
7 Unbelievable Health Benefits of China Green Tea Special Gunpowder

Have you ever heard of China green tea special gunpowder? Do you know that this kind of tea has a lot of benefits for health? China green tea special gunpowder is famous for its powerful benefits for health. It can beneficial for soothing chronic diseases, soothing arthritis and stimulating metabolism.

China green tea special gunpowder is a type of green tea obtained from Camellia sinensis plant that is prepared uniquely so that it has a lot of benefits. There is a process of rolling the leaves tightly into small pellets. This preparation process enables the leaves to get more nutrients, including the higher caffeine level than other types of green tea.

Green tea has powerful benefits, read Benefits of Green Tea to know more about the good impacts it has to your body.

6 unbelievable health benefits of China green tea special gunpowder

As it has been used in traditional medicine, there must be unbelievable health benefits of China green tea special gunpowder. Its powerful antioxidants and some beneficial compounds make it becoming the best medicine.

China green tea special gunpowder must be consumed when you suffer from obesity, fatigue, indigestion, flu, cold, heart disease and high cholesterol. Check the following out to get to know more.

  1. Improving digestion

Any variety of green tea has catechins that have powerful effects on curing inflammation, both in your gut and other body parts. If you are having Crohn’s diseases, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), bloating and stomach cramps, a cup of China green tea special gunpowder will cure your problem!

  1. Preventing chronic disease

China green tea special gunpowder is rich in antioxidants. Its antioxidants are very good for natural health world. Active compounds in China green tea special gunpowder will help to deactivate free radicals and decrease oxidative stress. As a result, it may prevent chronic diseases, such as heart disease, rheumatoid arthritis and cognitive diseases.

  1. Boosting energy

Caffeine in China green tea special gunpowder is an excellent energy booster. If you avoid the acid in coffee, but still needs caffeine, you may consume this type of tea. The content of caffeine in China green tea special gunpowder is higher than normal, but not as high as coffee.

Benefits of Indian Masala Tea will give you an idea of boosting your energy. Indian masala tea is worth to try!

  1. Managing blood sugar

Some research found that catechins and alkaloids in China green tea special gunpowder are good for managing blood sugar level in the body. If you are suffering from diabetes, this tea is excellent for you.

  1. Boosting immune system

China green tea special gunpowder is very beneficial for fighting off influenza and colds. It may be very useful during flu season. Some research found that people who took regular green tea special gunpowder will be able to have stronger immune system to fight off flu and cold.

  1. Weight loss

China green tea special gunpowder is able to speed up the metabolism process in your body. With its caffeine, theanine and catechins, China green tea special gunpowder is able to burn the fat in the body and support the muscle formation. As a result, the process of losing weight will be more effective and quickly.

  1. Preventing cancer

China green tea special gunpowder is able to fight off free radicals that inhibit the growth of the cells of cancer. By having flavonoids, catechins and minerals are effective in making your metabolism stronger and it is able to fight cancer.

Cancer is a very dangerous disease, but don’t worry it can be prevented by consuming apricot seed. The list is elaborated in Benefits of Apricot Seed.

China green tea special gunpowder side effects

There are some side effects caused by drinking China green tea special gunpowder in a high amount. China green tea special gunpowder should be consumed in a moderate amount. Some effects are anxiety disorder, gastrointestinal troubles, kidney stones and even insomnia.

  • Anxiety disorder – higher amount of caffeine in China green tea special gunpowder might have more stimulant effect on the body. If you are sensitive to stimulant, don’t consume too much China green tea special gunpowder. 2 cups of this type of tea are enough to be consumed each day.
  • Insomnia – caffeine in most of beverages has an impact of preventing you from falling asleep. China green tea special gunpowder also has this impact. If you are suffering from insomnia or difficulty to sleep, avoid drinking this tea during the day or in the evening.
  • Stomach problems – again, presence of caffeine might cause indigestion or discomfort, especially when you consume it while you have an empty stomach. So, if you want to drink this type of tea, make sure you have eaten your food first.
  • Kidney stones – too much consumption of China green tea special gunpowder might develop the possibility of getting kidney stones. Limit your intake of this tea to avoid this risk.

You don’t to be worried to consume China green tea special gunpowder as long as you consume it in a moderate amount. Try China green tea special gunpowder and you will get the 7 unbelievable health benefits of China green tea special gunpowder. Have a cup of tea!

If you are a tea addict, have a try on ginger tea and Fujian oolong tea. Benefits of Ginger Tea and Benefits of Fujian Oolong Tea will give a lot of information you need about types of traditional tea and their amazing benefits.