Vitamin D

15 Vitamin D Deficiency Health Risks : Symptoms, Causes, & Treatment

Every morning, basking under the sun directly provide many benefits. Besides warm the body, the beautiful sunshine in the morning also contains a lot of energy. For plants, sunlight is needed in the process of photosynthesis. As for our bodies, the sun is a source of vitamin D. Sunlight also effectively kills micro-bacteria.

Vitamin D or cholecalciferol is a fat-soluble vitamin. It is important for the process of mineral metabolism in the body that helps maintain calcium levels in the blood by increasing the absorption of food and reduce the loss of calcium. Can you imagine the consequences of vitamin D deficiency? The bones in the body will become weak, because of decreased levels of calcium in the bones.

Function of Vitamin D

The special characteristic of Vitamin D compared the other vitamins is how to obtain vitamin D. If vitamins are predominantly derived from the intake of food or drinks, vitamin D naturally get by the body when the skin is exposed to sunlight. Vitamin D has four functions for our body. Here are:

  1. That all parts of the muscles in the vital organs, such as lungs muscle, heart, brain, able to fight the infection, due to the vitamin D.
  2. That Vitamin D can help the absorption of magnesium and calcium to be circulated to all parts of the body that need.
  3. That the biggest role of vitamin D lies in its ability to determine the rate of growth of bones and teeth.
  4. That Vitamin D is able to keep the needs of calcium and phosphorus levels in the blood.

Danger Vitamin D Deficiency and Overdose

Fulfillment of vitamin D for balancing our body. Many vital organs whose performance is affected by vitamin D. So we have the understand how many our requirement of vitamin D daily, because vitamin D deficiency and overdose have effects for our body, such as the dangers to our bodies.

Some of the dangers that could happen if we were at vitamin D deficiency condition is:

1. Lower Heart Function

Heart muscles that performance is supported by the presence of vitamin D would have to weaken if we are deficient in vitamin D. The flow of blood in the body into abnormal typically also result in hypertension.

The results also reveal that vitamin D deficiency can increase coronary artery disease about 32 percent. It also said that vitamin D deficiency increases the risk of heart disease. Conversely, if the intake of vitamin D sufficient, then the immune system can increase and decrease the risk of heart disease,

2 Osteoporosis

The function of vitamin D that lies in its ability to maintain strong bones and teeth. If someone is in vitamin D deficiency will make the bones become increasingly weak until the risk of loss and premature damage to the bone.

As the publication presented by Dr. Michael F. Holick of the University Medical Center reveals that the body lacks exposed to sunlight, bones and muscles will be in pain. Vitamin D is helpful and important for our bodies to absorb calcium into the bones. Less exposure to sunlight can lead to the risk of osteoporosis.

3. Feeling Tired Easily And Muscle Pain

Muscle is a component in body that role to help the body to perform daily activities.

Vitamin D is needed by the muscles in the body, especially the muscles in the organs that help us perform daily activities. But when the body is in vitamin D deficiency, it makes someone suffers fatigue and muscle pain while doing something. The ability of muscle decreases causes of vitamin D deficiency.

4. Rheumatoid Arthritis

People with vitamin D deficiency prone to suffer arthritis. This was confirmed by a study published in the Journal of Arthritis Care & Research that found that decreasing levels of vitamin D in the blood cause the inflammatory response. This makes the hinges of the body becomes more vulnerable to illness and increases the risk of arthritis.

This disease occurs due to the lack of vitamin D and calcium that occur at childhood. It started from infancy, where the baby is not exposed to direct sunlight.

At the breastfeeding case, if the mother does not have an enough amount of vitamin D, the baby has also exposed the effect. This can be overcome with a formula that contains a lot of vitamin D. Being a mother, could consume vitamin D supplements or eating foods that contain vitamin D.

5. Easy Drowsiness

Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine showed that a person with vitamin D deficiency will easily feel sleepy when the day activities than a person who fulfilled by vitamin D. It also deals with the condition of the muscles in the body is weak.

6. Diabetes

Diabetes related with blood sugar levels. High blood sugar levels can be possible because you are deficient in vitamin D.

The rise hemoglobin A1c types in the body means increased blood sugar levels and a higher risk of esophageal diabetes. Vitamin D supplements can overcome this condition. Vitamin D can improve the hormone insulin and make it more sensitive to glucose so that the blood sugar levels can be controlled.

Although the direct relationship between diabetes by Vitamin D is not easy to prove, but if someone had vitamin D levels over 30 ng / ml, he had less high sugar content and bad cholesterol. Try to make sure, if your blood sugar levels are also associated with low Vitamin D in your body.

7. Depression

The Clinical Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism, shown that a person deficient in vitamin D intake will often experience sadness and depression. If you always feel sad and depressed maybe this could be a reference that you are in vitamin D deficiency condition.

That is because the hormone serotonin obtained from the activity of basking in the sun has decreased. The hormone serotonin is a hormone that is believed to influence the happy person level.

8. Multiple Sclerosis

Multiple sclerosis is a disease resulting from vitamin D deficiency. Multiple sclerosis including central nervous system diseases caused by damage to the sheath of nerve cells and can cause paralysis.

This disease usually affects children that in vitamin D deficiency. Because children are usually reluctant to eat foods that contain vitamin D and can be reluctant to drink milk that contains vitamin D.

9. Causes Cancer

There are many causes we can get cancer. Consuming instant food and unhealthy food is the cause of cancer cells.

Vitamin D deficiency may also cause cancer. This is because vitamin D is antioxidant that can counteract free radicals which are cancer.

10. Alzheimer

Alzheimer attacks the brain cells and makes the brain cells shrink. This disease usually affects in people above 60 years old. The reason is the lack of vitamin D.

Alzheimer usually related to other diseases, such as diabetes, high cholesterol, and hypertension. To prevent this disease can be treated by the vitamin D and E supplement. Although this disease is mostly due to hereditary factors.

11. Parkinson

Parkinson like as stroke that attacks the nerve cells of the parents who are elderly. Most parents who are elderly affected by this disease.

Generally, the disease is caused by vitamin D deficiency. Moreover, the increasing age, the formation vitamin D by the skin from sunlight is reduced. So for people who are elderly, vitamin D consumption of food should be given more than the age below it.

12. Rickets and Osteomalacia

Vitamin D deficiency in the body can cause various diseases which are rickets and osteomalacia.

Rickets is a disease related to bone disorders in children occur when hardening of the bones in children stunted so that it becomes mushy. This can end in leg bent, the ends of long bones to grow, bent ribs, teeth being out late and too easily damaged.

While osteomalacia is rickets that affects adults. The disease is more common in women who are vitamin D deficiency, especially for low calcium intake, having a bit of sunshine, as well as having a lot of pregnancy and lactation.

The initial symptoms of the disease osteomalacia is a pain like arthritis, and bone bends, and then eventually cause a fracture fractures.

13. Dementia

Dementia is diseases that affect the brain. This is not a specific disease. Dementia affects only the way of thinking, behavior and ability to perform daily work.

Vitamin D needs of the body are not completed, in various studies mentioned may increase the occurrence of dementia in old age. This can be overcome with enough exposure to morning sunlight which contains vitamin D and consuming the food with vitamin D.

14. Pneumonia

The immune system is influenced by vitamin D. For this reason, one of the researchers from the University of Eastern Finland, to develop the research and find the results that vitamin D deficiency may increase the risk of pneumonia. Pneumonia is an inflammation of the lungs, either a part or the second part.

Even researchers claim lack of vitamin D may increase the risk of pneumonia by 2.5 times. The same study showed that low levels of vitamin D also increases the risk of lung disease to another.

15. Prostate Cancer

Although many causes of prostate cancer can strike anyone, but it is certain that the lack of vitamin D increases the risk of this disease.

The National Cancer Institute report that men at risk of developing prostate cancer are five times higher when vitamin D deficiency. However, research shows vitamin D deficiency could help establish an early diagnosis of prostate cancer.

Symptoms of Vitamin D Deficiency

As with other vitamin deficiency, there are no definite symptoms if you are deficient in vitamin D. To find out would require a medical check up. But you can detect are you in vitamin D deficiency with the following:

1. Aches And Pains at Muscle

If you have excessively activities, but your muscles often feel stiff and feel sore, you are in big chances if you have symptoms of vitamin D deficiency. This is due to the decreased ability of the muscles that vitamin D deficiency.

The main function of vitamin D is to maintain the ability of the muscle and bone. When vitamin D deficiency, the muscle is stiff, heavy to be moved as there is a feeling lazy to move. The situation will be more severe if it starts to ache, chances are you are vitamin D deficiency.

If you are in vitamin D deficiency, you will feel very sensitive to any pain caused by a touch on a few things that under normal conditions does not result in pain. Even if you are vitamin D deficiency and has been very severe, you will experience chronic pain throughout the body.

2. Prone to Depression

The level of someone’s happiness is influenced by Serotonin hormone. Serotonin hormone is obtained from the activity of basking in the sun. In addition, serotonin hormone also affects the ability of the bone along with vitamin D. If you have no time to bask in the morning, the possibility of vitamin D deficiency and lower levels of serotonin hormone is haunted you. That is ended in feelings of depression.

The journal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism even publish that woman whose intake of vitamin D deficiency often experience feelings of sadness and depression.

3. Feeling Sleepy Easily

The most common symptom experienced is drowsiness. Indeed, if vitamin D deficiency will drowsiness. This was proven in a study in the journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine which revealed that the intake of vitamin D deficiency in the body can lead us to be very easy drowsiness while undergoing a day of activity.

4. Having Head’s Sweat Easily

If the head is often sweating, it could be caused by vitamin D deficiency. So, if your forehead wet but the level of activity remains stable, your temperature is about 37 ° C, and you are in a temperate environment, check your vitamin D.

In fact, doctors usually ask the mother to the baby’s head to check if they sweat, because it could be an early sign of a lack of vitamin D.

This is mark will be manual vitamin D deficiency, especially for Pregnant and lactating mothers, people who spend more time indoors, children under 5 years and up 65 years.

5. Irritability

A person’s mood is affected by how many levels of serotonin owned. The more levels of serotonin affects someone levels of happiness. Conversely, if a person’s levels of serotonin are low then the person has a tendency to be irritable and moody.

So before you blame the hormones contained in your brain, you need to know how much vitamin D in yourself. Have sufficient?

6. Dull skin

True, exposure to the sun makes the skin dull and even burn. But little sunlight in the morning will not necessarily result in the case.

The opposite sunlight at morning can make your skin healthy. Lack of vitamin D makes the skin feel dark and dull though rarely exposed to sunlight.

7. Other Symptoms Especially at children

Some symptoms of vitamin D deficiency specifically in children.

  • enlarged joints and bones become soft
  • Bones and teeth shape abnormal
  • The head bone is soft
  • Knee weak
  • fontanelle wide and prominent forehead
  • Teeth grow slowly
  • hypotonia and anemia

Causes of Vitamin D Deficiency

There are several reasons why the body is in vitamin D deficiency, such as:

  • Too much activity in the room. Activities in the room make one does not get vitamin D from sunlight.
  • Black skin. Generally dark-skinned people need more time to bask in the sun as melanin decreases the ability of the skin to produce vitamin D.
  • Using body cover excessively. Protect yourself with clothing covered, such as masks, hats, gloves, and more so that the body is unable to absorb vitamin D naturally from the sun when outside the home.
  • Using sunscreen excessively.
  • Suffering from Obesity. Obese people have a tendency to experience a shortage of vitamin D. This is because vitamin D marred by fat in the body.

How To Overcoming Vitamin D Deficiency

  1. Soak. The best source Vitamin D is sunlight. Get enough sun exposure, roughly twenty minutes basking in the sun is very good for health. You just do it two to three times a week by stretching their hands and faces directly into the beam.
  2. Consume food that contains vitamin D. If you are hard to get sunlight because you are too busy. You can also get vitamin D from food ingredients. You can consume salmon, sardines, eggs, dairy products and breakfast cereals.
  3. Vitamin D Supplement. You can also get vitamin D from supplements. However, vitamin D supplements for the long-term consequences are not good. We recommend that you try to make you get vitamin D from sunlight in the morning or groceries.
  4. Avoid Using Sunscreen Excessively. You may be afraid of the dark skin because of contact with the sun, so you use a sunscreen. Its n problem to use sunscreen. The problem if you use it excessively. Do not go overboard when using sunscreen, especially if you’re not going to spend too long in the sun
  5. Perform Periodic Inspection. We recommend that you check regularly to determine levels of vitamin D in your body to a medical. It’s the best way to determine whether vitamin D deficiency or overdose. If you are deficient in vitamin D, ask how to solve it.

Vitamin D deficiency Treatment

Basically, the amount required in the treatment of vitamin D deficiency is highly dependent on how many shortages experienced by the body and your age factor. if the amount of the shortfall bit then compliance can be done immediately. Vice versa.

Average for blood levels under 30 ng mL, requiring a minimum of 1,000 IU of vitamin D3 per day by children. For adults will need vitamin D to 1,500 to 2,000 IU a day.

It is tailored to your blood sugar levels increase, if your blood sugar levels to rise 1 ng/ml, then you need additional vitamin D of 100 IU per day.

Following treatment if you are vitamin D deficiency.

1)   For Ages 1 to 18 years.

Children who are vitamin D deficient, treatment can be done by:

  • Obtain as much as 2,000 IU of vitamin D2
  • or vitamin D3 for six weeks at least equivalent to the granting of 50,000 IU of vitamin. Given for at least six weeks to reach blood levels of 25 (OH) D above 30 ng/ml, followed by maintenance therapy from 600 to 1.000 IU a day.

2)   For Adults

For all adults are vitamin D deficiency treatment can be done by:

  • Providing up to 50,000 IU of vitamin D2
  • vitamin D3, or once a week for eight weeks which is equivalent to 6,000 IU of vitamin D2
  • or vitamin D3 daily to reach blood level of 25 (OH) D above 30 ng/ml, followed by maintenance therapy 1,500-2,000 IU a day.

3)   For Certain Patients

In certain patients, such as obesity, patients with malabsorption syndromes, and patients on medications that affect vitamin D metabolism, recommended a higher dose. Vitamin D is given 2-3 times higher than the size of normal people who are deficient in vitamin D, or at least 6.000 to 10.000 IU of vitamin D every day. Vitamin D is needed to maintain 25 (OH) D levels above 30 ng/ml, followed by maintenance therapy 3,000-6,000IU day.

Foods Containing Vitamin D

Sunlight is the source of most contain vitamin D. Sunlight contains vitamin D by 80%.You can get vitamin D from the sun by means of the sun in the morning. Best hours to sunbathe between 06.00 am to 09.00 am. At this time, a source of vitamin D that comes from the sun is high enough and at this time that the sun is not too hot.

Apart from the sun, you can see the amount of vitamin D through food. Some of the following foods are believed to have high levels of vitamin D.

1. Mackerel Fish (360 IU or 90% DV of Vitamin D per 100 grams)
Mackerel Mackerel fish or torpedo-shaped fish are aplenty contains essential fats. The existence of nutrition and healthy oils in it to make fish is blamed as fish that must fit into a healthy diet.

2. Oysters (272 UI Vitamin D range or able to meet 68% of daily needs)

This seafood contains 272 UI of vitamin D in any of its 85 gr. So, by eating oysters, you can meet 68% of the daily requirement of vitamin D. In addition, oysters are also enriched essential minerals such as zinc.

3. Milk (vitamin D ranging from 100 UI or able to meet 31% to 50% of daily needs).

Milk contains vitamin D and very rich in calcium is good for your bone health. In a glass of milk contains about 100 UI of vitamin D.

Cow’s milk contains calcium and vitamin D as much as 50% while in goat milk only contains 31% only in one glass.

4. Shrimp (vitamin D 129 IU or able to meet 32% of daily needs).

The shrimp was very rich in protein which is nice for children’s brain development. In addition to protein, shrimp is high in omega 3 but is lower in fat and calories. The shrimp also contain not too many high levels of zinc. Zinc is a mineral types that can keep your immune system healthy.

Not only protein, the shrimp also contain high vitamin D. Vitamin D is contained in the shrimp about 129 IU per 85-gram sizes. By that measure, the shrimp has been able to meet the body’s need for vitamin D of approximately 32%.

5. Eggs (about 25 UI and able to meet the 10% requirement of Vitamin D daily).

Eggs are not only famous for its protein. But eggs also contain vitamin D, although not too much.

Vitamin D in eggs is only found in the yolk. The content of vitamin D in eggs can reach 25 IU. By eating eggs every day, especially at breakfast, you are able to meet the needs of vitamin D in the body up to 10%. For more leverage you can drink milk after eating eggs.

6. Mushrooms (able to meet the 4% Vitamin D daily needs).

Mushrooms also contain vitamin D, although just % of your daily requirement. If you want the levels of vitamin D in mushrooms increased, you can hang it in the sun in the morning for about 30 minutes into 1 hour. By drying it in the sun, vitamin D mushroom can increase up to 400% of the original.

The greatest benefit provided by the mushroom body is fit and strong because of high nutritious. In addition, there are also benefits that are felt by the women, the skin wrinkles due to aging avoided by taking the white fungus soup.

7. Fish

Sea fish such as salmon, mackerel and tuna are good sources of vitamin D. Its contain high vitamin D, especially the salmon. Salmon contains omega 3 and vitamin B12 are very high. Vitamin D in fish is greater when compared with other sources of vitamin D. Vitamin D is contained in salmon is very good for brain development of children and for the fetus in pregnant women.

Therefore, ensure adequate intake of salmon every day proved more than adequate to provide the required amount of vitamin D for the body. In addition to containing omega 3, fish also contains other important minerals such as calcium.

8. Soybeans

Soybeans are a source of vitamin D is excellent. As well as processed products such as tofu or tempeh. If you do not like or are allergic to cow’s milk, you can replace it with soy milk. Besides being rich in vitamin D, soy milk is also a good source of protein.

The Importance of Vitamin D in Children

One of the dangerous diseases that could arise as a result of child vitamin D deficiency is rickets. In addition, the role of Vitamin D is very important in children at the age of growth. Fulfilled or not needs Vitamin D in childhood, will influence the future of the child. Especially on bone growth of the child. If not fulfilled bone problems may occur in the elderly. For children vitamin D has several important functions, including:

  1. Calcium absorption. Vitamin D has an important role in calcium absorption, therefore, it is very important for the formation of healthy bones and strong, especially in children. Most children have vitamin D deficiency, it is because most kids are lazy to consume food sources of vitamin D. In fact, it can be bad for bone health in children. The critical role of vitamin D is not limited to the surrounding bone or skeleton, but also important in other body parts and also acts as an anti-inflammatory.
  2. Affect the brain. Many take on the role of vitamin D receptors in the brain tissue. Vitamin D has the ability to affect proteins in the brain known to be directly involved in learning and memory, motor control and may even affect social behavior.
  3. Relieve Asthma in children. Journal of Allergy & Clinical Immunology says that Vitamin D can lighten asthma attacks in children. Research carried out for four years involving more than 1,000 children with asthma. Lack of vitamin D in the blood tends to make asthma attacks get worse and more difficult to cure.
  4. Avoiding Rickets Disease. Children who are deficient in vitamin D can lead to rickets disease. Rickets is a softening of bones in children due to vitamin D deficiency that could potentially lead to fractures and deformity. In addition to softening, the affected bone disease is also going to hurt. Not infrequently parents will find their children to be lazy to walk or get tired easily when walking.

The Effect Of Vitamin D Overdose

Consumption amounts of vitamin D which reached five times the number of daily needs will cause toxicity. In addition, excess vitamin D in the body can increase the concentration of calcium in the blood that can lead to hardening of blood vessels, kidney stone disease, and hypercalcemia. This hypercalcemia can include vomiting, decreased appetite, weakness, mental disturbances, headache, diarrhea, and urine excessive expenditure.

Vitamin D overdose can cause gastrointestinal disorders, growth disorders, brittle bones, and mental developmental delays. According the medical computing, if vitamin D is consumed less than 10 nanomoles could affect mortality 2 times greater. Meanwhile, if the excess of up to 140 nanomoles will impact 1.5 times greater mortality. The dose nanomoles of vitamin D in the blood instead of daily consumption. For that standard only 50 nanomoles per day.

Vitamin D Daily based Age

The body has a limit to receive and absorb vitamin D. Here the size of the daily intake of vitamin D:

  1. The daily requirement for Baby Breastfeeding. Babies who are breast-feeding need 400 IU of vitamin D until consuming the milk formula.
  2. The daily requirement for Teenagers. Most children and adolescents do not get enough vitamin D from milk. They should take a supplement of 400 IU to 600 IU.
  3. The daily requirement for adult. The recommended dietary allowance for vitamin D is 600 IU per day for adults up to age 70.
  4. Over 70 Years. People aged over 70 years require vitamin D up to 800 IU. Some studies suggest more than 800 IU.
  5. People with Specific conditions. The people with specific conditions, such as obesity, patients with malabsorption syndromes, and patients on medications that affect vitamin D metabolism, recommended a higher dose. Vitamin D is given 2-3 times higher than the normal sized person needs vitamin D.

The Symptoms of Vitamin D Overdose

We know that the consumption of vitamin D as much as 10 times the daily dose, for several months can cause poisoning. This can result in high levels of calcium in the blood. Some of the symptoms that you can use as a measure:

  1. Loss of Appetite. The first symptoms of vitamin D toxicity are the loss of appetite, nausea and vomiting, followed by an incredible thirst, increased frequency of urination, weakness, anxiety and high blood pressure.
  2. Weak the Muscles. Same with vitamin D deficiency, Vitamin D overdose can also lead to muscle becomes weak. This is because too many levels of calcium.
  3. Easy Headaches. Vitamin D overdose can also lead to headaches. This is because the blood pressure is running down.
  4. Hearing impaired. If you have too much vitamin D, your hearing sensitivity level will decrease.
  5. Nausea. In addition to appetite loss, the food you eat also tends to want to spit. This is because vitamin D is in your body has become toxic.
  6. Bone pain. Bone pain is also a feature if you have too much vitamin D.

The body has a unique mechanism to regulate the balance. Deficiency or overdose of vitamin D can brings bad effects in the body. So, You have to know how much you’re the level Vitamin D daily requirement and how to fill it up well. Keep your health by consuming enough vitamin every day, fellas!