
Health Benefits of Acesulfame Potassium

Have you ever used the health benefits of acesulfame potassium? For those of you who are running a diet program certainly no stranger to hearing acesulfame potassium. Acesulfame potassium was discovered accidentally by a German chemist named Karl Clauss. Ace is an artificial sweetener coded E950 and is known as an artificial sweetener to replace sugar in one’s diet program. Related article: health benefits of replacing sugar with honey

Acesulfame is used as a sugar substitute because it is claimed to have a taste 200x sweeter than sugar but does not add calories. Unlike sugar, the more sugar content in a product, the higher the calories. How it works from Ace is to stimulate the sweet taste receptors on the tongue so that someone will taste sweet in what is consumed.

Acesulfame potassium is found in many food and beverage products. Especially on food and drinks for the diet. Some examples of foods and drinks that may contain Acesulfame potassium, for example, are dairy products, gelatin, ice cream, and sauce. Read more about sugar: health benefits of black sugar

If you want to know the presence or absence of Acesulfam content in the products you consume, you can look for it in the composition section with the name Acesulfame K., Acesulfame Potassium, Ace-K, or E950 (in Europe).

Although the health benefits of Acesulfame potassium are circulating freely, you cannot use them carelessly. There is a safe dose limit so you avoid some bad possibilities. According to the FDA, the safe consumption of Acesulfame potassium is 15 mg/kg/ day. Whereas specifically in Europe, the limit of consumption of Acesulfame potassium is 9 mg /kg/day.

Although it has been widely used in the community, the fact is that until now Acesulfam has reaped many pros and cons. Some agree that Ace can help them avoid sugar when undergoing a diet program. However, some others assume that Ace brings many bad effects, such as:

  • Disrupts metabolism

Although it is useful to control incoming calories so as not to gain weight, consuming excessive Ace can interfere with the body’s metabolic performance. because Ace is made from chemicals which of course has side effects. Read more: health benefits of German rock sugar

  • Interferes with appetite

For some people, consuming Ace too often can interfere with your appetite. The safest way to avoid this disorder is to go on a healthy diet. Namely by consuming foods that contain low calories and exercise to eliminate excess calories in the body

  • Affects body weight

Some think that Ace can control calorie intake so that bodyweight is maintained. However, you also think that weight will increase due to the bad effects of chemicals. Both are still being debated to this day. You must read this: health benefits of sugar apple

  • Influence on blood sugar control

Consuming the health benefits of Acesulfame potassium in excess can also affect blood sugar levels in the body. Read also: benefits of brown sugar for a healthy and natural diet

  • Potential to cause cancer

The most severe effect if you are not wise to use acesulfame is the long-term effect of causing cancer