Processed Beverages

23 Health Benefits of Water and Apple Cider Vinegar

Most of you may think that apple cider vinegar only go with salad. Well, it makes a good salad

dressing. However, it actually has the other benefits as it is combining with water. Well, you can make a solution of it, and it can do many things for your health. Of course you can drink it directly if you aid to health benefit.

The pure apple cider vinegar may burn your esophagus. Therefore, you need to mix at least a tablespoon with 8 ounces of water. If you don’t like the taste, you can add some sweetener to ease the taste. This way, you’ll have the health benefits of water and apple cider vinegar.

Health Benefits of Water and Apple Cider Vinegar

The health benefits of water and apple cider vinegar comes from the acidity. Apple cider vinegar contains significant amount of acetic acid and citric acid. Simply, apple cider vinegar is just like a fermented apple juice. So, it may also contains vitamin B1, B2, B6, biotin, folic acid, niacin, pantothenic acid, vitamin C.

Based on the value, we can have the health benefits of water and apple cider vinegar as listed below:

  1. Regulate blood sugar

A research by Nutrition Department of Arizona State University showed that drinking water with apple cider vinegar is able to reduce the blood sugar level. The best time to drink the apple cider vinegar water is between the meal time and in the night before bed.

  1. Lower blood pressure

Apple cider vinegar is known to contain potassium and magnesium. Those minerals are good for blood pressure, as potassium aid to balance sodium which increases the blood pressure. The other reason is that magnesium is effective in relaxing the blood vessel and result the lower blood pressure.

  1. Improves heart health

As the ability to reduce the blood pressure, it is also able to maintain the heart health.  Apple cider vinegar is able to keep the good cholesterol, keep the low triglycerides, and further keep you out of the heart diseases as reported by Medscape General Medicine.

  1. Good for detoxification

One of the health benefits of water and apple cider vinegar is the ability to help detoxification. It helps in flushing the toxins from liver and also breakdowns the mucus in the lymph. Further, it contributes to the process of immunity improvement.

  1. Eliminate Candida

Candida is the intestinal fungus which helps the process of digestion. However, sometimes it is overgrowth and creates some problems. The problems caused by overgrowth Candida are headache, fatigue, weakness, sugar craving, and even yeast infection. In this case, water and apple cider vinegar aids the growth of healthy bacteria which is able to eliminate the Candida overgrowth.

  1. Relieve digestive disorder

Water and apple cider vinegar is powerful for digestive disorder. It is able to quickly breakdown the food within the stomach. Therefore, it will avoid you from digestive problems such as bloating, indigestion, and even heartburn. In case of heartburn, it is happen when the acidity in stomach is very low. Therefore, the apple cider vinegar is able to level up the acidity and fix everything.

  1. Lose weight

People have been using apple cider vinegar for years as the health benefits of water and apple cider vinegar to lose weight. Apple cider vinegar is known to have the powerful ability in trimming your belly fat. You can have it with cinnamon and honey to get the Benefits of Honey and Cinnamon for Weight Loss.

  1. Prevent osteoporosis

Water and apple cider vinegar is surprisingly able to prevent osteoporosis in aged women. It is possible since the apple cider vinegar attribute to the calcium absorbent within the bone. As we know, the main cause of osteoporosis is the calcium deficienci which makes the bone becomes weak and fragile.

  1. Slow aging

Apple cider vinegar also contains antioxidant. As we know, antioxidant is the powerful remedy for aging. It helps slower the sign of aging such as wrinkles, sagging skin, and grey hair.

  1. Encourage hair growth

The health benefits of water and apple cider vinegar is not only powerful for the internal organs and the body health. It is also powerful for some other parts of body such hair. As we know, you can have Benefits of Apple for Hair. The benefits, is also included when it comes in apple cider vinegar. Apple cider vinegar can be used as alternative shampoo. It is able to remove the excess of oil and mineral deposits. It is also able to improve the blood circulation in the scalp and aids to the healthy hair growth.

  1. Aid to shiny hair

Rinse your hair with water and apple cider vinegar is effective to give the healthy natural shine to your hair. It will also retreat your dull hair and remove tangles from your hair. Further it will also prevent the breakage and the split end. You can also add baking soda to get the Benefits of Washing Hair with Baking Soda and Apple Cider Vinegar.

  1. Skin remedy

You might sometime suffer from itchiness because of the sunburn and bug bite. In this case, apple cider vinegar is very helpful. It is because the combination between water and apple cider vinegar is able to promote healing, relieve the pain and itching, and also remove the redness. You can simply pour apple cider vinegar into a cup of water, dip a washcloth into it, and apply it on your skin.

  1. Anti acne

Apple cider vinegar is also powerful when it comes to the skin treatment. The combination between water and apple cider vinegar can be used as natural toner which cool down and cleanse your skin effectively. It will remove the excess of sebum and oil which can be the main cause of acne.

  1. Relieve cold

The high vitamin C in apple cider vinegar is able to relieve the symptom of cough effectively. Especially when it is taken with hot water and some cinnamon.

  1. Natural deodorant

Applying the solution of water and apple cider vinegar under your armpit will effectively remove the body odor as the apple cider vinegar is the powerful antibacterial property. As we know, bacteria are the main culprit of the bad smell of your body.

The other health benefits of water and apple cider vinegar is listed as follows:

  1. Fight free radical
  2. Lower cholesterol
  3. Skin whitening
  4. Get rid of wart
  5. Whiten teeth
  6. Promoting pH balance
  7. Boost immunity
  8. Adding good bacteria for the gut

Recommendation to Use Water and Apple Cider Vinegar

Besides the miraculous health benefits, people may be taken aback by the taste and smell of apple cider vinegar, even in its solution with water. Therefore, there are things you can do to ease the smell and taste when you drink the water and apple cider vinegar.

  1. You can add honey to the solution. Combine two cups of water with two or three teaspoon of apple cider vinegar. And for the honey, you can add a tablespoon of raw honey.
  2. You can also mix the water and apple cider vinegar with juice. For example, you can mix some teaspoon of apple cider vinegar with a glass of unsweetened grape juice. Believe me, you will enjoy draining it out. It is because grape juice can give you the Health Benefits of Unsweetened Grapefruit Juice as the addition to the health benefits of water and apple cider vinegar.
  3. Ever imagine enjoying a cup of warm apple cider vinegar? No, that’s won’t be horrible if you add some cinnamon and honey into the cup. You’ll have such a tasty and aromatic tea with a blasting health benefits.

Many people drink it three times a day to get the health benefits of water and apple cider vinegar. Not only to get Health Benefits of Drinking Apple Cider Vinegar in the Morning, you can also get the benfits when taking it in mid morning and another one in mid afternoon. You can drink the apple cider vinegar regularly for a certain set of time.