
11 Best Health Benefits of Drinking Blackstrap Molasses

Do you know what blackstrap molasses is? It is known that it is such the dark molasses that made of maximum extraction of sugar from raw sugar cane. This product has a robust flavor and it is likely a thick syrup. As the consequence, it has shown that blackstrap molasses have the good benefits to the body. It is linked with the presence of essential vitamins and minerals to promote the body function. Then, if you are curious about the blackstrap molasses, you can check the health benefits of drinking blackstrap molasses below.

1. Helps Diabetes

If you are the one that suffers from diabetes, then having blackstrap molasses for the consumption is such the good option. It is derived from sugar and digested slower than refined sugar. Besides, it also has a low glycemic index as well as providing chromium to lead the bodies to manage the sugar level in the body. As a result, it can help to balance blood sugar. Indeed, it can be the treatment for diabetes. Then, you can try to drink blackstrap molasses or add it into your foods for the healthier life. You can also check on Health Benefits of Coffee for Diabetes

2. Treats Cancer

One of the best health benefits of drinking blackstrap molasses is to treat cancer. It is based on a study published in the Journal of the American Diabetic Association that shown blackstrap molasses can be an alternative to refined sugar due to its antioxidant. As a result, the antioxidant present in blackstrap molasses can help to treat cancer. It is linked to its ability to prevent oxidative damage that leads to certain health problems including cancer.Hence, to drink blackstrap molasses is something that should be taken into account for getting the healthier body. You can also check on Benefits of Aromatherapy for Cancer Patients

3. Treats Anemia

If you are the one that suffer from anemia, then drinking blackstrap molasses may help you to deal with this disease. As this syrup offers the source of iron, then it is valuable to use it as the treatment of anemia. All you need to do to get this benefit is by having 5 tablespoons of blackstrap molasses or you can add it to hot water and drink it as a dietary supplement. With a regular intake of blackstrap molasses, then it may help you to have a healthy body. You can also check on Symptoms of Anemia

4. Treats Headache

If you suffer from headache, then you can try to drink blackstrap molasses. The presence of vitamin B6 will help to relieve a headache, asthma, and fatigue. Indeed, as blackstrap molasses offer the great health benefits, then you will have no doubt to consume it.

5. Improves Digestion

Surprisingly, drinking blackstrap molasses can bring the good benefit to improve digestion. In this case, the one that takes part to heal digestion is the presence of minerals. They are including calcium and magnesium to have the better digestion. As a result, it can be the treatment from constipation. Besides, magnesium is the one that help muscles in digestion to make the stool easier to pass. Amazing, isn’t it? Hence, you can try to consume 1-2 tablespoons of blackstrap molasses in warm water daily.

6. Promotes Bone Health

You must know that the calcium nutrient is the one that promotes the healthy bone. At this point, blackstrap molasses can help to build the strong bones as well as the work of magnesium. As a result, the adequate amount of mineral in the body will help to prevent osteoporosis. Then, you can try to drink 5 tablespoons of blackstrap molasses to have the healthy bones for sure. You can also check on Benefits of Turmeric for Bones

7. Promotes Healthy Nervous System

Magnesium in blackstrap molasses can help to maintain the healthy nervous system. It will help to relax the nerve and blood vessel as well. Otherwise, lack of magnesium nutrients will lead to hypertesnsion, chronic fatigue, and muscle cramps.

8. Relieves Stress

The next health benefit of drinking blackstrap molasses is to relieve stress. It is due to the presence of B vitamins and minerals including magnesium to prevent stress and anxiety as well. In this case, the one that works well in this benefit is vitamin B6 to improve serotonin levels in the brain. Besides, based on a 2004 study published in Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics shown that the deficiency of vitamin B6 could lead to the depression. Thus, are you interested to drink blackstrap molasses to have a happy day? You can also check on Health Risks of Stress

9. Relieves PMS Symptoms

The great health benefit of drinking blackstrap molasses is to relieve PMS symptoms. It is due to the presence of iron in it. As a result, iron will work well in the body to boost mood and balancing hormones as well. Otherwise, lack of iron nutrients will lead to the poor mood, low energy, bad sleep quality, and even an anemia. Then, if you want to get rid of menstrual cramps, drinking blackstrap molasses may help you to relieve the pain.

10. Promotes Sexual Health

As described before, the presence of minerals in blackstrap molasses can help to treat certain health problems. In this case, the manganese can help to promote sex hormones as well as promoting the production of energy. Then, you can get the best health benefits of blackstrap molasses.

11. Promotes Skin Health

What is even greater from blackstrap molasses is the way it can promote the skin health. This is due to the presence of lactic acid that can promote the bacteria to do carbohydrate metabolism. Then, it will be resulting in the natural acne treatment. Moreover, based on a 2002 study published in the Indian Journal of Dermatology, Venereology and Leprology shown that lactic acid can prevent the acne on skin. The antioxidants present in blackstrap molasses will also reduce the blemishes on skin.

To conclude, you can drink blackstrap molasses to have its best health benefits. You can use it as a substitute for sugar or syrup as well. Not only for that, it can be also a flavoring to the food as it has the rich flavor and can add the depth to the dish. For the example, you can add it to salads, sauces, and smoothies. Therefore, with the good consumption of blackstrap molasses, you can have the healthy body for sure.