
4 Health Benefits of Calcium Gluconate

Calcium gluconate is used to pull through calcium deficiency (hypocalcemia), carry out over magnesium levels to blood, and help carry high potassium to blood (hyperkalemia).

Calcium gluconate is known as the gluconic acid calcium salt. Calcium gluconate is an odorless, white color, free powder flowing which is soluble in water, insoluble in alcohol, mostly as organic solvents, and stable in the air.

Calcium gluconate is help maintain a balance of calcium and prevent bone loss. Calcium gluconate used in food as a calcium source and based on The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) considers calcium gluconate is safe. It is the health benefits of bulgarian buttermilk as one of the sources of calcium.

1.     Low Blood Calcium (Hypocalcemia)

Hypocalcemia is caused by abnormal levels of parathyroid hormone (control calcium levels in the blood) or vitamin D. Hypocalcemia can be mild, even heavy and temporary, or lifelong. Hypocalcemia can affect people of any age and lead depending on the cause.

For example, a baby may have hypocalcemia due to a genetic disorder. Healthcare professionals and researchers have not yet determined how’s common it because hypocalcemia is a side effect of other health.

Usually, it comes from having thyroid (a thyroidectomy). About 7% – 49% of people get hypocalcemia temporarily after thyroidectomy. People who have experienced mild hypocalcemia often don’t have symptoms called asymptomatic.

These symptoms depend on mild or heavy. It is symptoms of mild hypocalcemia are; muscle cramps in the back and legs, dry skin and scaly, brittle nails, and hair more coarse.

If this hypocalcemia is untreated over time, it caused neurologic symptoms (affecting the nervous system) and psychological (affecting the mind) including confusion, memory problems, irritability or restlessness, depression, and hallucinations.

The symptoms of heavy hypocalcemia are; tingling on the lips, tongue, and fingers even feet, muscle aches, muscle spasms in the throat that make it difficult to breathe (laryngospasm), stiffening and spasm in muscles, seizures, abnormal heart rhythm (arrhythmia), congestive heart failure.

Here are many functions and complexes involved to maintain stable calcium levels and the body. However, some conditions and health disorders cause hypocalcemia.

Most of the time, an issue with parathyroid hormone (PTH) and/or vitamin D levels is related to the cause of hypocalcemia. It is PTH helps control levels of calcium and vitamin D absorbs calcium.

The most common causes of hypocalcemia are deficiency of vitamin D, hypoparathyroidism, and failure of the kidney. Treatment of hypocalcemia can be done by oral supplements of calcium.

These kinds of oral calcium supplements are oral calcium pills used to restore calcium to normal levels, vitamin D levels consumed by people who have chronic hypocalcemia, a synthetic form of the parathyroid (PTH), calcium gluconate in IV if occurs muscle cramps and even spasms.

Find more about low blood calcium called hypocalcemia in health benefits of calcium lactate, benefits of calcium carbonate for the body.

2.     The High Blood of Potassium (Hyperkalemia)

Hyperkalemia occurs with high potassium in the blood. Potassium is an essential nutrient in food to help function observes and muscles. To consume it, don’t do too much because potassium can brake the heart and don’t know when exactly potassium’s high in the body.

Typical potassium for the elderly range between 3.5 and 5 millimoles per liter (mmol/L) Hyperkalemia occur when levels are over 5.5mmol/L. A number over 6.5mmoi/L can cause heart problems. Another cause of hyperkalemia is the kidney.

A kidney filter potassium from food and beverage consumed. The body gets rid of potassium when pee. In hyperkalemia, the body will give over potassium to get out by the kidney and as the result, potassium will build-up in the blood.

Many people with mild hyperkalemia have no signs or symptoms easy to dismiss. These symptoms often come and go gradually over weeks or months. High potassium levels affect the heart and cause sudden problems of life-threatening.

The symptoms of hyperkalemia include abdominal (belly) pain, diarrhea, chest pain, heart palpitations called arrhythmia (irregular fast even fluttering heartbeat), muscle weakness or numbness in limbs, nausea, and vomiting.

Treatments for hyperkalemia depend on potassium levels. It is involving diuretics make often pee. The body gets rid of potassium mostly in urine. The second is high potassium intravenous (IV) therapy which is potassium levels need treatment and will receive an IV infusion of calcium to protect the heart.

Next will receive an infusion of insulin help move to potassium to blood cells or inhale an asthma medication called albuterol to further lower potassium levels. The third is medication management, many people increase after seeing or changing certain blood pressure to raise potassium levels.

Healthcare providers can determine what changes to make. Number four is potassium binders. Medication daily binds over potassium in the intestines and forms in oral and enema.

The last is dialysis for potassium levels are high or experience kidney failure. These treatments help the kidney remove excess potassium from the blood.

Diet is the best way to protect health from hyperkalemia and reduce even stop high potassium foods such as asparagus, avocados, bananas, citrus fruits and juices, cooked spinach, melons, potatoes, raisin, tomatoes, and tomato-based products, salt substitutes contain potassium.

It is the health benefits of water chestnut flour as one of the potassium sources. Other improve blood pressure, this other benefits of potassium for health.

3.     Magnesium Overdose (Hypermagnesemia)

Magnesium overdose occurs commonly potassium ingesting in large quantities as supplements, medication, pills, or liquid. A healthy kidney can remove excess potassium through urine. The symptoms of hypermagnesemia are diarrhea, nausea, and abdominal cramping.

People with kidney disease experience a drop in low blood pressure. Hypermagnesemia cause difficulty breathing, mental confusion, muscle weakness, and irregular heartbeat.

Magnesium is an important mineral helping the function of muscles and preserves energy This help to build strong bones and arrange blood sugar, blood pressure, and nerve function. Magnesium contracts muscle and maintain a natural heart rhythm.

The kidney disposes of magnesium excess within urine naturally. Treatment for hypermagnesemia depends on the severity of the overdose. A doctor suggests stopping consuming laxatives, antacids, and even magnesium supplements.

Always consult with your healthcare provider before consuming medication-based magnesium. Avoid antacid and laxatives-based magnesium to lower the risk of hypermagnesemia. Follow the recommended dosage for a supplement of magnesium.  

4.     Cardiac Arrest

During cardiac arrest, electrical problems make the heart stop pumping blood to the body. Without blood flow, we will be unconscious and don’t have a pulse. This cardiac arrest can be fatal in minutes.

Cardiac arrest happens as the heart beating stops fast pumping blood. During this moment, people usually collapse and unresponsive. With cardiac arrest, abnormal, rapid impulses override normal electrical impulses starting the heartbeat.

When the heart isn’t beating, there is no way to get oxygen-rich blood to the body. The symptoms of cardiac arrest are a racing heartbeat (heart palpitation), and dizziness. Cardiac arrest treatment includes restarting the heart and restoring a regular rhythm through cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR).

This method is mostly treatment to improve cardiac arrest survival using chest compression to replace the heart’s pumping moving a small amount of blood from the heart to blood. Another method is an automatic defibrillator or external defibrillator.

This method delivers a brief electrical current (shock) to the chest. Treatment that can prevent cardiac arrest includes implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD), arrhythmia treatment in susceptible people, medicines such as beta-blockers, fix heart artery blockages by the coronary artery.   Â