
7 Amazing Health Benefits of Red Passion Fruit (Nutrient Source)

Passion fruit has many color and the most famous of passion fruit is yellow passion fruit. Red passion fruit is one kind of passion fruit which its pulp is dark red or maroon and its taste is rather sour. Red passion fruit can adaptation and live at low highland with tropical climate.

Red passion fruit is very useful for our health. It can be used for ornamental plants because its characteristic is looked like bush. Its tree spread  and its leave is palminervis. Size of red passion fruit leave is wider and thicker than size of purple passion fruit leave.

Skin of red passion fruit will be green and thick when it was young. But as red passion fruit grew up, its skin will be dark red or maroon with white spots.

Related article : Health benefits of passion fruit

Contains of Passion Fruit

You can see the table below for in depth analysis of nutrient: Passion Fruit, Fresh, Nutritive Value per 100 g. (Source: USDA National Nutrient data base.

Principle Nutrient Value Percentage of RDA
Energy 97 Kcal 5%
Carbohydrates 23.38 g 18%
Protein 2.20 g 4%
Total Fat 0.70 g 3%
Cholesterol 0 mg 0%
Dietary Fiber 10.40 g 27%
Folic 14 μg 3%
Niacin 1.500 mg 9%
Pyridoxine 0.100 mg 8%
Riboflavin 0.130 mg 10%
Thiamin 0.00 mg 0%
Vitamin A 1274 IU 43%
Vitamin C 30 mg 50%
Vitamin E 0.02 μg <1%
Vitamin K 0.7 mg 0.5%
Sodium 0 mg 0%
Potassium 348 mg 7%
Calcium 12 mg 1.2%
Copper 0.086 mg 9.5%
Iron 1.60 mg 20%
Magnesium 29 mg 7%
Phosphorus 68 mg 10%
Selenium 0.6 µg 1%
Zinc 0.10 mg 1%
Carotene-ß 743 µg
Crypto-xanthin-ß 41 µg
Lycopene 0 µg

Thus, red passion fruit contains many fruit that is good for health.

Health Benefits of Red Passion Fruit for Our Body

Here is the health  benefits of red passion fruit:

  1. Give Freshness

Red passion fruit taste is sweet but it is rather sour, too. So it can lose your thirsty and freshen your throat when you consumed it. You can get red passion fruit easily in the market. And it can be processed to juice with another fruits. Besides it is processed to juice or fruit syrup, we can process red passion fruit as pudding, too. 

  1. As Nutrient Source

One health benefits of red passion fruit is becoming a nutrient source. Red passion fruit is sour. It is meant that it contains good vitamin C. Besides that, it has high potassium, too. Potassium has big benefit for us. It is used for you heart health and your smooth blood circulation. So that, red passion fruit can decrease risk of heart disease. There is not only vitamin C content in red passion fruit, but red passion fruit contains fiber around 12.8 %, calcium and Iron, too.

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  1. Help to increase immune system

Red passion fruit has a lot of nutrients and its benefits of vitamin C can help us to increase immune system. So we don’t get sick easily. Immune system is very important to make healthy body and avoid from diseases.

  1. It contains anti oxidant

Red passion fruit contains good anti oxidant. So, passion fruit can be as natural anti oxidant to take out toxin from our body. You may also read health benefits of almond tea and health benefits of jaggery as anti oxidant source.

  1. It is good for digestion health

Red passion fruit has a lot of nutrients. They are useful to keep digestion health. Red passion fruit can be used as stimulant for symptoms of digestion and alternative medicine of gastric cancer.

  1. It can make us relax

Passion fruit juice contains a lot of nutrients. It can be used for foodstuff. So if we ate that food, we will get relax. In traditional method, passion fruit leaves can be processed as material of depressant. 

  1. As decorative plant in the garden

Besides there are health benefits of red passion fruit, red passion fruit can be used as ornamental plant in the garden. These are some advantages from growing passion fruit.

As ornamental plant, growing passion fruit in garden is one of best choice to decorate garden. There are two methods for growing red passion fruit. They are seed method and cutting method. We can apply them easily. For seed method, you should prepare seed from red passion fruit.

For cutting method, you should prepare stick from adult red passion fruit. You can plant it in garden soil or use special media for growing seed first, then you move it in garden. Red passion fruit can grow quickly and densely with good care. So you will get a lot of benefits value.

Red passion fruit save, if you were planted at home. Because it doesn’t grow too high. It will not threaten our home when there was a high wind. When your red passion fruit produced fruits, you can enjoy it.

Cautions of red passion fruit

Passion fruit is a good source of fiber. If your fiber increase drastically, it may cause short term distress in gastrointestinal tract. Like another fruits, passion fruit save to eat. If you felt any unusual symptom in your body after eating them, it may be an allergic reaction. So speak with your healthcare team before eating more.