Processed Beverages

16 Health Benefits of Palm Wine to The Body You Should Notice

Palm wine comes from the flower of coconut tree which has the sweet taste. Commonly, palm wine is used as the material of beverage and also used as natural drugs to maintain the body health. Palm wine has about 8 until 9 pHs. As for the nutritional substances contained in palm wine include: Sucrose as […]


33 Health Benefits of White Wine (#3 Shots)

White wine is one kind of alcoholic beverages. Indeed, white wine main ingredient is grape by fermentation process. Meanwhile, there are different methods of each wine making. Thus, white wine is popular in countries with four seasons such as America and Europe countries. Nevertheless, in Asia and Africa white wine is rarely touch as their […]

Processed Beverages

19 Proven Benefits of Red Wine (#Studies Base)

Wine is one of popular alcoholic or fermented beverage all over the world. Mostly because people love it taste and believe that red wine can give a lots benefit to the body. The word wine derived from latin word vinum which means grape. There are many types of wine that we can found nowadays including […]