
The 8 Benefits of Coriander Tea For Health

One very popular herbal drink is coriander tea, made from coriander leaves and seeds that have been boiled in hot water.

Coriander tea provides a distinctive flavor and also has a myriad of very interesting health benefits, one of which is to reduce inflammation and maintain heart health. And coriander can be added to your diet to make your body healthier.

1.     Supports a Healthy Digestive System

The key to maintaining overall health is a healthy digestive system. One way to get a healthy digestive system is through consuming coriander tea as an herbal tea drink. Coriander has carminative, antispasmodic properties to increase the production of digestive enzymes.

  • Relieves flatulence and gas, with the oleic acid and limonene content in coriander tea helping our body in reducing gas formation in the digestive tract.
  • Overcoming stomach cramps, the antipasmodic properties of coriander overcome stomach cramps. Coriander has a relaxing effect on the abdominal muscles thus helping to relieve cramps and tension in the digestive tract. When regularly consuming this coriander tea helps reduce the occurrence of uncomfortable stomach Straits.
  • Increases the production of digestive enzymes, digestive enzymes are essential for digesting food efficiently and one of them near this plant is able to increase the production of digestive enzymes such as amylase, lipase and protease. These enzymes help break down carbohydrates, fats and proteins thereby improving the digestion process and better absorption of nutrients.
  • Improves gut microbiota balance, the natural antimicrobial compounds found in coriander tea help maintain a healthy balance of gut microbiota. This contributes to the growth of good bacteria and inhibits the growth of bad bacteria which is essential for optimal digestive health.
  • Relieves chronic digestive problems, individuals suffering from chronic digestive problems such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) or colitis can be alleviated with the consumption of coriander tea. The anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic properties in coriander tea help relieve symptoms of diarrhea, cramps and changes in bowel patterns. But make sure that before consuming coriander tea to treat chronic digestive problems, you consult your doctor first.
  • Improves nutrient absorption, coriander tea helps improve the absorption of nutrients from food consumed. Nutrients that are well absorbed will support the body’s overall health and provide optimal energy.

2.     Reduces Inflammation in the Body

The linoleic acid and linolet acid content in coriander tea helps reduce inflammation in the body. It is especially benefit of coriander seeds soaked in water for individuals suffering from inflammatory conditions such as arthritis, inflammatory bowel disease and arthritis.

Consuming coriander tea regularly helps reduce the symptoms of such inflammation while improving the quality of life.

  • Relieve the symptoms of arthritis, usually characterized by pain, stiffness and swelling. The anti-inflammatory compounds in coriander tea reduce inflammation around the joints, reducing pain and improving joint mobility. Coriander can have a positive effect on people with arthritis.
  • Protecting body tissues and organs, chronic inflammation can damage body tissues and organs. With the antioxidant content contained in coriander tea, it can protect tissues and organs from damage caused by inflammation. The function of antioxidants is to fight free radicals that cause oxidative stress and damage body cells. So consuming this coriander can increase the body’s natural protection against damage caused by inflammation.
  • Supports the immune system, the immune system can be weakened due to chronic inflammation. Coriander tea contains vitamin C as well as iron which supports immune system health. By maintaining a strong immune system, the body is able to fight infections and relieve headaches more effectively.
  • Reduces the risk of heart disease, chronic inflammation is the most important risk factor in heart disease. The anti-inflammatory compounds in coriander tea help reduce inflammation in the arteries and prevent the buildup that leads to narrowed arteries and coronary heart disease.
  • Supports digestive tract health, digestive disorders such as irritable bowel syndrome and intestinal information are caused by inflammation in the digestive tract. Consuming coriander tea relieves inflammation in the digestive tract while reducing its symptoms (diarrhea, abdominal pain, and other digestive problems).

3.     Maintains Heart Health

Compounds found in coriander help reduce bad cholesterol (LDL) levels in the blood, control blood pressure, and promote a healthy lipid profile. Reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases such as coronary heart disease, heart attack and stroke.

  • Reducing bad cholesterol, the active compounds in coriander tea (oleic acid and linoleic acid) reduce unhealthy LDL cholesterol levels. When consuming coriander tea regularly, it can maintain the balance of cholesterol in the body while reducing the risk of coronary heart disease.
  • Symptoms of lowers blood pressure, a major factor in heart disease. Compounds in coriander paint have a vasodilator effect, which dilates blood vessels and reduces blood pressure. It is recommended to consume single Taka regularly to maintain blood pressure within the normal range while reducing the risk of heart disease.
  • Promotes a healthy lipid profile, the active compounds in coriander tea increase the levels of good cholesterol (HDL) in the blood. This cholesterol helps to clear bad cholesterol from the arteries and keeps the arteries clean and free of cholesterol so that the risk of heart disease can be avoided.
  • Prevents LDL oxidation, the process by which bad cholesterol particles are damaged by free radicals. This process of LDL oxidation is strongly linked to the development of atherosclerotic plaques that clog Arteries and increase the risk of heart attack. The powerful antioxidant compounds in coriander tea protect LDL particles from oxidation. Thus consuming coriander tea regularly can help protect the Arteries and reduce the risk of developing heart disease.
  • Lowers the risk of blood clots, excess blood clots can cause blockages and the risk of heart attack. The mild anticoagulant properties in coriander tea prevent excessive blood clotting. This helps maintain healthy blood flow while reducing the risk of dangerous clotting complications.
  • Providing essential nutrients, the ingredient contains a number of nutrients that are equally needed by the body such as fiber, vitamin C and iron. Fiber helps to control weight cholesterol and blood sugar which are all strongly linked to heart health. While vitamin C and iron maintain the normal functioning of the heart and blood vessels.

4.     Freshens Breath

The aromatic properties benefits of coriander seed is good to help freshen breath. Coriander is often used as a natural remedy to treat bad breath and eliminate unpleasant odors after eating heavy meals or strong spices. The antibacterial content in coriander tea maintains oral hygiene and dental health.

  • Reducing bad breath, usually bad breath is caused by the presence of bacteria in the mouth that produce sulfur compounds. These aromatic properties and antibacterial properties in coriander eliminate bad breath while reducing the amount of excess bacteria in the mouth.
  • Removes strong food aromas, a number of certain foods or spices leave a strong aroma on the breath so it helps to remove these aromas. The natural ingredients found in coriander are able to neutralize odors for a long time while providing fresh breath.
  • Prevents the growth of bacteria in the mouth, excess bacteria in the mouth cause inflammation and health problems such as institutions or laryngitis. The anti-bacterial compounds in it help inhibit the growth of bad bacteria in the mouth. With the love of coriander or frozen with the word tumbal can maintain oral hygiene and prevent the development of excess bacteria.
  • Refreshing the respiratory tract, coriander tea is able to moisturize the respiratory tract. This reduces discomfort due to dry throat or irritation of the respiratory tract. Consuming coriander regularly provides respiratory awareness.
  • Mouth relief, coriander tea can be used as a natural alternative to freshen the mouth and eliminate bad breath.
  • Maintains dental health, antimicrobial properties help fight bacteria that cause tooth decay and oral infections. Consuming coriander tea regularly helps keep teeth and gums clean, reduces the risk of periodontal disease and provides fresher breath.

5.     Clear Eyesight

Eyesight is a valuable asset that we need to take care of. Coriander made from coriander leaves and seeds can help clear eyesight because it is rich in antioxidants with its beneficial such as vitamin C for children and vitamin A for the body.

  • Prevents cataracts, the cause of cataracts is oxidative damage and inflammation in the eye. This cataract is a condition where the lens of the eye becomes cloudy and affects vision. Coriander tea with its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties helps reduce inflammation and treat free radicals that cause cataracts.
  • Improves macular health, the macula is the part that has the role of central vision. Aging and oxidative damage affect health. Therefore, it is recommended to consume coriander tea because it contains lutein and zeaxanthin compounds that protect the macula from oxidative damage and maintain the health of the clear center.
  • Lowers the risk of age-related macular degeneration (AMD), an eye disease that often occurs in older people. This AMD causes loss of navel vision and blindness in advanced stages. Antioxidant and anti-information compounds in single vectors protect the retina and macula from damage associated with AMD. It is highly recommended to consume coriander tea regularly to reduce the risk of AMD.
  • Increases blood circulation to the eyes, we coriander increases blood flow to the eyes. With increased blood circulation, nutrients and oxygen needed by the eyes can be better distributed and this supports overall eye health.
  • Relieves red eyes and inflammation, the meaning of information in the fallen map relieves red eyes and inflammation around the eyes. If you experience eye irritation or eye redness, just compress the eyes with a cool Source Store so that it has a calming effect and relieves these symptoms.

6.     Boosts Immunity

Having a good immune system can help the body fight infectious diseases and other health problems. With a balanced diet and healthy lifestyle, one of them consuming coriander tea can increase immunity.

  • High antioxidant, with high antioxidant content in coriander can protect body cells from damage due to free radicals as a factor causing inflammation. This cell damage, if left for a long time, can weaken the immune system.
  • Anti-inflammatory properties, anti-inflammatory properties found in coriander help reduce inflammation in the body. Chronic inflammation can lead to poor immune system function and risk of chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart disease and cancer. Regularly consuming coriander tea helps signal inflammation while maintaining a balanced immune system.

7.     Improving Brain Health

Brain health is crucial for maintaining optimal cognitive function throughout life. Longevity and a healthy lifestyle are factors that influence brain health.

  • Powerful antioxidants, phone up and finally love into the powerful antioxidant compounds in coriander tea are able to protect brain cells from oxidative damage that causes cellular aging and inflammation in the brain.
  • Improves cognitive function, the neuro-protective effects of coriander can increase blood flow to the brain. So consuming coriander tea can improve cognitive abilities such as memory, concentration and focus.
  • Maintaining emotional balance, coriander tea has a calming effect that can reduce anxiety and stress.
  • Reduces the risk of neuronal and generative diseases, protective effects against nerve cell damage associated with Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s diseases.

8.     Skin and Hair Health

The delicacy of its distinctive aroma and flavor makes it one of the most popular herbal drinks for skin and hair health.

  • Nourish the skin, which is already famous for its content that can fight oxidative damage to the skin that causes premature aging and cell damage. The antioxidants found in coriander tea can keep your skin healthy, fresh and glowing.
  • Relieves acne, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties found in coriander tea can reduce inflammation on the skin including acne.
  • Reduces dry skin, compounds found in coriander tea can increase skin hydration and can also be used as a face mask to maintain the skin’s natural moisture while reducing dry skin.
  • Nourishes hair, the content of vitamins and minerals such as vitamin A, vitamin C and iron in coriander tea can strengthen hair roots and promote hair growth including reducing hair loss while improving hair texture.
  • Overcoming dandruff, the anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties in coriander tea can reduce dandruff and also keep the scalp healthy. Coriander tea can be used as a natural shampoo to use as a final rinse after shampooing.