
Benefits of Red Wine Soaked with Purple Onion – Cholesterol Treatment

The wine has been one of the most favorite beverage in the world. It is said that red wine is the great drink for everyone. What is even greater than red wine has good benefits for the body. For the example, it promotes the heart health. In this article, we will talk about the processed beverages which are red wine soaked with purple onion. Hence, if you are curious about what this beverage can give to you, then check the health benefits of red wine soaked with purple onion below.

1. Have Antioxidant

The first one will go the health benefits of red wine soaked with purple onion to provide antioxidant. It is due to the research of Phytotherapy Research shown that the intake of wine (resveratrol) or onions (quercetin, alkyl sulfoxides, and di-propyl trisulfide) effectively increases the antioxidant capacity. As a result, the antioxidant in this beverage can help to prevent free radicals damage. Not only for that, the presence of antioxidant will also prevent inflammation and certain diseases such as cancer. You can also check on Scientific Facts of Health Benefits of Red Wine vs Grape Juice

2. Have Anti-Inflammatory Properties

It is known that red wine soaked with purple onions have anti-inflammatory properties in it. It comes from onion which has anti-inflammatory effects to prevent certain health problems. In this case, onion has the ability to prevent histamine which causes allergic asthma symptoms of chemical substances. Also, it is linked with the study of Phytotherapy Research shown red wine extract of onion was well influenced by hypocholesterolemic, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory. Thus, for those who want to prevent inflammation including asthma, then having red wine soaked with purple onion as a drink is something that should be taken into account.

3. Treats Diabetes

The presence of purple onion in this beverage will help to treat diabetes. It is shown that onion has antidiabetic compounds to stimulate the role of insulin synthesis and release. Then, if you suffer from diabetes, it is recommended to eat onions or having a glass of red wine soaked with purple onion for sure.  You can also check on Health Benefits of Jamun Seed Powder – Diabetes Mellitus Treatment

4. Promotes Healthy Cholesterol

As the consequence, the next health benefit of red wine soaked with purple onion is to prevent cholesterol. It is based on the professor of cardiology at Harvard Medical School said that consuming half raw onion a day, or drink the same amount of onion juice, the average can increase heart disease by about 30% of the HDL levels (HDL high-density lipoprotein cholesterol. Great, isn’t it?  You can also check on Health Benefits of Octopus for Cholesterol

5. Promotes Heart Health

The next health benefit of red wine soaked with purple onion is to promote heart health. In this case, red wine has a role in promoting this benefit. It is based on Phytotherapy Research indicated that while both the red wine extract of onion and red wine improved antioxidant activity, only the red wine extract of onion decreased total and LDL cholesterol levels after ten weeks. Not only for that, the consumption of red wine and onion also promote the increase in fecal excretion of cholesterol and bile acids, thereby, decreasing total cholesterol levels. Indeed, this benefit will lead to the healthy heart. Thus, as you know that this beverage is great for you, then you can give this one a try for sure.

6. Promotes Blood Sugar Level

Another health benefit of red wine soaked with purple onion is to promote blood sugar level. It is known that the red wine has the antidiabetic compound which is called as resveratrol. Based on research published in the journal Nutrition found that participants who took a 250 mg resveratrol supplement once a day for three months had lower blood glucose levels than those who didn’t take the pill. In this case, resveratrol in red wine may help to stimulate insulin secretion and regulate glucose to help diabetics.

7. Promotes Bone Health

It turns out that drinking red wine soaked with purple onion can give you the booster for bones health. It is due to the presence of onion in it. Based on research shown that male rats ate a gram of dry onion per day, for four weeks, get the average increase in bone 13.5-18%. Indeed, it has shown that onion contributes to preventing bone loss problems. Thus, if you want to promote bones health, consuming dairy products with this kind of beverage will help you a lot.

8. Promotes Brain Health

Red wine soaked with purple onion will also help to promote brain health. This is due to the presence of resveratrol in it. It is also linked to the research conducted by the scientist at New York’s Litwin-Zucker Research Center for the Study of Alzheimer’s Disease and Memory Disorders said that Resveratrol may also be the key to keeping your memory sharp. Moreover, it is also known that this compound can help to hamper the formation of beta-amyloid protein, a key ingredient in the plaque found in the brains of people with Alzheimer’s. Excellent, isn’t it?  You can also check on Health Benefits of Homemade Meatloaf for Body and Brain

9. Prevents Obesity

Consequently, red wine soaked with purple onion is also beneficial to prevent obesity. It is due to the study conducted by Purdue University found that red wine may help to fight obesity. It is also linked to the presence of a compound in grapes called piceatannol. As the consequence, this compound has an ability to blocks an immature fat cell’s ability to develop and grow. Then, by the presence of this one, it will help to fight obesity and fat cell accumulation. Hence, if you are on diet, having this beverage may help you.

10. Prevents Depression

One of the great health benefits of red wine soaked with purple onion is its ability to prevent depression. It is based on a study shown that middle-aged and elderly people showed that those who drank 2–7 glasses of wine per week were less likely to become depressed. Thus, you can count on this beverage to prevent stress and depression risk as well.  You can also check on Benefits of Swimming in Cold Ocean Water for Depression

Also, here are other benefits of red wine soaked with purple onion:

11. Treats Constipation

12. Treats Hypertension

13. Treats Insomnia

14. Treats Albinuria

15. Boosts Energy

16. Boosts Circulation

17. Prevents Cancer

18. Promotes Healthy Vision

To conclude, you can have red wine soaked with purple onion as your drinking option. However, you should take it in moderation. Despite the healthy properties in red wine, the alcohol itself is actually a neurotoxin. The excess consumption of wine may lead to tax your liver and danger other body organs. Then, it is such a wise way to drink small amounts of wine now and then. Hence, you will get the best health benefits of red wine soaked with purple onion for sure.