
The 5 Benefits of Calcium for Children

Calcium is a mineral present in various foods including dairy products. It is stored in the bones and teeth. Calcium is related to vitamin D because it is used to absorb and utilize calcium properly.

Vitamin D is the one of fat-soluble vitamins. In addition, it supports calcium absorption also increasing magnesium absorption and phosphate. It was produced by the skin’s directly exposed to sunlight.

Calcium can get in supplementary forms and in foods. Children need calcium for their growth. The total of calcium they need depends on their age. It is a benefits calcium for children:

1.     Bone Density

Calcium is important for strengthening the skeleton, as well as turmeric. It has the benefits of turmeric for bones. About 99% of calcium is present in the bones and teeth.

To work efficiently on bones, the body needs calcium at a constant level in its liquid and system. Calcium is taken from its bones self. Bones are a system of life and continuously out likewise stored back.

The body can lose calcium every day through growing of skin, nails, hair, indeed sweating, urination, and excretion. Calcium is essential during childhood while bones grow actively.

During this childhood moment, the number of calcium increases along it’s the growth of bones. At this critical phase, the body will need a lot of calcium. This is absorbing in effectively than other times of life.

Child health experts suggest for children and teens consume more calcium to keep strong bones healthy up to adulthood. For calcium to be effective in growing and developing, crucial for children to get enough vitamin D.

This vitamin helps the bodies absorb calcium from foods. Children can absorb vitamin D through sunlight exposure, rich foodies vitamin D like milk products, egg yolks, liver, and some saltwater fish, and even consuming vitamin supplements.

Many bone specialists now say that children and teens age 9 to 18  should consume four servings of calcium-rich foodies daily, up to 3 portions previously.  Getting enough calcium earlier in life can reduce the risk of accidental bone fractures, and osteoporosis when our children become old.

2.     Optimizing Children’s Height

Children’s height is determined by genetics. The Magic Foundation for children’s growth informs normal growth of children from the age of 4 to puberty about 2 inches in per year.

Further, usually girls grow faster than boys. Starting at the age of 10, girls’ puberty grows 2,5 to 4,5 inches in a year. On the other hand for boys. His puberty starts at the age of 12 growing 3 to 5 inches in a year.

Having a balance in eating is giving impact on children’s growth. As a parent, make sure that their children have proper nutrition of minerals, vitamins, proteins, carbohydrates, and fats.

Calcium is one of the growth of the most important nutrients for children. It helps bones grow stronger and longer. Significantly give bones form the skeleton and determine the height.

Likewise, children’s height can be helped by the food of sandwiches and Nutella. Here is the health benefit of ham salad sandwiches for children’s growth and the health benefits of eating Nutella every day interesting fact for children grow.

According to Dr Anita Menon of Thomson Paediatric Centre of National University Hospital Singapore saying calcium is essential for babies and children, not only the most abundant mineral in the body but vital in bone growth and developing teeth as well as functioning nerves and muscles properly.

According to the US National Institutes of Health, kids the age of one to three ned 700 mg of calcium daily, the age of four to eight need 1000 mg, and 1300 mg for children ages nine to eighteen.

The most common sources of calcium for children are dairy products (milk, cheese, yogurt, etc), seeds, sardines and salmon, beans and lentils, and leafy greens.

3.      Children’s Intelligence

During the growth period, children need balanced nutrition and most of them are calcium. It is the health benefits of being in nature. Not only for building structural bones and teeth but the growth of muscle and nerve cells, coagulation system, intelligence, and arrangement of heart rhythm.

At the age of 6 months, children need to be introduced to complementary food. They become increasingly skillful in sharpening motor abilities such as crawling even standing and walking.

This required strong and muscle bones, and healthy foods with rich balanced nutrition. According to The National Academy of Medicine In The United States; 1- 3 years old need 700 mg and 4 – 8 years old need 1000 mg.

As we know rich in calcium gained from dairy products. Other, is obtained from tofu, spinach, whole grain, bread, cereals, soymilk, almond milk, turnip, pudding, salmon, fish, and oranges.

One example is the benefits of fish lumpia to support children’s development. It’s better to consume calcium with vitamin D, make sure our children get it daily in 400 – 600IU.  

4.     Strengthen The Body’s System Immune

A researcher from NYU Langone Medical Centre published May 31 in the journal immunity explains that a key cellular signal provides a vital balance between the body’s ability to invade microbes and prevent autoimmune disease which is immune cells attack the body.

A specific study in human patients found a certain signal based on certain calcium arrange production 2 types of immune cells are T follicular helper cells driving the body’s massive reaction to invading organisms, and T follicular arrangement cells which ramp down the reaction as finish infection.

Chemicals in the immune cells can kill microbes and lead to inflammation, destroying the system at high a level. Senior author Stefan Feske, MD, an associate professor of pathology at NYU Langone found a signal of calcium plays a role in keeping the immune system and increases up-down responses at the right time.

Future applications of these findings include fine-tuning calcium signals to enhance immune responses to influenza vaccines for the elderly or people who have inflammation disease and chronic autoimmune.

The result is on time because the field is exploring a drug called CRAC calcium inhibitor that can use for autoimmune and inflammations. The researcher needs to think carefully about the potential of benefit this drug to abilities in fighting infections.

5.     Protecting The System of Cardiovascular

At school, we are studying the heart as a pump bringing blood to every part of the body. Calcium has important role-playing in electrical activities and the pumping function of the heart.

Particles of calcium enter heart muscle cells during each heartbeat and contribute to electric signals that coordinate the heart’s function. It binds to machinery within a cell to contractions helping the heart pump blood.

In some diseases, a room which is controlling calcium movement occurs malfunctions, and abnormal electrical signals cause heart rhythm disorders. In addition, abnormal calcium directly causes the function of pumping even the relaxation of the heart.

Scientists had been identified that abnormal calcium handling plays the main role in many heart rhythm disorders. Through by exercise can strengthen the heart. Here are the health benefits of cardiovascular exercise.