Skin Treatment

6 Best Benefits of Dermal Fillers that Rejuvenates

Face aging is something that most of the people wants to avoid. It is start from the age of 20’s and increase progressively during life time. It affects the skin physiologic and change the skin tissues. Furthermore, it is clearly expose on the face and neck by giving an impression of wrinkles and skin atrophy. Therefore, innovative solution such as injecting fillers is now become a common choice. Since there are some benefits of dermal fillers to avoid this issue. Moreover, it can revitalize the skin and giving back the youthful look and freshness.

During the aging process, the face outline changes from a triangle to a trapezoid or rectangle. This is because the sagging skin and downward descent of the cheek soft tissues. By the time, the effects of gravity and the longitudinal pull of muscles cause drooping of the skin. Furthermore, it produces deeper structures of the forehead, cheeks, eyelids, nose, chin and neck. Hence, the final result is wrinkles and jowls appearance.

The aging process in the face is usually worse due to smoking, emotional stress, diseases, and exposure to extreme climates. There are so many health risks of stress. The process also occurs at different rates from person to person. It is a combination of loss of bone, fat, collagen and elastin. In conclusion, it is closely related to genetics and environment.

Types of Dermal Fillers

There are several types of dermal fillers. This content are the common ingredients of the filler. They are as below:

  • Hyaluronic Acid

It helps to keep skin smooth and plump. It plays a critical role in the rapid repair of wounds and other skin conditions. The hyaluronic acid in dermal filler can be applied through injection and local anaesthesia through the use of an anaesthetic cream before the procedure. This content is consider to be safe for use since it is comes from biochemical process.

  • Elastin

It is a protein in the skin and body’s tissue. It helps to keep the skin flexible but tight. Furthermore, it providing a skin elasticity. Through elastin, the skin can return to its normal shape during aging. It also helps to keep a smooth skin. Hence, it helps the skin to be moisture. During the application, it will penetrate the skin layer.

  • Collagen

It is a protein that forms the main structural component of the lower layer of the skin. It is also responsible for the skin’s strength. Collagen is produced by cells called fibroblasts. It can maintain through consuming the high levels of Vitamin C. As most people know the benefits of taking vitamin C tablets for skin is quite many.

In dermal fillers, it is induced from Calcium Hydroxylapatite. While other collagen fillers are obtained from processed animal tissue. Therefore, it is not recommended.

Below are some benefits of dermal fillers:

1. Add Youthful Plumpness

Aging will make the skin lose the natural fat under the surface of the skin. It will plumb up the skin and gives unlined look. This will result some wrinkles instead of the healthy and young look. The fillers will help to counteract this by plumping up the skin. It will give the appearance of fuller cheeks. Furthermore, it reduces the signs of crow’s feet and other wrinkles.

2. Great for Lips

Fillers can be used to plump up the lips. This can make thin lips look sexier and plumper. Furthermore, it also eliminates the appearance of wrinkles around the mouth. Therefore, it will benefit to bring a better lips shape. This is the same benefits of castor oil for skin, that can promote a healthy lips. 

3. Botox Complements

The fillers can temporarily reduce the muscle activity that cause frown lines. It is also avoiding the deep wrinkles appearance in the face. Therefore, it is a complete complement to leave the skin look much longer. It is help to bring benefit that allowing delay to perform face lift or other surgical option. Since it is easier to apply and lower cost.

4. Reduce the Appearance of Scars

The fillers can also fill in the skin that contain scars. Such as the scars coming from the acne or skin disease. It can make the scars appearance look softer. Furthermore, the final result can give unscarred skin look. Therefore, it is a good choice to smooth the facial scars. The same benefits of aloe vera gel for acne, which reduce acne scars appearance.

5. Boost the Collagen Levels

By the time we get older, the collagen production will slow down. Collagen is an essential building block of the skin. Therefore, when it breaks down and stop producing, it leads to a visible aging, including wrinkles and a coarsened skin texture. Furthermore, the injection not only contain collagen, but they can also stimulate the body to begin creating more collagen. This is the same health benefits of bone marrow. Hence, this enhances the youthful effects of the face in a natural way.

6. Reduce Early Aging Signs Appearance

As we get older, the elasticity of the skin will decrease. This will lead to the cause of a sagging skin. The volume and youthful contours of the face will decrease too. Furthermore, this will cause a hollowed-out appearance. Therefore, another benefits of dermal fillers is to take away the appearance of crow’s feet, which is the lines at the corners of the eyes.

It is also eliminate the laugh and smile lines around the mouth and nose. It reduces furrows, which is the frown lines in the forehead. Furthermore, it reduces glabella, which is the lines between the eyebrows.

Side Effects of Derma Fillers

The fillers are a treatment which injecting a liquid compound into specific target areas. The injections immediately hydrate and lift the skin tissue. Therefore, there are some possible side effects such as:

  1. Temporary Swelling.
  2. Rejection of the filler material.
  3. Infection of the area.
  4. Redness, sensitivity or itching.

Hence, if the person has allergic historical, it is recommended not to perform the fillers. Otherwise, consult with correct medical practitioner before perform the procedure.