
5 Incredible Benefits of Crystal Salt You Might Never Heard Before

Our life cannot be separated from salt as salt is very essential for our life. However, most of us cannot distinguish different types of salt: standard, refined table, cooking table salt, rock salt and crystal salt. Different types of salt have different impacts on our body.

You may know those standard, refined table and cooking salt as you use them every day in your kitchen to make your dish taste savory. However, there are some types of salt which are more natural and healthier compared to those mentioned before.

One of the famous types of salt that promotes some health benefits is crystal salt. You might be familiar with pink Himalayan salt. It is one of the examples of crystal salt. Pink Himalayan salt is basically a natural pink colored variety of salt that is mined near the Himalayan Mountains of South Asia.

Are you curious of the health benefits of crystal salt for our body? Let’s check each of the incredible benefits of crystal salt!

1. Help cure respiratory disease

Crystal salt, like the pink Himalayan salt, is known as the purest variety of salt. It contains no harmful toxins and chemicals. There are 84 minerals that can be absorbed by the body easily because of their small molecular size.

The ancient Greeks have been using crystal salt as one of the ways of clearing airways and improving breathing. The Himalayan salt can be used as inhalers which are able to help cleanse the respiratory system.

Furthermore, for those who suffer from asthma, this inhaler can help relieving the symptoms of asthma, hay fever and allergies. You can consult with your doctor for further information and assistance.

2. Relieve stress

How can crystal salt help relieving stress? Indeed, it is able to do so! Crystal salt can enhance the level of serotonin in your body. For your information, serotonin is a chemical that is in charge to reduce stress, boost energy and relieve depression. Therefore, crystal salt may help restore energy in your body.

If you experience stress, you can try some ways to relieve it. You can try some activities such as storytelling. You can read more about it in health benefits of storytelling for mental health and stress reliever or try some food that can help such as mentioned in health benefits of Goya chocolate.

3. Lower blood pressure

Compared to table salt, crystal salt has less sodium content, so your body will have an easier time to process the sodium. It doesn’t require as much water to clear the excess amount of sodium too, so it is much healthier than consuming table salt.

Crystal salt is rich in iodine instead. This natural iodine in crystal salt helps your body to create an electrolyte balance which results in effective absorption of nutrients in the intestines and lowering blood pressure.

4. Help aid hydration

Drinking sea salt and lemon water is believed to be a post-workout beverage to aid hydration. For your information, an average adult consists of 65% of water and if we don’t drink much water, our body will get dehydration and feel fatigue.

Sea salt or crystal salt and lemon water can help to aid hydration. Drinking lemon water and a pinch of crystal salt after a workout session is able to regain the electrolytes and minerals we lose during workout. As a result, it will regain your energy and your body will get well hydrated.

5. Good night sleep

Do you know that salt intake affect the quality of your sleep? It’s because high salt intake may lead to high level of stress hormones. This high level of stress hormones lead to sleep disturbances and interrupt your ability to sleep well. However, when you have low amount of sodium in your diet, the quality of your sleep might be better.

If you wish to have a good night sleep, you can try mixing some raw honey with a pinch of crystal salt and put it in a cup of tea.

Do you have difficulty in sleeping or insomnia? There are some ways to treat insomnia, such a the ones mentioned in benefits of lemongrass for insomnia cure.

In conclusion, salt is very essential for our life. We cannot live without salt, however, we need to be wise in consuming it. Consuming too much salt may lead to some serious problems, such as hypertension.

If you want to know more about salt, you can also consider reading these health benefits of black salt. You may not be familiar with black salt before, but it surely is beneficial for our body.

If you love coffee, you can also mix it with salt and it gives a lot of health benefits too! Read more about it in benefits of salt-mixed coffee. Enjoy your cup of coffee and get all the benefits in your hands!