
Incredible Benefits of Homemade Lip Balm You Should Know

Lip balm is an essential item for our daily treatment. Not only used by women, recently men also use lip balm in term of lip care. There are also so many lip balm products we can choose from the store. It usually appears in various options of aroma and benefits.

However, the main function of lip balm is basically the same, which is to moisturize lip skin. Despite the various option of lip balm, we can buy from the store, actually we can also make it by ourselves at home. Well, you will get the benefits of homemade lip balm by composing your own lip balm.

It will be more affordable in term of price, and also you can assure that the ingredient you use is 100% suitable for you. So, what are you waiting for to get the benefits of homemade lip balm? Here are some of the benefits along with recommendation about how to make it.

The Value Of Homemade Lip Balm

Lip balms may contain different ingredients and value. However, by looking at the main ingredients of lip balm, which is essential oil and beeswax, we can conclude that lip balm, especially homemade lip balm contains the following value:

  • Vitamin E
  • Protein
  • Fatty acids

Those values work very well in performing the benefits of homemade lip balm. Besides those value, the marketed lip balm may contain some addition. However, the addition, may cause some side effects, hypersensitivity, or cause any health risk for long term use. Therefore, it is a nice choice to decide using homemade lip balm.

The Benefits Of Homemade Lip Balm

In using homemade lip balm, you will get some benefits in term of cost, health, and safety, as it is only made of natural compounds. Here are some benefits of homemade lip balm you can get, instead of using the manufactured lip balm.

  1. Moisturizing

The main function of lip balm is to well moisturize the lips. So does the homemade lip balm. It is made to provide healthy and natural treatment for dry and chapped lips. It effectively restores lips’ natural moisture. In addition, using the natural ingredients such as essential oils such as Health Benefits of Coconut Oil or Benefits of Applying Olive Oil On Skin adds some beneficial point for your homemade lip balm and lip care activities.

  1. Protect lips

One of the main ingredients of homemade lip balm is beeswax. Beeswax is the natural product from bees. Beeswax is known for its amazing Health Benefits of Beeswax. Therefore, it also contributes excellent benefits for our homemade lip balm, for example, protect lips from UV rays. Many people use sun screen for their skin in every exposure to the sun rays. But most of them forget to protect lip are. Therefore, it is better to apply lip balm as the protection for the lips from the bad UV rays. 

  1. Anti-irritation property

The other benefits of homemade lip balm using beeswax as the main ingredient is the anti-irritation property perform by this ingredient. Beeswax is able to prevent any irritation as it is purely natural and hypoallergenic tested. So, it will be less risky than any widely manufactured lip balm products which contain some chemical compounds.

  1. Anti-bacterial agent

A study proved that beeswax contains anti-bacterial agent. Therefore, including beeswax as one of the ingredients of our homemade lip balm adding the benefits of the lip balm to prevent any bacterial infection. It is very helpful for those with severely chapped lips, as it will help to prevent any further inflammation, soothe the pain, and boost the recovery process.

  1. All-purpose moisturizer

Although lip balm is specially intended for lip treatment, the homemade lip balm can actually be used for the other area such as dry hands, knees, elbows, and cuticles. As it is made of all-natural compound, it is also safe to be used in any other part of the body, with its excellent protective and moisturizing properties. In addition, the content of vitamin E will present you with the Health Benefits of Vitamin E .

  1. Lips exfoliator

Keen on using matte lipstick, but sick of the peeled off dry  lips? Don’t worry. You can also use homemade lip balm for your lip’s exfoliator. You can apply the homemade lip balm on your lips, let it sit for about 2 minutes, and start to rub your lips skin lightly to remove the died skin cells. After this process, you’ll get the smoother and suppler lip sin. And voila! Your lips are ready for your favorite matte lipstick. 

Recommendation On How To Make Homemade Lip Balm

This is what you are waiting for. The recommendation on how to make homemade lip balm. Well, basically making homemade lip balm is very simple. You just need four ingredients you can grab from the supermarket of drugstore, such as:

  • beeswax pellets
  • coconut oil
  • vitamin E oil
  • essential oil

For the essential oil, you can use any kinds of essential oil such as mango essential oil with its Health Benefits of Mango Essential Oil. Including essential oil will also give addition flavor or aroma to your homemade lip balm. if you wan to, you can also add some natural  coloring agent.

So, what do you have to do? The first is adding 2 Tbsp beeswax and 4 Tbsp coconut oil to a double boiler and let them melt together. Use a glass measuring cup for the inside bowl to make it easier for you to pour the melted ingredients. When the oil and wax melted, remove it from the stove, and add ½ tsp of vitamin E oil. stir it well. After this, you just need to add the essential oil as the final touch.

If you want to make more than one flavors for your lip balm, you can add the essential oil once you have poured the melted lip balm in the container. or else, you can pour the essential oil to the mixture before pouring it down in the container to make all the same flavor for your lip balm. Once you filled your container with the lip balm mixture, let them sit for few hours, and it is ready to use.