
20 Health Benefits of Etawa Milk

Various types of nutrients are present in etawa milk such as calcium, phosphorus, fluorine and sodium. Etawa milk is milk made and derived from goats

Etawa milk with a thin and low-fat texture is currently very popular and favored by the public compared to whole milk, vegetable milk, and others. This is because its flavor and nutrients are more efficacious for health.

These are the benefits of consuming pure cow’s milk Etawa milk is suitable for consumption by anyone from children, teenagers, adults, to the elderly. The various benefits of etawa milk are as follows,

1. Prevents Bone Loss and Anemia

Etawa milk has a high zinc and selenium content that can prevent neurodegenerative diseases. Etawa milk can accelerate the regeneration of hemoglobin which has a function to overcome the problem of bone loss and anemia caused by iron deficiency. In addition, etawa milk has high calcium which is very good for bone and tooth growth.

2. Fights Inflammation

Etawa milk has prebiotic carbohydrates or better known as oligosaccharides that can support the development of good bacteria in the digestive system. A good digestive system supports the ability to fight inflammation effectively.

In addition to prebiotics, etawa milk with its microbiota triggers a better immune response in the body and can naturally fight inflammation.

3. Strengthens Immunity

One of the keys to a healthy life is having a healthy and strong body. Selenium found in etawa milk is one of the important substances in the immune system.

The fluorine contained in etawa milk is 10 times higher than cow’s milk and this substance is used to boost the immune system naturally. By consuming etawa milk regularly, it can protect the body from various types of infectious diseases.

4. Good for the Heart

Etawa milk is rich in magnesium and vitamin D which are very good for heart health. The heart is an organ that plays an important role in survival and functions to pump blood. Magnesium serves to keep the heartbeat normal and prevent blood clots from increasing cholesterol levels.

Etawa milk contains potassium, which is useful for neutralizing blood pressure so that it can indirectly help maintain heart health. If blood circulation is smooth and heart health is maintained, it can help the body avoid the potential for stroke.

5. Optimizes the Digestive System

It’s no secret that etawa milk contains prebiotics and antibacterial proteins, calcium, and carbohydrates. This prebiotic content is not only useful for fighting inflammation, but can also support the growth of good bacteria which is very good for the health of the digestive system.

6. Increase Breast Milk Production

Calcium in etawa milk is up to 6 times more than cow’s milk. Calcium in addition to functioning for bone strengthening, is also a very important intake for pregnant women during the formation of the fetus, especially in the third trimester of pregnancy, and nursing mothers.

Etawa milk is believed to increase breast milk production. Etawa milk can be a source of nutrition for the mother and also the fetus in her womb.

7. Improves Children’s Intelligence

Etawa milk with riboflavin (vitamin B2) and vitamin B3 is very helpful for the development of children’s intelligence and memory. These two vitamins are believed to be very helpful for the growth and development of brain and nerve cells in children and the growth of brain cells in the fetus.

8. Prevents and Overcomes Stress

When etawa milk is drunk warm, it can provide peace and relieve stress or fatigue that is being felt due to anxiety disorders. The content of zinc and magnesium found in etawa milk can strengthen nerve tissue, so that when consumed regularly it can help avoid various kinds of diseases that correlate with nerves.

9. Treat Respiratory Disease

Etawa milk can be used as an alternative medicine and is known for its ability to treat various types of diseases related to the respiratory tract such as asthma, tuberculosis (TB), and lung spots. With the fluorine and betacasein content found in etawa milk, it can help the healing process of these respiratory diseases.

10. Beauty

Who says etawa milk is not suitable for treating skin beauty and health from within the body? Etawa milk is included in the category of milk with content that is easily absorbed by the skin.

In fact, many beauty products use etawa milk as the main ingredient. The nutritional content contained in etawa milk and useful for nourishing the skin is lactic acid to regenerate dead skin, vitamin C. vitamin B. niacin, thiamin.

Vitamin A in etawa milk has a very important role for skin cell repair and lactic acid helps clear old cells on the skin. Triglycerides and fatty acids in etawa milk keep the skin moisturized for a brighter look. Today, there are many beauty products made with etawa milk.

Acne is caused by bacteria. Ethawa milk contains natural alpha-hydroxy acids to remove dead skin cells from the skin. In addition, vitamin A in etawa pu milk has anti-inflammatory properties that work to reduce redness in acne, resolve inflammation and one of them includes acne. For those with inflamed acne, it is recommended to consume etawa milk instead of cow’s milk.

11. Good for Diet

For those who are on a diet, etawa milk is very suitable to be included in the list of foods and drinks to be consumed because it is very good for digestion. The fat and protein content in etawa milk can be digested by the stomach and burn fat quickly.

Etawa milk can also satisfy hunger so it is very useful to prop up the stomach so as not to snack often. Consuming etawa milk after a meal is highly recommended to get a sense of fullness and last longer.

12. Nourishes the Stomach

With the various nutrients it contains, especially alkaline minerals, etawa milk can neutralize stomach acid and prevent ulcers. Etawa milk can be digested easily by the stomach.

13. Diabetes Prevention and Treatment

Etawa milk contains A2-betakasein and essential amino acids that are very good for diabetics or people who have the potential to develop diabetes. The content of these nutrients can help the process of insulin formation. To optimize the benefits of etawa milk, diabetics are advised to drink pure etawa milk from the farm without artificial sweeteners and other additives.

14. Lower Blood Pressure

Consuming etawa milk can lower high blood pressure. The calcium and vitamin D contained in it can help blood pressure to remain stable. In fact, calcium can actually affect blood vessels to narrow so that high blood pressure can decrease.

15. Increases Muscle Strength

The protein content in etawa milk can increase muscle strength. This is similar to the health benefits of fish oil for muscle building. When consuming and drinking it regularly will give the effect of healthy and strong muscles. With milk and exercise and diet patterns can increase muscle mass.

16. Eye Health

Vitamin A with 25% beta carotene intake in etawa milk can reduce the risk of macular degeneration that attacks the eyes and maintains eye health, especially helping vision become sharper and clearer. In addition to sharpening eye sight, etawa milk can prevent the risk of night blindness, xerophthalmia, corena damage and blindness.

17. Treats Cancer

Have you heard that tempeh, an Indonesian specialty, can treat cancer? Find out more about the benefits of tempeh for cancer treatment. Riboflavin found in etawa milk not only works to improve children’s intelligence, but can also prevent cancer. Riboflavin contributes to reducing the risk of a number of cancers in humans.

18. Relieves Diarrhea

With the health benefits of rice water for diarrhea. Diarrhea is a disease caused by e-coli bacteria and etawa milk is one of the medicines that can be consumed to treat diarrhea. Etawa milk contains lactoferrin which can inhibit the growth of e-coli bacteria.

19. Increase Body Weight

Etawa milk has more calories than cow’s milk per serving. Etawa milk is more suitable for those who want to gain weight than cow’s milk or vegetable milk. Meet daily nutritional needs by consuming etawa milk with 1-2 glasses of about 250ml, balanced with nutritious healthy foods to meet nutritional adequacy.

20. Maintain Sleep Quality

The tryptophan content found in etawa milk helps process the hormone serotonin so that it can maintain sleep quality. This serotonin hormone regulates mood and mood and stimulates the part of the brain that controls sleep and wake time.

Sleep disorders and making sleep better can be overcome by regularly consuming etawa milk. In addition, with the health benefits of eating avocado before bed can make sleep more soundly.