
Health Benefits of Tacos al Pastor (Healthy and Fancy Tasty Food)

The first thing come to mind when we talk about Mexican cuisine is tacos. There are many kinds of tacos. But most people favorite might be tacos al pastor. It is a variant of tacos with sautéed pork marinated in lemon and pineapple.

The sweet and sour taste will make you never bored of it. Well, this is what we call healthy and fancy food.  But what are the health benefits of taco al pastor?

Nutrition Fact of of Tacos al Pastor

It is true that we must include the delicious food in our diet list. But we have to consider the health benefits. Just like tacos al pastor, this delicious food presents health benefits of tacos al pastor as it contains the following nutrients:

  • Fats
  • Protein
  • cholesterol
  • Dietary fiber
  • Sugar
  • Sodium
  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin C
  • Iron
  • Calcium

The Health Benefits of Tacos Al Pastor

An article once mentioned that taco al pastor or pork taco is better than granola for your breakfast. It is because the health benefits of tacos al pastor can cover people need of nutrients to start the day. Here are the health benefits of tacos al pastor

  1. Fancy but healthy

Urban are eager of fancy food while they are sitting in a café or bar. They dig fancy yet unhealthy food just like doughnut with overflowing sugar, French fries with very high sodium, and the other junk food. But now, you can choose tacos al pastor for the fancy and healthy food.

You know, the meat and the vegetable addition wrapped in tortilla can be looked so aesthetic without leaving the health benefits of tacos al pastor. And of course, they are ready for your instagram feeds.

  1. Healthy food in one go

Today, people rather choose simple food for their daily diet. But sometimes, the simple one cannot cover the need of nutrients. Some people would love granola bar for their breakfast or snack in the middle of their work. But a study showed that tacos al pastor, the other simple food can present fewer calories with more health benefits than granola bar with its remark for healthy and simple eating. So, wrap some tacos al pastor to work.

  1. Supply energy

One single serving of tacos al pastor may include 150 Cal consist of carbohydrate (37%), fat (42%), and protein (21%). Tortilla is a good source of carbs, especially when it is made of whole grain wheat. Added with sautéed pork as the great supplier of protein and fat can provide you the excellent energy source.

To add the health benefits, the lemon and pineapple extract to cook the meat not only give a refreshing taste, but also boost the health benefits. As we know, pineapple contains Health Benefits of Pineapple Juice.

  1. Healthy snacking

Tacos are actually categorized as street food. But when your hobby is strolling around and grab a street food, tacos al pastor or the king of tacos might be a great choice for you.

It presents the perfect mixture of nutrients come from the tortilla with its Health Benefits of Corn and the low fat sautéed pork as the main source of protein. It is a way better than snacking on the high sodium or deep fried food, the common type of street foods.

How to Make Tacos al Pastor

Tacos al pastor mainly needs three components, which are corn tortilla, marinated pork, and tomato salsa. And the most important part of making tacos al pastor is the marinated pork. Make sure to slice the meat very thin top let the meat well marinated in the pineapple and lemon juice.

The marinating last for about 4 hours in the refrigerator. After that, you can grill the pork. For the tomato salsa, you should first roast the tomato, onion, and garlic. Blend those roasted ingredients with salt and pepper for the perfect taste. Heat the tortilla with little bit of oil and add the meat, the pineapple, the salsa the lime juice, and a bit of cilantro with its Benefits of Cilantro.  The healthy and fancy food is ready.

Recommended Intake of Tacos al Pastor

Despite the health benefits of tacos al pastor as the healthy and fancy food, we still need to set the limit of the consumption. A recommended serving size of a tacos al pastor is one taco. But in a day, you can consume one or more, as it will not exceed the daily need of calorie, which is 2000 calorie to maintain health and body weight, also 1500 calorie for those who plan to lose weight.

Tacos al pastor can also cut your appetite and cravings of junk food as it contains complete nutrients, especially the high level of protein which makes you fully satiated. You can also try the other health benefits of tacos, such Health Benefits of Taco Salad, or the other Mexican cuisine such as elotes with Health Benefits of Elotes.