
18 Benefits of Angkung Seeds for Health

Angkung seeds have many nutrients such as antioxidants, vitamins, minerals. These angkung seeds are black in color and round in shape.

Angkung seeds are a product that is often used in Chinese medicine. The main benefit is to cure stroke, these angkung seeds can dissolve blood clots and keep the body healthy and fit.

1. Stroke Relief

Many people say that angkung can treat stroke. When examined further, angkung seeds can relieve stroke. A stroke can also be said with a brain attack the occurrence of inhibition of blood supply to the brain and blood vessels in the brain rupture.

Blood vessels in the brain rupture means that the brain becomes damaged or does not function at all which gives the effect of blood and oxygen stopping in the brain. This condition causes long-term brain damage and disability and death.

The vitamin E content in angkung seeds is able to prevent blockage of blood vessels in the brain so that blood can flow smoothly to the brain. Angkung seeds can be extracted into a pill to make it more effective to take to help relieve stroke.

If the patient is still in the symptomatic stage, angkung pills can be taken 2 times a day for a span of 3 days and then can be consulted with a doctor. For patients with acute stroke, angkung pills can be taken ½ capsule a day, and after 4-6 hours continue to take ½ capsule again

2. Prevent Dehydration

Lack of body fluids is often experienced, especially for heavy workers who often experience dehydration. Dehydration causes the body to not function normally.

The causes of someone experiencing dehydration are usually thirst, dry mouth, and skin, dark and smelly urine, and rarely going to the toilet to urinate. Prevention that can be done in addition to drinking water is to diligently consume angkung seeds to optimize overall health.

3. Prevents Blockage of Blood Vessel

Many factors cause blockage of blood vessels including complications of other diseases such as triggering high blood pressure to heart disease. Angkung seeds are one of the medicines that can be consumed to overcome blood vessel blockages so that blood becomes smooth and avoids stroke.

4. Treats Inflammation of the Brain Membrane

Inflammation of the lining of the brain is a rare disease. The cause of this disease is meningitis or can be said to be an infection caused by bacteria, viruses and fungi.

Meningitis is an inflammatory disease that eats away at the protective layer of the brain and spinal cord. The late Indonesian comedian Olga Syahputra suffered from this disease before he died.

Until now, there is no definite medicine that can eliminate inflammation of the membranes. However, the content in angkung seeds can be consumed for prevention and help increase endurance and the nervous system and improve blood circulation.

The nutrients contained in angkung seeds are vitamin B9, iron, calcium, copper, magnesium. With this content, angkung seeds can be consumed and chewed directly as many as 7 grains every day.

5. Treats Heart Disease

The liver is an organ that plays a very important role in producing bile and neutralizing toxins in the body. Just like brain membrane inflammation, liver disease is rare, especially hepatitis (jaundice).

Angkung seeds are an alternative solution to prevent liver disease. In addition, the health benefits of barley seeds can nourish the liver.

6. Healing Uric Acid

Gout can cause inflammation, pain, and burning in the joint system. The parts of the body that often experience joints are the knees, ankles, fingers, and toes. In addition to angkung seeds being a cure for gout, the benefits of dragon fruit for gout treatment can be consumed.

7. Improve Blood Circulation

Blood circulation still needs to be maintained to fulfill the need for oxygen throughout the body. Blood circulation that is not smooth results in various diseases such as gout, hypertension, stroke, and others.

By regularly drinking angkung seeds, the blood in the body will become smooth. If blood circulation is smooth, blood pressure becomes normal so that it is free from attacks of high blood and low blood disease.

8. Improves Liver Function

The liver is one of the most dangerous diseases caused by alcoholism, viral infections, and the accumulation of fat in the liver. The liver has an important role in the body to repair damaged cells, cleanse the blood of harmful compounds, and producing proteins in blood clotting.

Angkung seeds are believed to help cure liver disease and provide good nutrition for the organ and can improve liver function. If the liver function is optimal, the body will remain healthy and free from various types of diseases.

9. Avoiding Convulsions

For those who have heart and blood vessel disease, it is fatal to experience seizures. The factors that cause seizures are genetic disorders and brain nerve cell disorders.

People who have convulsions have low endurance and body temperature rises. By consuming angkung seeds in the form of pill extraction, it can prevent convulsions in the body.

10. Improves Digestion

The fibrous meaning and the health benefits of Otaheite apple seed for the digestive and metabolism. As already known, angkung seeds are a good source of fiber.

Angkung seeds that contain fiber are very useful for the digestive process. In addition, angkung seeds also function to facilitate bowel movements and help overcome intestinal problems.

11. Reduces The Risk Of Cancer

Antioxidants have been known to maintain the overall health of the body and prevent cardiovascular diseases such as cancer. The antioxidants contained in angkung seeds are polyphenols, flavonoids, and vitamin C which can reduce the effects of free radicals, meaning molecules that damage cells, proteins and DNA.

Damaged cells can trigger cells to become abnormal and the growth of cancer. With the presence of antioxidants, it can protect body cells from damage caused by free radicals derived from UV rays, the body’s metabolic products, or air pollutants.

In addition, angkung seeds contain vitamin E and beta-carotene, which when consumed regularly can reduce the risk of prostate cancer and lung cancer.

12. Weight Loss

100 grams of angkung seeds contain 19 calories from the seafood produced. The calories in angkung seeds are very low compared to its volume.

The fiber in angkung seeds is also useful for weight loss. If consumed in the right amount, fiber provides a long satiety effect. The low carbohydrate content of angkung seeds is good for people on a diet.

13. Improves Sleep Quality

Magnesium and zinc in angkung seeds are minerals in the maintenance of the human body that can improve sleep quality. One of the properties of magnesium provides a relaxing effect on human muscles.

Zinc and magnesium have the same absorption rate. The role of magnesium and zinc is the same in obtaining quality sleep by maintaining healthy GABA levels which is the neurotransmitter that provides the impetus for sleep.

14. Relieves Constipation

Angkung seeds have water-insoluble fibers, serving as a remedy to relieve constipation. These fibers encourage bowel movements and keep the stool texture soft, making it easy to pass out of the body.

However, it should be noted that when consuming fiber foods, it must be balanced with sufficient water intake. That way, the fiber in the digestive system can function optimally. High-fiber foods also function to keep cholesterol and blood sugar levels stable.

15. Controls Sugar Levels

One type of complex carbohydrate is fiber, which cannot be destroyed by the body’s digestive system.  High fiber in angkung seeds can slow down the absorption of glucose, thus slowing down the rise in blood sugar levels.

Consuming these angkung seeds helps control blood glucose levels because fiber does not increase blood sugar levels. This condition serves to help diabetes because with fiber can slow down the conversion of cabrohydrate into sugar more slowly and control the level of glucose in the blood so as to make satiety longer.

16. Improves Bone Health

Calcium and magnesium found in angkung seeds have a role in maintaining bone health, which means they can be absorbed by the body properly.

Magnesium is better digested with calcium present. This is more about the health benefits of calcium for bones. The content of magnesium and calcium work together to strengthen bones.

Magnesium can strengthen bones by increasing mineral density to avoid bone loss while calcium is useful for moving blood throughout the body, increasing hormones and enzymes in the body, and helping muscle contraction.

17. Lowers Cholesterol

The fiber in angkung seeds can lower cholesterol. There are also amazing foods lower cholesterol level in 5 minutes. Fiber is able to bind effectively and lower bad cholesterol (LDL).

There are 3 ways fiber lowers cholesterol: it binds fat and cholesterol in the small intestine so that it is not absorbed into the bloodstream, it can reduce the amount of bile from the intestine that has been absorbed, fiber can prevent sugar from rising after eating because it slows digestion.

18. Stabilizes Blood Pressure

Potassium in angkung seeds is useful in keeping blood pressure stable. Potassium has a function in helping muscles contract while maintaining fluid in the cells. Potassium also serves to stabilize sodium levels in the body.

Excess sodium levels cause an increase in blood pressure. This condition causes the body to need sufficient potassium intake to keep blood pressure normal.