
Health Benefits of Cream of Tartar and Orange Juice – Healthy Mixed Drink

Cream of Tartar and orange juice are such a good combination food you should ever try at least once in a life or even everyday. For you who are often to make a cake, cream of tartar is one of the elementary ingredients in order to soften the cake.

Moreover, Potassium Bitartrate or cream of tartar is generally used to stabilize the egg whites. Besides kitchen materials and a good combination of food, there are many benefits if you are using cream of tartar mixed with orange juice, especially to maintain our health. Find out more about the health benefits of cream of tartar and orange juice on this page and you will find the reason why you should include cream of tartar and orange juice into your favorite healthy food list.

Nutritional Information of Cream of Tartar and Orange Juice

Some of you might don’t know about the good combination between cream of tartar and orange juice. So, here are what you get in a cream of tartar and orange juice mixture:

  • Calories 23.2
  • Total Fat 0.5g
  • Sodium 4.7mg
  • Potassium 1485mg
  • Carbohydrates 31.3g
  • Water 0.2g
  • Sodium 2mg
  • Potassium 496mg
  • Sugars 20.8g
  • Protein 1.7g
  • Vitamin C 165%
  • Iron 3%

As you can see on the nutritional information above, the combination between cream of tartar and orange juice contains high sugar and vitamin C. The vitamin C has been popular to maintain our health condition. However, the sugar is known as the cause of diabetes mellitus. Don’t worry, as long as it is consumed in normal quantities, it has no impact on health. Hence, you will get some good benefits of cream of tartar and orange juice for your health.

The Health Benefits of Cream of Tartar and Orange Juice

The natural remedies nowadays become a trend in people society. It is reasonable because of the high risk of chemical remedies. Indeed, it will cure our health problem, but the side effects are like a time bomb. We never know what is happen next.

Therefore, the natural remedies from the cream of tartar and orange juice are one of the options from a million ways to cure the disease or maintain our health. Here are some of the health benefits after you consuming cream of tartar and orange juice. Let’s check it out.

  1. Improve Lung Health

There are many health benefits of cream of tartar and orange juice. For some of you who are having a smoke addition, cream of tartar plays an important role to quit smoking. It pulls the nicotine out from your body and practically caused you to dislike the taste of cigarettes. The process of detoxification of harmful compounds for lungs inside the cigarette is only in a matter of hours, making the cream of tartar as the most low-cost alternative way to clean up the lungs.

You only mix half a teaspoon of cream of tartar with an orange juice together in a medium cup together. This is the most effective combination of food to stop your smoking habit. However, you must be used the mixture of cream of tartar and orange juice daily for a period of 7-21 days until the nicotine compound is flushed from your body.

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  1. Vanish Your Acne

Good news for acne suffers! The combination of cream of tartar and orange juice can help you clear the acne spots in your body. The acid compounds inside them fight the acne-causing bacteria and make your skin beautifully charming. How to do it? It is really simple and once again this method never drains your money.

You don’t have to dab the cream of tartar directly on your face, because it will work inside out. Only combine one teaspoon, then enter it inside a glass of orange juice and drink this mixture daily. Feel the difference of this mixture instead of the promoted acne-clear cream products!

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  1. Natural Detoxification

There are many ways to bring out all of the toxic insides of your body. Consuming a plenty of green vegetables, green tea, and avocado are the example. However, have you ever heard the mixture of cream of tartar and orange juice can do the detoxification? Only drink the mixture of cream of tartar and orange juice before going to bed, your body will detoxify more efficient.

You may also read about: Health Benefits of Orange Juice and Cream Tartar

Cautions in Consuming Cream of Tartar and Orange Juice

Aside from the good impacts for your health as mentioned above, actually there some points you should aware in consuming the mixture of cream of tartar and orange juice.

  • The high content of potassium bitartrate has the important role to control your heartbeat, so in high value can impact your heart to beat too fast or even stop. The people with kidney problem is not recommended to use cream of tartar, they are required to do potassium diet
  • Consuming orange juice will not make you full because it doesn’t contain any fiber. The glucose drop that takes after drinking of a lot of orange juice can influence you to desire more carbohydrates and make you need more meal, which can bring about weight pick up. Besides, the high sugar content of the orange juice (20.8 g) also will increase your blood sugar level.

Some effects above will only happen if you consume them too much and you are in unhealthy condition. The benefits of them are more important to your body and people surround you who need the positive impacts of cream of tartar and orange juice. Don’t forget to keep healthy and be happy good people!