some of us only know about the Health Benefits of Lipton Diet Green Tea for Weight Loss. Nevertheless, when we talk about the ability of tea in losing weight, it is not restricted to the green tea.

We can also obtain the benefits from black tea when we consume it without milk and sugar in it. Of course, the effort should also be supported by enough exercise such as Health Benefits of Walking 60 Minutes A Day

  1. Maintain oral health

A research by Tea Trade Health Research Association suggests that drinking tea without milk and sugar is efficient in reducing plaque. It means that tea without milk and sugar is able to inhibit the growth of bacteria which promote the formation of cavities and decays.

  1. Promote healthy heart

A Meta analysis on consumption of black tea and green tea in 2009 showed that people who drink at least 3 or more cup of tea without milk and sugar had 21% less risk of stroke. It means that having your tea without milk and sugar will improve your heart health and effectively prevent cardiovascular diseases.

  1. Prevent cancer

Many research over years concluded that antioxidant from tea is effective in preventing cancer. A research from cancer institute of USA showed that patients who drank more than two cups unsweetened black tea without milk in a day have 30% lower risk of growing ovarian cancer. 

  1. Prevent osteoporosis

As we’re aging, our bones may lose its density. However, many scientists concluded that drinking black tea without milk and sugar is able to restore bone density and prevent osteoporosis. It is possible since tea contains some components which are able to substitute calcium.

As we know, calcium is the main supporter of strong bones. From the research, the scientists suggest people especially those over 30 to regularly include black tea without sugar and milk into the diet so that people is able to prevent osteoporosis.

  1. Reduce diabetes risk

One of the potential factors of diabetes is the abnormal metabolism. It is when the sugar cannot be properly converted into energy and makes such a blood sugar fluctuation. In this case, tea without milk and sugar is able to treat metabolism disorder in early stage.

Scientist concluded that drinking tea without milk and sugar is able to help the metabolism system and further lower the risk of diabetes as tea contains catechins and theaflavins which improve body sensitivity toward insulin.

  1. Improve immunity

Drinking tea without milk and sugar is also known to be able in improving body’s immune system. The health benefits of tea without milk and sugar in improving immune system is contributed by the ability of the tea to act as anti-inflammatory which helps restore normal cell and body function.

  1. Reduce Parkinson’s risk

Parkinson’s is one of the diseases which attack the nervous system. The most acknowledged symptom of Parkinson’s is the shivering hand. The disease comes as the impact of stress, unhealthy lifestyles, and genes. A certain research at national university of Singapore showed that caffeine in black tea is effective in preventing Parkinson’s disease. Otherwise, we can also take benefits of caffeine to prevent Parkinson’s diseases from Benefits of Gayo Aceh Coffee.

  1. Treat diarrhea

It’s been acknowledged that tea is incredible in improving the good bacteria in the gut. This way, tea, especially black tea without milk and sugar is able to treat diarrhea efficiently. It is possible since the polyphenol in tea is actively inhibiting the growth of harmful bacteria. As we know, diarrhea is caused by harmful bacteria within the gut.

  1. Lower cholesterol

As we know, bad cholesterol or LDL is harmful for health. However, some of us were unaware that our lifestyle and diet actually lead the LDL increase. That habit may also lead to the heart diseases, as cholesterol is still be the most potential culprit of heart disease.

But do you know that drinking tea without milk and sugar is able to significantly decrease the bad cholesterol level? Well, the question had been answered by some Japanese scientists through research which proved that Chinese black tea or the tea from Camellia Sinesis plant has anti cholesterol effect for human. Therefore, it is suggested to drink black tea, especially the tea without milk and sugar in case of reducing cholesterol level.

  1. Relieve asthma

Relieving asthma is one among the health benefits of tea without milk and sugar in performing as anti inflammation property. Asthma is a condition due to the swollen and inflamed bronchial tubes. The swelling and inflammation makes inhaling and exhaling difficult. In this case, drinking black tea without milk and sugar is able to reduce the symptom of asthma as the high level of caffeine which eases the work of lungs.

The other health benefits of tea without milk and sugar are:

  1. Maintain digestive track health
  2. Relaxing
  3. Energizing
  4. Reduce blood pressure
  5. Eliminate free radicals
  6. Prevent Alzheimer
  7. Improve brain function
  8. Boost mood

Recommendation in Consuming Tea without Milk and Sugar

It is clear that calories in sugar and fat in milk could ruin the essential health benefits of tea without milk and sugar. Therefore, it is better for you to learn how to appreciate the unsweetened tea. People in Asia might do it better as they are accustomed to have the slightly sweet tea without any milk. But people in west, they have a habit to drink their tea bitter, sweet, and creamy with milk for breakfast.

Therefore, drinking tea without milk and sugar will somehow leave a hollow space on your tongue and stomach. And to make you accustomed with unsweetened tea without milk, you don’t have to go directly all black and bitter tea. You may start with light unsweetened tea. Apply a sort of smooth transition to the bitterness. This way, you’ll find the bitterness in black tea would be acceptable.

Or else, you may drink your sweet tea without milk and gradually use fewer sweeteners every time you make the new one until you barely use sweetener. Drink at least two cups a day and in the end, you’ll be able to obtain the health benefits of tea without milk and sugar.