
The 3 Benefits of Calcium Acetate for Health

Calcium acetate is a natural mineral that has the function to hold phosphate from food to get out of our bodies. This calcium is used as a food stabilizer in candy.

Calcium acetate is a source of crystallization calcium of soluble water decompose to calcium carbonate on heating. All metallic acetate is an inorganic ion containing metallic cation and anion acetate, a univalent polyatomic ion compose being two carbon ionically with 3 atom hydrogen and 2 atom oxygen.

Acetate is useful for the production of high ultra purity, catalyst, and nanoscale material. Calcium acetate is used to control phosphate levels during high blood in kidney disease in medical treatment for cleaning up the blood while a kidney doesn’t function.

Calcium acetate is one type of calcium. Find more benefits of calcium here; health benefits of calcium lactate, the benefits of calcium for children, the benefits of calcium carbonate for the body, the benefits of calcium for pregnant women, and the benefits of calcium. Here are the benefits of calcium acetate:

Rectify Chronic Kidney Disease

Phosphate is an essential mineral to maintain strong bones and improve cells. Calcium Acetate works to lower phosphate levels in the blood of people who have chronic kidney disease called CKD the last stage is dialysis.

CKD is a condition in which is kidney continuously loses function as a blood filtration system. This means the body has harder filtering over phosphate.

In the next step, CKD transplantation is a procedure needed to out of over liquid, electrolytes, and toxic inside blood. Calcium acetate works by binding phosphate from food to form a complex that can’t absorb through the body.

It helps prevent mineral disorder and bone CKD (the condition can occur in weak bones, thin, and heart complications). It has to drink before eating to prevent the body absorb phosphorus from its food. Foodies which contain phosphorus are meat, fish, egg, nuts, vegetables, and grains.

The causes of CKD vary globally, the common main ones are :

  • Diabetes mellitus type 2 (30%-50%)
  • Diabetes mellitus type 1 (3.9%)
  • Hypertension (27,2%)
  • Primary glomerulonephritis (8,2%)
  • Chronic tubulointerstitial nephritis (3,6%)
  • Hereditary or cystic disease (3,1%)
  • Vasculitis (2.1%)
  • Neoplasm (2.1%), and
  • Sickle cell nephropathy (SCN less than 1% of end-stage renal disease / ESRD).

The Food Drug and Administration (FDA) approve the use of calcium ascorbate to treat phosphate high levels in the blood of the elderly with chronic kidney disease last stage or renal failure in dialysis.

This medical treatment is called hyperphosphatemia. Sometimes a healthcare provider will give the recipe for calcium ascorbate from a use different from FDA known off-label.

Food Additive

As sodium acetate, food grade can be used as a buffering agent to arrange food acidity. and extending shelf life. In addition, used to fortify foods with the nutrition of calcium.

Additive commonly found in bakery and calcium supplements. Bakery, calcium acetate can inhibit the growth of yeast, and bacteria. Usually used as a preservative in bakery products. Recommended usage is 0,2-0,5% of flour weight.

Calcium acetate is an essential calcium supplement that has the advantages of being highly soluble in water and levels of high absorption, also does not consume gastric acid after drinking it.

Calcium as an additive is really safe. The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) claims that calcium acetate is gras and European Food Safety Authorization show acetate is a normal component of human food and whole all metabolized.

The joint FAO / WHO Committee Experts on food additives (JECFA) approves its safety earlier. Gras is known used as a firming agent, pH control agent, stabilizer, sequestrant, thickener, and texturizer in food.

The following foodies contain it is baked goods (0,2%), cheese (0,02%), gelatins, pudding and fillings (0,2%), sweet sauces, toppings, and syrup (0,15%), other categories in 0,0001%.

In EFSA, calcium acetate is a European Union-authorized food. Its usage was unlimited in most categories. Some of the approved uses for canned or battled fruit or vegetables, bread, prepacked meat, processed cereal, and baby foods only for pH adjustment.


Hyperphosphatemia is high phosphate levels that contribute to chronic kidney disease. Hyperphosphatemia includes dietary phosphate restriction and using phosphate binders.

The first binders are aluminum and magnesium-based antacids. Adverse effects and toxicity limited the use of this agent and therapy growing with calcium carbonate, calcium acetate, sevelamer, and lanthanum carbonate.

Hyperphosphatemia in CKD stages 1 to 3 is usually controlled by changing dietary. Products-based calcium begins in stage 4 secondary to efficacy, safety, and prices.

In CKD stage 5, hyperphosphatemia increases the risk of cardiovascular. In this condition, sevelamer and lanthanum show benefits for cardiovascular mortality. Sucroferric oxyhydroxide and ferric citrate are calcium-free and might be offering benefits to patients with anemia.

The causes of hyperphosphatemia are renal failure called hypoparathyroidism, redistribution of phosphorus to extracellular fluid (acid-base imbalanced, rhabdomyolysis, muscle necrosis, or tumor lysis during chemotherapy), and increased phosphate nutrition.

The medication that causes hyperphosphatemia is a laxative containing phosphorus, oral phosphorus supplements, supplements of vitamin D, and bisphosphonates.