Kids Health

(Must Read!) 9 Benefits of Letting Your Baby Cry It Out With Pros and Cons

Crying is definitely a normal habit for baby aged 0-2 years. When first delivered, baby usually would cry, and during breastfeeding period as well. According to experts’ explanation, crying is baby’s response to internal or external stimulus (such as physical contact, emotional moments, environment, etc). For some parents, crying continuously is considered a bad habit and a threat to baby’s mental health. This is why some parents trying their best to make baby stop crying.

But, do you know that letting baby cry it out actually is a good idea? According to experts, for some reason, crying is considered beneficial for the baby’s mental health and a training for sleeping. Letting baby cry before sleep time is a good therapy, and actually a therapy as good as baby massage post pregnancy. Although, baby crying may give stress and frustration to the baby’s caregivers, it is not really bad. When the baby is crying, to avoid any stress, the caregivers can walk away for 5 minutes.

Also, baby might cry when there is too much shaking when being hold. So, it is recommended to watch the baby carefully during the crying. There is definitely a limit, however. So, check these benefits of letting your baby cry it out, with pros and cons!

Pros and Cons of Letting Baby Cry It Out

According to experts, there are some positive and negative effects of crying for baby (infant). So, parents or caregivers must pay attention carefully to one of these effects to avoid further damages.

Pros :

  • It lets the baby to show his normal behavior
  • It is a part of “sleep training”. Letting the baby learn to sleep on his own.
  • Letting the baby cry it out may have positive effect on baby’s brain development.

Cons :

  • Excessive crying may cause decreased sleep time (sleep deprivation) and depression in the mothers.
  • For longer duration, excessive crying may increase the risks of some disorders.
  • It may cause high stress level.
  • Higher risks of hyperactivity, behavior problems, and mood problems at the age of 5 or 6.

Now, let’s see the benefits of letting your baby cry it out :

1. Letting your baby cry it out helps the baby sleep more soundly

The first amazing benefits of letting your baby cry it out. Scientific research has it that letting the baby cry in the night helps them sleep more soundly. According to some experts, letting the baby cry it out is a part of sleep training, a training that let the baby learn to sleep on his own health benefits of peanut butter for weight gain treatment.

2. Letting your baby cry it out helps improve brain development

The best second benefits of letting your baby cry it out. A baby or infant’s brain of course is still developing during their early years. This is why it is better to let the baby explore their potential and let them cry. Letting your baby cry it out is proven to improve and accelerate brain development what are the benefits of laying on your left side.

3. Letting your baby cry it out helps stimulate hormone growth

One of excellent benefits of letting your baby cry it out. As a baby, human body is definitely still growing. According to experts, hormone is one of the factors that stimulate body growth. Baby crying might have connection to stimulate growth hormone benefits of laying on floor with legs againts wall

4. Letting your baby cry it out helps hormonal imbalance

There is a claim backed with scientific facts that letting your baby cry it out might help prevent hormonal imbalance when they grow older. Hormonal imbalance is one of the cause of some syndromes.

5. Letting your baby cry it out helps release stress on the baby

One of beneficial benefits of letting your baby cry it out. Some researches conducted by scientists show that letting your baby cry it out might help release the stress hormone on the baby.

One of the cause of baby crying is increased stress level due to various reasons (e.g. diet, environment condition, temperature, internal and external stimulus, etc). For that reason, it is recommended to let baby cry until they are satisfied. They might feel stressed.

But, do not let your baby cry for excess duration. It might be dangerous and can increase the risks of behavior problems benefits of drinking cold water in morning empty stomach.

6. Letting your baby cry it out helps tighten bonds between the baby and the caregivers

Other special benefits of letting your baby cry it out. There are some instances that letting your baby cry it out helps creating bonds with the baby. This will improve the chemistry and intimate in the family, thus may benefit the baby psychologically health benefits of drinking apple cider vinegar at night

7. Letting your baby cry it out helps create emotional bonds with the parents

One of best benefits of letting your baby cry it out. When baby cry, parents will try to comfort, listen, and understand the reason behind the baby crying. This will help create emotional bonds between the parents and the baby. As a result, parents will develop some mutual understanding with the children.

8. Letting your baby cry it out helps stimulate nervous system development

Crying is a phenomenon that connected to hormones and nervous system. It is a mechanism as well as reaction to internal or external stimulus. So, by letting your baby cry it out, it will help train and develop their nervous system. Thus, when the baby grow older they will have talents.

9. Letting your baby cry it out helps diagnose the diseases on the baby

One of useful benefits of letting your baby cry it out. According to scientific journal, excess crying is a sign of a disease in the baby. For that reason, by observing the baby when they cry, parents can diagnose what kind of diseases.

Cautions in Letting Your Baby Cry It Out

It must be known that, crying infant might give stress and frustation to the caregivers. If the situation has become worse, the caregiver may walk away from the crying infant for 3-5 minutes.