Food & Bevarages

5 Wonderful Health Benefits of Sesame Seeds for Toddlers

Sesame is a plant that has a varied height, in general about 60 to 120 cm. When the fruit has cooked and dried, the seeds will easily come out. Sesame seeds are shaped like avocados but are small in size, white, yellow, brown, pink, or black. Here’s an article on the benefits of sesame seeds for health.

Sesame seeds are generally added as a complement to salads, toppings for breads, crackers, sushi, cakes, soups, fish and meat dishes, and others. Similar to the health benefits of chia seeds, the nutritional content of sesame seeds also makes it popular for consumption.

They are grains derived from sesame plants (Sesamum indicum L. syn. Sesamum orientalis L.) who belong to the family Pedaliaceae. The seeds have been long planted and cultivated all over the world for over 3.500 years, making them the oldest oily seeds. Sesame seeds come from Africa and India, which is where this plant is still widely cultivated today. 

Aside from making the meals look more beautiful, sesame seeds also add some health benefits that are also important for toddlers like benefits of vegetables suji upma, such as:

Health Benefits of Sesame Seeds for Toddlers

1. Controls Blood Pressure

Blood pressure is a measure of how strong the heart is in pumping blood throughout the body, and it can also be interpreted as blood flow pressure in the arteries.

The human body is actually equipped with a great ability to regulate the balance of blood pressure. The kidneys and heart are the organs that become the backbone in regulating blood pressure. 

The process, meanwhile, is controlled by complex electrolytes, nerves, and endocrine systems. Therefore, it is butted cooperation between the heart, kidneys, and autonomic nerves that are compatible to maintain the stability of blood pressure. 

If one of them does not work properly, then the stability of blood pressure can be disturbed. Conditions that may occur after that, namely high blood pressure or hypertension problems arise.

Hypertension is known to be indiscriminate. Anyone can suffer from it, both men and women. High blood pressure is generally experienced by adults. But, for some reason, children can also experience hypertension. For example, due to congenital conditions related to the inability of his body to produce nitrogen monoxide.

As the same as benefits of mutton soup, sesame seeds are considered as healthy foods and they are capable of solving this issue as well. Natural oils from sesame seeds are useful to reduce tension in the cardiovascular system and help prevent various heart conditions. Furthermore, the magnesium contained in it can also reduce high blood pressure.

2. Reduces Cancer Risk

The number of child cancers has increased in the world over the past decade. Cancer in children is more likely to be triggered by genetic factors compared to cancer in adults.

The increased prevalence of cancer in childhood can be influenced by external factors, such as infection or some environmental pollutants. The increase in prevalence compared to the previous decade is also supported by higher awareness of medical personnel in child cancer.

A cancer diagnosis is a diagnosis that threatens children and families. Even though the child has recovered from cancer, they still have a risk of recurrence and impaired some bodily functions due to cancer. Long-term care for child cancer patients is urgently needed.

Parents can do several ways to prevent them, like introducing better lifestyle vai giving more healthy foods everyday. Healthy materials can be used, like the benefits of peanut butter or sesame seeds for example.

Vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients, and the powerful anti-carcinogenic effects of magnesium in sesame seeds can serve as antioxidants and reduce the impact of free radicals, i.e. harmful products can cause a wide range of cancers and cause other conditions such as heart disease, and cognitive impairment. Sesame seeds are believed to prevent cancers of leukemia, lung, pancreas, and bowel cancer.

3. Helps to Treat Diabetes

Magnesium contained in sesame seeds is very beneficial to reduce the chances of diabetes, where sesame seed oil can affect the impact of various diabetes drugs such as glibenclamide in patients suffering from type 2 diabetes. This will improve the function of diabetes drugs, then regulate insulin and glucose levels in the body, thus helping to cure the symptoms of diabetes.

4. Good for Bone

Similar to the benefits of china grass, the zinc, calcium and phosphorus content found in sesame seeds can boost your body’s bone health. This mineral is an integral part of creating new bone material and strengthening and repairing bones that may be weakened due to injury or other bone conditions such as osteoporosis.

5. Provides Better Digestion

The digestive system of children and adults is centralized in the abdomen, but actually the digestive organs start from the mouth, teeth, throat, then to the stomach, intestines, to the anus. Not only serves to digest food, children’s digestion also has other great benefits.

In fact, the gastrointestinal tract can affect the central nervous system in the brain related to emotional social abilities such as mental disorders in the form of depression and anxiety.

Sesame seeds also contain fiber that can stimulate the peristaltic motion of food through the small intestine. It can reduce conditions such as constipation, as well as diarrhea, while protecting the health of your intestines and reducing the likelihood of gastrointestinal diseases and cancer.

Fiber also works for your heart by reducing harmful LDL cholesterol from arteries and blood vessels, thus protecting the body from atherosclerosis, heart attacks, and strokes.