Food & Bevarages

5 Important Health Benefits of Beetroot for Diabetes

Beetroot is a plant that comes from the family Amaranthaceae-Chenopodiaceae. That is, beetroot is still one family with radish vegetables and other rooted vegetables, like benefits of maral root. Generally, this fruit is only used for roots that taste sweet mainly used for health medicines. But over time, the flesh of the fruit and leaves are also consumed.

Beetroot was first consumed by people in Africa thousands of years ago. Its popular roots then spread to the regions of Asia and Europe. Then, these people cultivate and consume them in their area.

The shape that resembles potatoes and the benefits of beetroot are also found in the roots and stalks. Usually beetroot is consumed by turning it into juice or mashed into softer texture.

Although the leaves can be cooked to be a vegetable, beetroot is better known for its tubers that contain many benefits for the health of the body. Beetroot contains high carbohydrates but its fat, calorie and protein content is very low.

So it is very good to be consumed for those who are undergoing a diet program. The content of betasianin (purple pigment) and betasantin (yellow pigment) contained in beetroot is what makes the color dark red. Because of its dense color, beetroot is also often used as a natural food coloring.

This fruit is often found in America and the UK, but if you want to buy it can be obtained in supermarkets. Many people also use this to be remedy for treating diabetes, since it has many benefits of beetroot, such as:

1. Contains a lot of Antioxidants 

Antioxidants are compounds that help neutralize the entry of harmful free radicals in the body. They can also prevent oxidative stress and damage the good cells in your body.

In addition, some studies have found that antioxidants can protect the body against many types of chronic diseases, such as heart disease, cancer and diabetes.

The benefits of beetroot naturally are also found in the high content of phytonutrients to fight diseases.  In fact, beetroot is considered to be one of the sources of fruit containing phytonutrients, namely, betalain. 

Betalain is good for brightening skin tone. It is also able to help protect some development of cancer and other diseases in your body. However, you can also find similarities with benefits of taro root.

2. Natural Detox for the Body (especially kidneys and liver)

The body can actually secrete its own toxins (detox), this happens naturally to prevent your poisoning. First, there is a kidney detox organ that serves to filter blood and produce urine.

Then there are the lungs that function to remove carbon dioxide from the oxygen that has been inhaled. There are skins that function to push toxins and other harmful particles out through the pores.

Furthermore there is also the liver that plays an important role in detoxification, by removing toxins and other harmful substances from the blood.

To encourage the body to secrete toxins, beetroot is able to help some of these organs, especially the kidneys and liver, to keep working optimally. It is found from research in Poland.

This study tested a mouse given beetroot, the rat had previously suffered damage to cells in its body. After being given beetroot regularly, research published in the journal Phytotherapy Research found that the mice became healthier.

These results were found in the body of mice which showed that the enzyme levels became good and the detox organs in his body so maximally worked to remove toxins in the body due to the consumption of beetroot. 

Do not forget that consuming a combination of beet juice, carrots and cucumbers, is one of the best ways to cleanse the kidneys and liver of toxins deposited in both organs.

3. Prevents Hypertension

Hypertension is a condition of high blood pressure and can lead to other diseases, such as heart attack. This blood pressure is the strength of the blood from the heart that pumps blood that pushes against the walls of the arteries.

Then what is the relationship of diabetes with hypertension? Hypertension or high blood pressure can occur due to complications of chronic diabetes. So it is no wonder that diabetics have about 40% loss of life in a person caused by coronary heart disease associated with increased fat in the blood that causes plaques.

It has been proven in real terms, drinking juice from these beetroot tubers lowers high blood pressure. Nitrate content is also found in green leafy vegetables, lowering blood pressure.

Research conducted by Barts and London School of Medicine and Peninsula Medical School suggests this inexpensive way to reduce hypertension. 

4. Suitable for Those Who Want to Lose Weight

In addition to containing a lot of nutrients, beetroot contains a lot of fiber but is low in calories. This is a great food source, if you are on a diet program or want to lose weight.

In fact, each cup of beetroot contains as much as 59 calories and 3.8 grams of fiber, or the equivalent of 15 percent of the fiber you need throughout the day. If you want, you can also have the benefits of beetroot chips, which is way healthier than MSG-filled snacks.

5. Prevents Anemia

Diabetes is not directly related to anemia. But , diabetes can damage blood vessels in the body and can cause kidney disorders for a long period of time if not controlled. Such impaired renal function can cause the occurrence of anemia. 

Characteristics or symptoms of anemia with diabetes can have similarities with the usual anemia such as weakness, dizziness. But it is not specific to anemia or diabetes.

Aside from benefits of turkey berry, this reddish fruit is often associated with the color of the blood, so it is used to overcome the problem of anemia. Actually, what overcomes anemia is its high iron content, which reactivates and regenerates red blood cells and supplies oxygen useful for the health of red blood cells.