
4 Health Benefits of Cinnamon on Face #1 Top Beauty Treatment

Who says that beauty treatment must use the expensive way? By utilizing the ingredient in our kitchen, we can make the herbs which are very beneficial for beautifying and brightening the face so that we are able to maintain our beauty.

Some kitchen ingredients which are already believed to be useful for skin since long time ago, among others baking soda, tea, tomato, and etc. Besides the ingredients that have been mentioned before, there is one ingredient which also can be made by ourselves at home to treat our skin, especially facial skin. It is cinnamon, one of the Indonesian herbs health benefits.

For the housewives or any women should know cinnamon because cinnamon is one of the spices which has the special aroma and taste so that it is commonly used as the flavor enhancer for many kinds of food. Not only to give the delicious taste of the cuisine but also the benefits of cinnamon are able to support our healthy so it is really recommended to be consumed. Then, I’m pretty sure you also will not miss the health benefits drinking cinnamon water.

Besides we can use cinnamon in sticks form, we also able to utilize it in powder or other many forms. Those all forms of cinnamon are good to improve body health and overcome many kinds of diseases. Moreover, cinnamon also is good for skin health and beauty treatment, especially on facial skin treatment.

But before we step further into the benefits contained in cinnamon,  we should know the nutritional value of cinnamon first because health benefits of Indonesian cinnamon cannot be separated from its many nutrients as follows:

  • Calories 261 kcal
  • Fat 3.19 g
    Saturated Fat 0.65 g
    Double Saturated Fat 0.53 g
    Unsaturated Single Fat 0.48 g
    Cholesterol 0 mg
  • Protein 3.89 g
  • Carbohydrates 79.85
  • Fibers 54.3 g
  •  Sugar 2.17 g
  • Sodium 26 mg
  • Potassium 500 mg

So, what’s the health benefits of cinnamon on face? Let’s check it out as follows:

1. Lifting the dead skin cells

The body cells including skin cells always generate at the certain period. So, there must be a time the cells of our skin will die and be replaced with the new cells. But, sometimes the dead skin cells on the face cannot be removed totally so they will pile up and cover the pores of our face.

As the result, our face will be dull and susceptible to acne. In order to overcome this problem, you can utilize the cinnamon as the facial scrub. The cinnamon is able to cleanse our skin face and lift the dead skin cells. Besides that, the cinnamon is also able to overcome the oily skin and remove all the dirt onto our face clearly.

Here are the steps of how to make it:

  • Prepare 1 teaspoon of cinnamon powder.
  • Take Half glass of salt.
  • 1 spoon of tea.
  • Almond oil sufficiently.
  • Combine all the ingredients evenly.
  • Rub smoothly on your face as the facial scrub.
  • Then, wash your face with a clean water. 

2. Brighten the skin

Sunlight burn, pollution, dust, and any other factors which can make our face become darker than its original color. It is absolutely able to ruin our beauty. No wonder if many women always try to find out some ways of brightening their skin. If one of those women is you, then you should not need to worry anymore because I can give you a tip in brightening the skin. What is it? Yeah, it must be the cinnamon.

How to make it is also very simple. You only need to prepare:

  • Prepare yogurt. Moreover, health benefits of yogurt and cinnamon are already verified to moisturize face.
  • Take banana juice and lemon juice.
  • Then, after all the ingredients are ready, mix all the ingredients evenly.
  • After that, apply onto your face as a masker.
  • Wait till the masker is dry then wash it until clean. You may also use warm water.

3. Disguise the wrinkles and fine line on the face

One of health benefits of cinnamon on face is to disguise the wrinkles and the fine line. As known that, aging and other many factors can cause the appearing of wrinkles and fine line on the face. The cinnamon may be utilized in disguising the wrinkles and fine line so that you will look younger and stay young for a longer time.

As for how to use the herb of cinnamon as beauty treatment is to mix the cinnamon with Zaitun oil then apply onto your face regularly. For anti-aging, you can also try to get the health benefits of coffee and cinnamon

4. Remove the acne scar

Acne or a pimple is one of the skin problems that commonly happen not only with women but also men. Most the of people probably have experienced having acne on their face. Acne is very disturbing because it will leave the scar that ruins our appearance.

Besides that, having acne also can make us feel unconfident. If you are the one who faces this problem, instead of popping out your acne which is not recommended, you may treat your acne with the cinnamon. You only need to prepare 1 teaspoon the cinnamon powder which is mixed with three spoons honey. Then, apply onto the part of the face which has acne. Besides cinnamon, you also can try the health benefits of turmeric powder for pimples.

That’s all health benefits of the cinnamon on face that you may try when you want to get an economical and practical beauty treatment. But, you have to remember when you use the cinnamon as the facial treatment, you better use it in a proper way.

Because even if it is a natural ingredient, it cannot be guaranteed that it has no side effects for your skin. So, consider the dose that you take and also your skin type whether you have an allergy or not with cinnamon before you decide to use it.  By the right and regular treatment, then you must be able to maintain your beauty. Good luck!