
14 Health Benefits of Honey Mixed With Lime

Honey and lime have properties of antimicrobial, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory needed to improve health conditions. It contains vitamins, minerals, and amino acids.

Both mixed lime and honey can be an effective way to healthy drink for people with fever or problems with respiratory infections will relieve. When honey add to warm water with lime will get the benefits below,

1. Weight Loss

For people who are on a healthy diet to gain an ideal weight, honey with lime is a good choice of drink. Many types of honey can decrease body weight. One of the health benefits of red honey.

Several studies examined that if the body is more hydrated then fullness will feel longer. Not only that, consumption of it, can help to keep body weight stable. Recommended to consume it before eating to anticipate a surplus of calories.

2. Low Drink Calories

Comparing to number of calories of honey lime is 25 calories more than other sweet beverages. For example, soft drinks contain 110 calories with add of sweeteners up to 30 grams which means it is safe to consume honey mix lime as long as reasonable portions.

3. Increase Body Immunity

The high of vitamin C from lime also its antioxidant in honey help to increase the human body’s immune system specifically when they are isn’t feeling well and the children. Find more about the health benefits of honey for children.

The presence of vitamin C can help to stimulate white blood cells to fight infections. Furthermore, the consumption of honey in conditions not fit such as having a phlegm throat can help tinny it. Thus, a cough can more heal quickly.

4. Good For Digestion

Lacking intake of the liquid will cause somebody to get constipation and even dehydration. Lime has flavonoids so drinking honey mix lime is essential to ensure bowel movement is still smooth and healthy of the digestion system in natural.

Flavonoids are also helpful for increasing the production of enzymes needed to break down food. Several studies examine that honey is beneficial for good bacteria in digestion.

The parents can give honey mix lime to children while their digestion disorder. Otherwise honey-lime drinks, avocado is a good choice too. Here are the health benefits of eating avocado before bed for aids digestion.

But remember, do not give honey to a child below 1 year because it can increase the risk of botulism. Besides that, the natural sugar in honey can help to smooth the system of metabolism in the body with thrown fat and decrease cholesterol.

Natural sugar is better than sugar or sweetness artificial which is the cause of increasing the level of blood sugar in the blood. With beneficial of honey and lime, the body doesn’t need to pile up excessive remaining toxins and food. The accumulation of residual substances can make the stomach and waist wider.

5. Reduce Hunger

According to Liputan6, lime has nutrients soluble fiber, and insoluble fiber. Both of type fibers can make the body feel full without the need for excessive calories.

That will resist the temptation to eat another food or snacks. While honey has a level of carbohydrates. With consuming of honey every day can suffice the requirement of carbohydrates daily.

This is probably to reduce the consumption of high calories of food. Reducing hunger in the stomach was helped by drinking honey with warm water before eating. So, consuming this drink can help the program of diet.

6. Burning of Fat

Honey mix lime can help to maximize the burnt fat. Nutrients of antioxidants, citrate acid, and vitamin C in lime are responsible for it. Nutrients in lime are able to speed up the system of the body’s metabolism.

When we are in doing physical activity, fat, and sugar in the body will changes to be a source of energy in fast. It is good to prevent the accumulation of fat in the body.

Honey also has a level of low carbohydrate. It is sweet so suitable to consume as low-calorie diet food. Honey mix lime is a good option for burning fat inside the body.

7. Solution For Acne

Acne is disturbing performance and confidence. Combining honey and lime can be used to increase the health of the face, one is to treat acne. According to one Indonesian site, adding honey to a mask of lime is beneficial for making the inflammation of acne to get subsided.

It is because its antiseptic can remove bacteria in acne. It is simple to use just prepare 2 tablespoons of lime juice mixed with 4 tablespoons of pure honey, then stir until blended continue to apply to the face with a mask. Waiting for 30 minutes to get maximal results.

8. Disguise Black Spots

Nutrients in honey isn’t only made skin free from black spots, but also make it more soft. While nutrients in lime can make cells of dead skin well lifted and black spots will fade slowly. Preparing 3 tablespoons of pure honey and 1 tablespoon of water lime.

Mix of those ingredients until blended then apply on face. Apply it slowly using your hands and let it for 10 – 1 minute to better absorbed with warm water. After that, rinse with warm water. The mask can be used 1 time per week.

9. Treat Dull Skin

Dull skin is caused by air pollution, being touched by the sun for a long time, tiredness, and lack of sleep. Honey with lime is capable of healthy and brightening the face. Nutrients in these natural ingredients can be used as masks.

The process to make it simple just only mix 1 tbsp lime and 1 tbsp pure honey then apply to the face. Let it for some minutes to penetrate into the skin. After, rinse the face until clean and feel the difference after doing it for some time.

10. Prevent Premature Aging

There are a lot of anti-aging product, one of is getting benefits of coconut oil for anti aging. This is what many women looking for. Beside coconut oil, there is consumption honey with lime is good for skin health such as anti-aging.

One of the reasons occurs aging is a stressful life and less to keep the health of skin. Combine water lime and honey then apply it to the face using cotton. After that, dry it and clean the face with warm water and wipe it with a clean towel. Do it routinely to get maximal results.

11. Overcoming Oily Face

Lime is rich in antioxidants and vitamin C, which is inside alpha hydroxide acid which is helpful to ward off free radicals in the skin. Using lime with honey as a mask.

With 1 tablespoon of lime add 2 tablespoons pure honey until blended. Apply it to the face which has been cleansed. After letting it for some minutes then rinse until clean. Other to reduce excessive oil, this mask can be used to shrink pores.

12. Brighten Facial Skin

Honey and lime can make the face look bright and natural. It’s antibacterial to help to relax inflammation and protect from germs. Otherwise, it acts as a cleaners agent with its bleach properties helping to remove scars and pigmentation which makes the color of skin evenly.

It is easy to implement with 2 tablespoons of lime and 1 tablespoon of pure honey. Using it to overall facial skin and massage slowly for some minutes. Let it until dry then rinse with warm water. After that rinse in cold water.

13. Remove Dead Skin Cells

Honey and lime have nutrients for enzyme inside. Honey has a smooth texture and comfort to apply on the face. Combining honey and lime then apply it to facial skin and massage for 3-5 minutes. After that, let it for 5 minutes on the face and continue to rinse using cold water.

14. Treat Gastric Pains

Gastric disease is caused because of up stomach acid in the throat which will feel nausea and want to vomit. Therefore, to fight chronic gastric disease suggested to consume honey with lime regularly with squeeze 2-3 of lime in 1 glass of warm or cold water, then adding honey if like.

  • Help neutralize stomach acid

Nutrients of lime can be helpful to neutralize stomach acid in the body. Although it has a sour taste, when it enters into the stomach, will become alkali.

  • Help balance stomach acid

Nutrients in the lime mixed with honey can be used to help balance stomach acid so stomach acid won’t upgrade increase.

  • Protect the stomach wall

When people with gastric pain then consuming lime, according to research, to get results by lime can be used to protect the stomach wall. It has to be protected because it will help to won’t get the disease.

  • Overcome damage to the stomach wall

Nutrients in lime can be used to overcome damage in the stomach wall so gastric pain will get covered heal. The damage to the stomach wall is adequate dangerous because it can damage the wall in stomach acid.

  • Avoid occurring damage stomach

If the stomach wall is protected, then it can avoid damage to the stomach occur because of damage breaking the stomach. Usually, the stomach wall is broken caused by certain rubbing in the stomach.

  • Protect the damaged body’s tissue

Lime has antioxidant which is used to help to protect the breaking of the body’s tissue. Besides, it can protect against the breaking of the body’s tissue.

How to make it and serve it ?

The best time to drink honey mixed with lime is in the morning, which gets the system in fat-burning mode. It gets to release chemical substances and harmful toxins from the body to regulate bowel movements and keep the digestive system still healthy.

Many ideas and recipes for honey and its stead such as the benefit of coffee mixed with honey. The beverage of honey mixed with lime is easy to make at home. For a tart drink, try using 1/3 cup of honey and 2/3 cup of honey for a very sweet drink. Here is the recipe,


  • 1 cup fresh squeezed lime juice
  • ½ cup of honey, more needed as each person like
  • 5 cups water


  • In a glass bowl, add lime juice and honey
  • Whisk until honey is completely dissolved
  • Pour into a pitcher of water
  • Taste and more honey as desired
  • Refrigerate until cold
  • Serve with ice and enjoy to drink

When we want to make this recipe, please give attention to it. Limeade will be stored until 3 days in the refrigerator, but it the best served the same day for fresh flavor

  • Honey can be adjusted with taste. 1/3 cup of honey will result in an adequate of lime
  • Lime juice can substitute with lemon juice to make lemonade. Around 8 lime is the same as 1 cup of lime juice.

Here is the nutrition of this recipe below,

NutrientsUnit of Measurement
Calories96 kcal
Carbohydrates27 gr
Protein1 gr
Fat1 gr
Saturated Fat1 gr
Sodium12 mg
Potassium62 mg
Fiber1 gr
Sugar24 gr
Vitamin A20 IU
Vitamin C12 mg
Calcium13 mg
Iron1 mg