
3 Benefits of Milk for Bone Health

Milk and dairy products are excellent resources of calcium and they are good for bones. As we all know, calcium plays an important role in strengthening bones. Milk is rich in calcium, phosphorus and protein which are not great only for bone health, but also for overall health.

There are different types of milk and each of them has its own amazing benefits. Perhaps you can check these health benefits of Etawa milk and benefits of consuming pure cow’s milk. Both are great for bone health. We will discuss more about the best type of milk which is good for bone health in the next section.

Milk is rich in nutrients. You will find calcium, the main star of the nutrients, along with vitamins A and D, phosphorus, riboflavin, potassium, magnesium, niacin, and zinc.

Now, let’s see what milk can do to bone health and the reasons why it is good for your bones.

1. Good for growing bones

The first benefit is for young children. Children tend to hate green vegetables, which are great sources of protein and calcium too. However, as parents, you don’t have to be worried. You can serve a glass of milk or some other dairy products to replace green vegetables. The calcium and protein from milk and dairy products are essential for growing bones, especially at young age like kids and teenagers.

Milk is a great source for kids. When they are still babies, they get calcium mainly from breast milk. As they grow, they can drink any types of milk, including cow’s milk, soy milk or other types of milk. health benefits of soy milk for babies.

2. Prevent osteoporosis

One of the most fatal problems related to bones is osteoporosis. It is a disease where your bones become very weak. It is commonly experienced by people who are old or lack of calcium in their diet. Women are more likely to experience osteoporosis than men.

Milk is the great source of calcium and getting sufficient amount of it will help to prevent osteoporosis in the later age. Proper intake of calcium along with vitamin D will help to maintain peak bone mass.

Vitamin D is the one that helps the process of calcium absorption. We all can get vitamin D from sunlight, that’s why it is called as the “sunshine vitamin”. Vitamin D is beneficial for everyone, as being explained in benefits of vitamin D for women and health benefits of vitamin D for men.

3. Keep your bones strong

This benefit is actually related to the previous one, to prevent osteoporosis. Osteoporosis can be prevented when your bones are strong. You can get it by drinking milk regularly. Once again, milk is an excellent source of proteins, vitamins, minerals and calcium. Calcium is the one that supports bone health and structure. Furthermore, it keeps the bones rigid and resilient.

It is important to drink milk since young age as it helps the bones grow in childhood, maintains flexibility in adulthood and at the end prevents osteoporosis or osteoarthritis.

What type of milk is the best for bone health?

There are different types of milk, such as skim milk, low-fat milk, whole milk, almond milk, soy milk, rice milk and many more. If you ask which has the richest amount of calcium, it might be skim milk. If you want to know more about milk, you can consider reading these health benefits of soy milk and health benefits of homemade rice milk.

Skim milk is the fat-free milk. It means all of the fat from the milk is removed. Furthermore, it has less calories and higher percentage of calcium. In an 8-ounce cup of skim milk, you will get around 325 mg of calcium.

If you ask which milk is the healthiest, then it depends. It depends on your personal diet, body composition and potential risks of allergies. There are some people who prefer plant-based milk, such as soy milk or rice milk because they are allergic to lactose.

Calcium doesn’t come only from milk, it comes from other types of food too. You can combine drinking milk with some types of food too, such as sardines, kale, okra, collard greens, and many more. Don’t forget to combine with physical exercise too, such as jogging and walking. If you’re interested in walking as regular exercise, you can try reading these health benefits of walking 6 km a day.

You can maintain your bone health by consuming several types of food or doing some things. You can try some types of exercises and get these health benefits of exercises for bone health. There are different types of exercise you can simply do at home.