
The 11 Benefits of Grape Seed for Health

Grapes are aphrodisiacs and delicious to eat. It is rich in antioxidants, nutrients. It is similar to grape seed extract (GSE) rich in nutrients and proanthocyanidin is the compound.

GSE is the standard for extracting grape seeds. It is used to treat various health problems related to damage because of free radicals including obesity, diabetes, and cancer.

The high antioxidant in GSE is proanthocyanidin. It can help prevent disease and protect attacks from oxidative stress, tissue damage, and inflammation.

1. Reduce Blood Pressure

Several research has been examined the effect of grape seed extract called GSE on high blood pressure. A review of 16 studies of 810 people with high blood pressure or an elevated risk found that consuming 100 – 2000mg of GSE every day significantly reduces blood pressure systolic and diastolic (the top and bottom number) with an average of 5,08 mmHg and 2,8 mmHg.

For people below 50 years old with obesity or metabolic disorder show the greatest improvement. The beneficial result comes from a low dosage of around 100-800 mg daily for 8-16 weeks than the single dosage of around 800 mg or more.

Another study of 29 adults with high blood pressure found that consuming 300 mg GSE every day can reduce blood pressure systolic for about 5,6% and blood pressure diastolic by 4,7% after 6 weeks.

2. Improve Blood Flow

Several researchers show that GSE can improve blood flow. In a study of 8 weeks 17 healthy postmenopausal women who consumed 400 mg of GSE have the effect of blood thinning, potentially reducing the risk of blood clots.

An additional study of 8 healthy young women assessed the effects of a single dosage of 400 mg from GSE immediately followed by hours of sitting.

It is proven to reduce leg swelling and edema by 70% compared to not consuming GSE. In the same study, 8 healthy young women consuming proanthocyanidins dosage of around 133 mg every day from GSE for 14 days experienced 40% lower after sitting for 6 hours.

3. Reduce Oxidative Damage

An elevated level of bad cholesterol (LDL) is known as a risk factor the heart disease. The oxidation of bad cholesterol (LDL) significantly can increase this risk and play a central role in atherosclerosis or the build-up of fatty plaque in arteries.

The supplement of GSE has been found to decrease oxidation LDL triggered by high-fat diets in several animal studies. Several research shows similar results in humans.

When 8 healthy people eat high-fat meals, it is around consuming 300 mg of GSE inhibiting the oxidation of fat in the blood compared to an increasing 150% seen in people who won’t consume it.

Other studies of 61 healthy adults after consuming 400 mg of GSE saw a decreasing 13,9% in oxidized LDL. However, a similar study was unable to replicate this result.

On the other side, a study of 87 people undergoing operating heart surgery found that consumption of 400 mg GSE a day before surgery significantly reduced stress oxidative. Therefore, it is probably GSE protected from damage to the further heart.

4. Increase Collagen Levels and Strength of Bone

Increasing consuming flavonoids means improving collagen synthesis and bone formation. As a source of rich flavonoids, GSE can help to increase the density and strength of bones.

In fact, studies on animals have found that adding GSE to low-diet calcium, standard, or high calcium can increase bone density, minerals, and bone strength.

Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune condition that causes severe inflammation and damage to bones and joints. Animal studies show that GSE can suppress damage bone to inflammation and autoimmune arthritis.

In significant, GSE can decrease pain, bony spurs, and joint damage in osteoarthritic, increase the level of collagen and decrease cartilage loss.

5. Support the Brain as it Ages

Combining antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties are though can delay or decrease the appearance of neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s.

One of the components of GSE is gallic acid, which shown by studies in animals and labs can inhibit the formation of fibrils by beta-amyloid peptides.

The group protein of beta-amyloid in the brain is a characteristic of Alzheimer’s. Studies on animals found that GSE prevents memory loss, improves cognitive status and level of brain antioxidant, and also reduce brain lesions and a group of amyloid.

One study of 12 weeks to 11 healthy adults found that consuming 150 mg GSE daily improves attention, language, and delayed memory.  However, human studies about using GSE in adults with previous memory or cognitive deficits are lacking.

6. Improve Kidney Function

Kidneys are particularly susceptible to oxidative damage, which is often irreversible. Animal studies show that GSE can decrease damage to kidneys and increase their function by reducing oxidative stress and inflammation.

One of the ways to get kidney healthy is through the benefits of snakehead fish for health. In a research, 23 people diagnosed with chronic kidney failure were given 2 grams of GSE every day for 6 months and then compare with a group of placebo.

Urinary protein decreased by 3% and kidney filtration improved to 9%. This means kidneys in the test group were more capable to filter urine than the kidney in a group of placebo.

7. Inhibit Infectious Growth

GSE displays antibacterial and antifungal properties. Studies have been showing that GSE inhibits the growth of common foodborne bacteria, including campylobacter and e.coli.

Both of these bacteria often cause severe food poisoning and abdominal. In a lab study, GSE was found to inhibit 43 strains of bacteria staphylococcus aureus resistant to antibiotics.

Candida is a common yeast-like fungus that can cause the overgrowth of candida or thrush sometimes. GSE is widely used as a traditional treatment drug for candida.

8. Reduce Cancer Risk

The cause of cancer is very complex, although damaged DNA is one of the main central characteristics. Reducing the risk of cancer can get from the health benefits of eating avocado before bed.

Besides that, the intake of high antioxidants such as flavonoids and proanthocyanidins is associated with a reduced of risk various types of cancer.

The activity antioxidant of GSE has shown a potential to inhibit human breast, lungs, gastric, oral squamous cell, liver, prostate, and pancreatic cell lines in regulating lab.

9. Protect Liver

The liver is important to play a role in the detoxification of harmful substances that come into the body through drugs, infection of viruses, pollutants, alcohol, and many more.

With consumption of green tea is good for lever healthy. Find more here about the health benefits of green tea for the liver. Besides that, GSE look has effects protecting the liver.

In test tube studies, GSE reduces inflammation, recycled antioxidants, and protects from free radicals during toxin exposure. The liver enzyme alanine aminotransferase (ALT) is the main indicator of liver toxicity which means it is increasing level when the liver has sustained damage.

In one study, 15 people with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and level high ALT continue given GSE for 3 months. The live enzyme is monitored every month and the result is compared with consuming 2 grams of vitamin C per day. After 3 months, the group of GSE experienced a decrease in ALT by 46% while a group of vitamin C show little change.

10. Enhanced Wound Healing and Appearance

Several studies on animals found that GSE can help wound healing. Apart from GSE, cure wounds can get from the benefits of jackfruit SAP for health.

In one of the studies, 35 healthy adults had undergone minor operations given cream GSE 2% or placebo. They use GSE cream to experience full wound healing after 8 days, while a group of placebo needs 14 days to get well.

This results in probably high levels because of proanthocyanidins in GSE triggering the release of growth in the skin. In a study of 8 weeks of 110 healthy young men, cream GSE 2% can be improving skin appearance, elasticity, and sebum nutrients which helps to reduce the mark of aging.

11. Skin Health

Grape seed is a source of vitamins C and E also antioxidant. Similar to grape seed, consuming honey is good for skin health. Find more about the benefits of honey in the morning. Both of these nutrients can improve the texture of the skin and reduce the signs of aging.

  • Protect from sunburn and sun damage

GSE contains proanthocyanidins and resveratrol as well as powerful antioxidants. Studies have shown when GSE is applied to the skin before UV light exposure, those compounds have an effect on sunscreen to help reduce redness and damage to cells.

A study published in the journal Nutrition and Cancer shows that when it is applied, an antioxidant from the grape-derived capability to fight cancer.

  • Reduce the appearance of wrinkles and other signs of aging

Aside from causing sunburns, UV light also ages skin, antioxidants in grape seed specifically vitamin C help to reverse or even reduce some of the effects of wrinkles.

A small trial at the St. Helena Institute for Plastic Surgery showed an 88% improvement texture of skin after using a product containing GSE for 6 weeks.

  • Soften and smooth skin

Grape seed oil is rich, moisturizing, and soft. Therapists sometimes reach it to give as treatment because beneficial for hydrating skin. GSE contains vitamin E, nutrients concentrate in the membrane of skin cells and help to keep moisture.

Otherwise, grape seed crushed is effective as an exfoliant by rubbing softly on the skin to remove a top dead layer, uncovering smoother, healthier skin underneath.