
15 Health Benefits of Cheeseburgers and How to Prepare A Healthy One

For those who are trying to get in shape and maintaining good diet, cheeseburgers might be the last thing on their mind to eat (but perhaps the most common food to crave for).

But crave no more, because other than the obvious delight of the taste, there are plenty of nutritional and healthy benefits of cheeseburgers that you would not want to cut off.

  1. Protein Booster

Red meats contain an abundant amount of proteins, and virtually every cell in our body screams for a protein. Proteins are constantly used and broken down and therefore need to be constantly replaced through intake. Lack of protein may lead to severe malnutrition problems and loss of cellular functions. The recommended daily intake of protein in adults is 56 grams for males and 46 grams for females.

According to USDA (United States Department of Agriculture), a 3-ounce (approximately 0.08 kilograms) of burger with 90% lean ground beef holds 21.4 grams of protein (therefore you require two 3-ounces cheeseburgers to actually reach the required daily protein intake, perfect!). Here you go for more: Health Benefits of Cheese Pizza

  1. Good Source of Iron

The red meat packed in cheeseburger provides a nutritious ingredient. It is considered to be a good source of iron. Iron is essential in our body as it plays an important role in delivering oxygen that is required for all cells to maintain their function. When oxygen uptake in cells are sufficient, it allows the body to function optimally. Here you go for more: Health Benefits of Black Bean Burgers

Adult men require 8 milligrams of daily iron intake, while women need 18 milligrams. Pregnant women are prescribed 27 milligrams of iron because a higher amount of oxygen delivery is necessary for fetal development.

  1. Fresh Red Blood Cells

Other than being a good iron supplement, the red meat is also rich in vitamin B-12. Vitamin B-12 is responsible in the process of new red blood cells production that takes place every 120 days.

The required daily intake of vitamin B-12 for adults is 2.4 micrograms. During pregnancy, this value increases to 2.6 micrograms per day.

  1. Keep Your Cells Energized

Vitamin B-6 are also abundant in lean meat that comes in cheeseburgers. This nutrient is essential for manufacturing a component called heme, which is a crucial part of hemoglobin. If hemoglobin is lack of heme, it will not be able to pick up and deliver oxygen from and to cells and therefore cells do not meet their minimum energy requirements. Here you go for more: Health Benefits of Chocolate Brownies

  1. Fight Cancer

Eating a hamburger helps in fighting cancer? That sounds nuts. But in 1978, scientists at the Food Research Institute at the University of Winconsin revealed that a certain substance in grilled hamburger was able to suppress cancer growth. That substance turns out to be a good fat called CLA (Conjugated Linoleic Acid).

CLA is also believed to be beneficial for people with inflammatory diseases such as arthritis, and may help in adjusting weight. According to an article issued in March 2010 from Nutritional Journal, grass-fed beef has the highest CLA concentration. Therefore, eating this type of meat in cheeseburgers may get you the most optimal health benefit.

  1. Boost your Immune System

A three-ounce burger contains 5.4 milligrams of zinc. Zinc is a type of mineral that is ample in cheeseburgers, and is vital for the formation of blood cells and supports the immune system. The USDA claims that a three-ounce burger may cover 36 percent of the necessary daily intake of zinc. 

More Advantages of Cheeseburger

Here are more health benefits of cheeseburgers:

  1. It’s tasty as well
  2. Cheeseburger makes you happy, isn’t it?
  3. People proved it that eating cheeseburger is one kind of stress reliever
  4. It can be the moment of good times eating cheeseburgers with your people
  5. Mood boaster, totally!
  6. Nothing is wrong with cheeseburger
  7. You lovin’ it!

So, now you know about the health benefits of cheeseburgers, tell your buddies! Here you go for more: Health Benefits of Dark Chocolate and Red Wine

How to Prepare A Healthy Cheeseburger

It is best to remember that cheeseburgers come with variable nutritional values, depending on how they are prepared. The healthiest (and cheapest) way to eat a cheeseburger is to make one yourself at home. Grilled burgers are better since they lose the bad fats in the meat. Also, grilling does not require you to add oil or butter to amplify the saturated fats.

Since we are focusing on the health benefits of cheeseburger, it is quite important to discuss about the healthiest pick for the type of cheese. The cheddar cheese is the richest in calories and fats, reaching 114 calories and 9 grams fat in a one-ounce cheese, while mozzarella cheese (part skim) scores the lowest of calories and fats, one ounce weighs 85 calories and 6 grams of fat.

Here you go!

  • When the burger and cheese are ready, avoid adding toppings that would escalate the amount of calories, such as avocados, bacons, fatty dressings, barbecue sauce and mayonnaise.
  • It is even recommended to eat the burger in an open-face way, as in only eat include half a bun, because one bun carries a load of 100-200 calories.
  • In addition, be wise about opting for the sides to your cheeseburger.
  • Replace french fries, onion rings and cole slaws with healthier choices such as sweet fruits or fresh salad to avoid rich caloric contents.
  • Also, it is advisable to opt for water for you beverage to wash down the residues in your mouth instead of going for a cold beer, which adds 150 calories or a milkshake which carries triple of that number.

So, after reading this, you may be convinced that there is a healthy way to eat cheeseburgers, and you can finally fulfill that craving without feeling guilty about your diet. Here you go for more: Health Benefits of Glass of Wine A Day

The Harmful Effects of Saturated Fats in Cheeseburgers

Cheeseburgers are linked to high quantity of saturated fats. They are fats which are derived from animal and plant sources. Heavy consumption of saturated fats raise the level of cholestrol in our blood. There are two types of cholestrols in our body: good cholestrols (HDL, as in High-Density Lipoproteins) and bad cholestrols (LDL, Low-Density Lipoproteins).

Saturated fats increase LDL cholestrols, which may increase the risk of heart disease and stroke. Due to the potentially harmful long-term effects of saturated fats, the American Heart Association suggests limiting saturated fat intake to less than 7% of the total daily calorie intake.

The fatty beef in the cheeseburger has the highest concentration of saturated fats, and some are also contributed by the cheese. Other ingredients that may add up the bad fats are lamb, pork, butter, lard and cream, and dairy products made from whole milk.