
11 Benefits Zinc Oxide For Skin – Uses – Side Effects – Who To Avoid

Zinc oxide for skin already has real proven benefits around the world, FDA has been approved this as sunscrens “stuff”. Zinc oxide usually can find in many products, including ointments or creams used to avoid or cure minor skin burns and skin irritation. Zinc oxide is not poisonous when you suddenly swallow it. The most harmful side effects come from the gas of zinc oxide at chemical industry. This affects to a condition involves a headache, fever, chest pain, and other symptoms. Zinc oxide formed from metal zinc that oxidized. Zinc oxide does not occur in nature as the other mineral. Zinc oxide is created using mined zinc which purified by distillation.

FDA has been approved zinc oxide as an active ingredients to use in sunscreens. Zinc oxide material sit on the outer skin layer. Zinc oxide will protect the skin from absorb, scatter, block UV radiation, and protect deeper skin. Zinc oxide is unique sunscreen blocker, protect from UV, and others. Zinc oxide was determined the safest and most effective sunscreen ingredient that available. Zinc oxide is topical protectant and mild astringent and with an antiseptic compound. Some medicines stuff such as ointments, pastes, bandages, and as a sunblock.

Zinc oxide was not organic compound with white powder that insoluble in water called ZNo. It widely used as an additional materials and products like glass, ceramics, plastics, rubbers, etc. Most zinc oxide is happened synthetically. Zinc oxide may be used in lotions, creams, and ointments to protect sunburn and skin condition caused by UV light. It is also commonly used to cure various skin problems, also effective to heal diaper rashes. This ingredient also used in antiseptic ointments, anti-dandruff shampoos, and calamine cream. Zinc oxide mostly found inside the products like baby powder and creams.

What is zinc oxide?

zinc oxideZinc is one of an essential element for human health. When the body is less intake of zinc, there will be some negative effect for body, for example loss of appetite, decreased sense of taste and smell, and the wounds heal slowly. Less of zinc even can cause fetal birth defects. Although the zinc is important and needed by a body, but if too much of zinc intake in body will make a negative impact for a body. Intake of too much zinc can interfere of body’s absorption for other mineral such us magnesium and iron. So the intake of zinc in body should be balance. There are many combinations of zinc. Zinc oxide is one of combination between zinc with calamine mineral. It has many health benefits for body. The term of zinc oxide itself from zincite the mineral that produced when combined with oxygen molecules.

Zinc oxide is chemical compound that has been used for health and treatment of skin for long time. In medicinal treatment, zinc oxide is usually used to help skin damage, such us burns or wound, irritation and even used to protect skin from sun light. Zinc oxide now used as elements for some products especially for skin, because there are many health benefit of zinc oxide for skin. However, before we use product that contain of zinc oxide, it is better if we see the doctor to consult.

Benefits of zinc oxide for skin

There’re a lot of Benefits of zinc oxide for skin including prevent sunburn, may be it more than benefits of honey for skin and hair. Here’s what you could get from zinc oxide for your skin.

1. Prevent sunburn

Doing outdoor activities is fun. But if we stay too long under the sunlight, it will make the skin burn. The one of characteristic of sunburn is the skin looks reddish and feel warm. Using product of zinc oxide before doing outdoor activities will prevent the skin from sunburn.

2. Treat wound and ulcer

There are many product to treat a wound and ulcer. Zinc oxide also have function to treat wound and ulcer, because zinc oxide compound many good essence that good for body even for wound and ulcer. Remove wart

2. Stop acne

Acne is one of skin problem. It is usually appear in face. Although acne is not a serious problem but it make someone uncomfortable because its acne in their face. One of solution to stop acne is zinc oxide. Zinc oxide can stop acne and make the face to be flawless.

3. Shrink pores

Having face skin with wide pore will make acne easily grow up. Using zinc oxide regularly will shrink pores especially in face skin. Zinc oxide generally used to treat skin problem today. This properties helps to heal skin in many ways just like dietary zinc. Mini zinc oxide with titanium dioxide may clog the pores. This properties also subtle astringent material and act like drying agent.

4. Treat rosacea

Most people use zinc oxide as oral and topical treatment. Zinc oxide is the simplest and the most effective to cure rosacea naturally. This material can reduce the redness and rosacea irritation. Rosacea happens because inflammatory skin disorder. Rosacea can be signed in red skin and going better with inorganic treatment such as zinc oxide.

5. Remove psoriasis

The benefit treatment for psoriasis is more effective if collaborated with phenol. The option to treat severe psoriasis may use topical and oral of zinc oxide. Using zinc oxide around the psoriasis area can protect and heal the skin. Psoriasis often happens because inflammation in skin.

6. Against eczema

For long time ago, zinc oxide has been used to cure eczema. The topical solutions of zinc oxide is helpful for eczema. Eczema also resulted from inflammation and skin condition. The oral zinc supplement seems has benefit for eczema and other skin problem. Use the zinc oxide with before go to bed and it almost instantly removed the flake.

7. Reduce wrinkles

As we got older, we can stop wrinkles of skin. However, zinc oxide component will help us to reduce some wrinkles of skin and make us will be younger. Zinc oxide is chemical properties that used in skin care treatment. The fiber regeneration leads to relieve the wrinkle appearance. The topical zinc oxide when applied have many advantages to the skin.

8. Anti-dandruff

The benefits of zinc oxide is also for head skin. One of problem in head skin or hair is dandruff. Almost everyone have a problem in their hair like dandruff. Dandruff make some uncomfortable too with their head sin or hair. Zinc oxide is a solution because it has benefits to clear dandruff.

9. UV protection

Sun light has negative effect for the skin. It can make skin damage even can make cancer. That is why there are many product to protect skin from sunlight. Zinc oxide have function as UV protection. So before doing activity at noon it is better to use zinc oxide.

10. Skin healing

The element of zinc oxide can make skin healing. The antioxidant has a function to keep the skin work normally, and has a role to protect the skin from UV. Zinc oxide is the most powerful properties to prevent and heal the skin. Skin healing may get from topical zinc oxide.

11. Treat cold sores

This condition characterized by blister that show in your lips or around the mouth. The first infection can be placed inside the mouth, but if not treated immediately may appear outside of the mouth or lips. In some research to people who used zinc oxide routinely saw them heal faster. Zinc oxide can heal faster than people who used a placebo cream. An oral or topical zinc supplement can help inhibit cold sore.

12. Treat diaper rash

Diaper rash is one of problem that happen to baby. The content of zinc oxide also safe to use to baby. It helps to treat diaper rash on baby. Applied zinc oxide create a barrier to diaper rash spread. Zinc oxide is a topical product to protect for mild skin. This properties usually used to treat and prevent diaper rash from forming.

13. Relieve melasma

Zinc oxide is provided in skin protection. With the pure concentration, zinc oxide is the best agent to provide healthy skin. Melasma is the most difficult conditions to cure. You can use zinc oxide with the makeup or cream that contained this properties. Zinc oxide ointment can reduce the melasma symptom according to the research. Sunscreen that contained zinc oxide and iron oxide is better for people with melasma.

Health benefits of zinc oxide

Besides some benefits of zinc oxide for skin above, there are some other health benefits of zinc oxide such us for body, for hair and for men. This benefit could we get if we using wisely, using as over may causing side effect.

  • For body

Zinc oxide is an important part that has crucial effect on a body. When consumed as part of diet nutrition or through a multivitamin, it stimulates in fixing damaged tissues for health. When used as topical, zinc oxide is thought to avoid acne sebum and has quality in anti-inflammatory.

  • For hair

The content of zinc oxide can help the hair growing stronger. Besides that, zinc oxide also help to clear dandruff at skin head. Some studies said applying topical zinc oxide lessen of hair loss. With using hair product that contains zinc oxide might able to relieve the amount of hair loss. Another studies about zinc oxide shown this formula can stimulate hair to grow. The stimulation can be found from zinc sulfate, zinc chloride, and zinc oxide.

  • For men

For those guy who suffer in lack of sex, zinc oxide might be the answer for you. Zinc oxide may provide fertility for men who consume according to their dosage. The right treatment from zinc oxide makes the organ that related reproduction organ stay healthy. At the end, zinc oxide helps the sperm stay fertile.

Kind of zinc oxide

There are some kind of zinc oxide, and zinc oxide has used in any products, such us in cream, ointment, powder and spray. Here there are some kind of zinc oxide. Try to take zinc oxide as you need, and make sure to see your doctor before using any kind of zinc oxide. Many manufactures now provides any type of zinc oxide. The type usually reflected the function and how to use this treatment.

  • Zinc oxide cream

The most used of zinc oxide is for cream. We can find some product of zinc oxide cream and it is usually have some benefits to skin, especially to help some problem of skin like sunburn, wound, ulcer, UV protection and so on. However, before we would like to use the cream of zinc oxide, we should to consult to a doctor in order that there is a new problem from use zinc oxide cream.

  • Zinc oxide ointment

The other kind of zinc oxide is ointment that almost same with zinc oxide cream. The benefits is usually also same with zinc oxide cream. Zinc Oxide Ointment Helps to treat and prevent skin disease and diaper rash. Zinc Oxide Ointment works with dries weeping skin problem and prevent diaper rash. Zinc oxide also used to protect skin from irritation and wet. Apply this ointment as necessary especially before bedtime.

  • Zinc oxide powder

This kind of ingredient mostly used to topical treatment for outer skin. This form is inhibit to take in consume. In another word, this powder just used by applied on skin. Zinc oxide powder is astringent materials and slowly works to heal skin against UV. Zinc oxide is organic compound that soluble in liquid and mostly used to numerous skin problem.

  • Zinc oxide spray

Zinc Oxide Spray also is part of natural skin regeneration. Use Zinc Oxide Spray is convenience to delicate skin and suitable skin. Zinc oxide spray also available to block sunscreen or sunblock. The titanium dioxide if combine with zinc oxide particles have higher effectively in treating skin condition. Anything sunblock that contains the physical blocker is the active ingredients. Choosing a sunblock containing zinc oxide, titanium dioxide, avobenzone, generally score improving health.

User dosage

Even zinc oxide provides healthy to our body, the user dosage must be concern. Using zinc oxide till over dosage may resulted skin problem and nausea. For adult that want to treat a lesion, zinc oxide that allowed to use approximately 30% with ointment. The application must be in around the area as needed to treat. For adult with diaper rash, treatment usually using topical zinc oxide.

Before the application, make sure the diaper rash area is dry. Apply liberally the topical zinc oxide every change each diaper. For the children with dermatologic lesion, zinc oxide ointment that allow to use is 30%. The application should be in the affected area. Zinc oxide usually only uses for external. When treat diaper rash but becomes red, raw, blister, discontinue the application and hurry to consult to a physician. Another side effect may happen is diarrhea, fever, and smelling urine.

Side effect of zinc oxide

Zinc oxide is non-allergenic and doesn’t clog pores, and generally it safe to take. Furthermore, the properties may cause allergic reactions like swelling or tingling in some people. A person with sensitive skin or with allergic should consult with their doctor before taking anything that contains zinc oxide. Some zinc oxide allergic reactions has been knowing, and may even affect to hard breathing. This is happens if zinc oxide builds in our body with over, and pushed by a cream product that contains this compound. Some patients never realize that ingredients putted on the skin may lead absorbed into the body. Instead, material as zinc oxide may slowly build up in our system, until reach toxic levels.

People who should avoid to use zinc oxide

There are some condition that should be avoided especially for some people with certain conditions. Taking zinc oxide to people for not allowed may cause some another effect. Mostly side effects are in minor condition, but if not treated immediately may cause another effect and getting bigger.

  • Vegetarian

For vegetarian, taking any supplement that contain zinc oxide is forbidden. Consume a zinc supplement may causing iron absorption in your body. Though, zinc supplement also increasing the risk of getting anemia. This argument exactly still debatable till now. But some studies said that vegetarian must consume at least 50% of zinc oxide.

  • Pregnant women

For pregnant women, using treatment with topical zinc oxide is fine and allowed. But, it is forbidden for pregnant women to use any zinc supplement. Apply zinc supplement may cause side effect in organ absorption. So, try to consult with your doctor before you taking any treatment that used zinc.

  • Digestive disorder

The other people who should not take zinc oxide is people with digestive disorder. Taking a zinc supplement for people with digestion will resulting nothing. Digestive disease will absorbing zinc oxide quickly than other conditions. Other symptom that may get from over treatment with zinc include depression, anxiety, and worsen digestive disorder.

  • Empty stomach

Do not take any zinc oxide supplement especially when you experiencing an empty stomach. Taking a zinc oxide in empty stomach can affected to nausea and worsen stomach pain. In least, drink a lot of water after you taking a zinc oxide supplement. This act is to fuse zinc immediately in your body.

  • Alcoholic

For the people who taking an alcohol suggested not to consume any zinc oxide. Alcohol compound which is isopropyl can interrupt the zinc effect. In simple term, alcohol will reduce the body’s ability to extract zinc benefits. So, in alcoholic people, zinc oxide will vanished by ethanol that get from alcohol.