Diet & Fitness

7 Health Benefits of Exercise for Kids Should be Known for Parents

We’re entering a  modern age and you don’t want to exercise? Come on! Perhaps you are wondering, what is the relationship between modernity and physical exercise?

The answer is that modern figures in various fields (including ancient figures), require physical fitness as one of their career supporting assets. Ranging from actors and actresses to superpower Presidents. Even simple things like benefits of brisk walking is useful for them.

Barack Obama and his wife Michelle, exercise routine 45 minutes every day, six times a week. Bill Gates, creator and owner of Microsoft, the world’s richest man, runs the treadmill at least one hour each day. 

They know that exercise is important and has many benefits. They know that the peak of a career can only be achieved with a healthy body and mind that can be achieved through several methods, via the benefits of gardening for example.

Not only for adults, the exercise also has a myriad of benefits for children. Start getting your child to like to exercise as early as possible, so that they can get the benefits immediately.

Sports and exercises aren’t just for adults. In fact, the World Health Organization (WHO) recommends school-age children (5–17 years) to exercise at least 60 minutes each day. For children less than five years old, the recommended exercise time is three hours a day.

Research has shown that early exercise can provide multiple health benefits. The following are some of the benefits of exercises for kids :

1. Increases Bone Density

Various studies have shown that children who exercise regularly have better bone density. In fact, if these activities are carried out before puberty, the benefits of exercise for children are to avoid the risk of osteoporosis in the future.

Types of small children’s sports that can help optimize bone density include jumping movements, such as skipping or jumping rope. Or they can do it in a more sporty way, like learning the benefits of doing Taekwondo for example.

2. Optimizing Heart Health

Did you know that aerobics is also a sport for young children? In fact, this type of exercise can optimize a child’s heart health. Aerobic exercise can increase your heart rate so that more oxygen will be circulated to all cells in the body.

The habit of doing aerobic exercise from an early age has also been shown to protect children from the risk of coronary heart disease as adults. Examples of aerobic sports that your little one can do are running, playing basketball, cycling, swimming, or soccer.

3. Prevents Obesity

Exercising regularly from an early age has been proven to make your kids avoid the risk of obesity or excess body weight.

By exercising at least three times a week, the risk of obesity in children is reduced by 31 percent. Furthermore, if accompanied by proper dietary management, the risk of being overweight in children can be further reduced.

Remember, they can also do it in a fun way, like benefits of doing parkour, in safer locations with additional protections. 

4. Improves Cognitive Function

Many studies have proven that exercise habits will significantly improve cognitive function and intelligence of your little one. Research even says that children who regularly exercise have more active prefrontal brain activity.

This part of the brain is responsible for regulating cognitive function. In addition, exercise also helps children to be able to concentrate and be more focused. In children who like to do team sports, their ability to plan and work together will be well honed.

5. Improve Your Little One’s Memory Function

Exercise increases blood flow to the brain. Because of this, children who exercise regularly have more extensive brain areas of the basal ganglia and hippocampus. This area of ​​the brain functions to store memories.

Sports carried out since preschool age can even improve your little one’s memory when learning a foreign language. It can make your little one more competent to face global competition or learning new things.

6. Learning About Sportivity

Losing and winning are common in any game or competition. But in sports, sportsmanship is highly valuable, the ability to enjoy the game without suffering the minds with the outcome of losing. Or in a much simpler word, respect. 

The kids can peacefully shake hands with their opponent, no matter what the outcome of the match. When they grow up, this sportsmanship will carry over and make them appreciate their friends more and try to do their best and be fair.

7. Increases Muscle Strength and Coordination

When the adults can take some benefits of joining a gym, the kids can get it in simpler ways. Obviously they don’t need to have big muscles like a bodybuilder. However, having good muscle strength is always important in all sizes of body. This is because it will improve the overall motoric skills.

In addition, coordination skills also need to be honed because this exercise is useful for training signals between the brain and various muscles. With good coordination skills, your little one’s cognitive function will also be more optimal.

In order for your kids to fully feel all of these benefits, invite them to discuss the sports that they like and want to do. Most school-aged children enjoy team or competitive sports. In this case, the type of sports that you can recommend to him is basketball or soccer.

As a parent, also make sure you arrange a child’s exercise schedule so that they can do it regularly and oftenly. Thus, the benefits of exercise for your kids will be more optimal.