
30 Ways How to Prevent Diarrhea in Toddlers and Adults

Everybody must be know about the disease called diarrhea and in fact, all of people around the world have already experienced this disease. So, the diarrhea is the disease that characterized with the watery stools and a frequent need of the bowel movement. Since this disease commonly not harmful at all, but you could protect and stop this disease as soon as possible with tons of way. Want to know about the things that you should do to protect yourself from diarrhea and treat diarrhea wisely? Read the following article and find the answers.

  1. Keep Your Hands Clean

How to Prevent Diarrhea in easy ways ? just keep your hands clean. 30 Ways How to Prevent Diarrhea in Toddlers and AdultsThe first thing that you need to do to keep yourself away from the diarrhea is that you need to keep your hands clean all the time. The most common cause of diarrhea is because the microorganism that invade your body, commonly viruses or bacteria. The viruses or bacteria could come into your body from the contaminated hands. Always washing your hand with the soap often in regular basis is the first yet simple thing that you need to do to keep yourself away from the diarrhea.

  1. Avoid Sharing Personal Things With Other People

The next thing that you should do to protect yourself from the diarrhea is to make sure that you don’t share the personal things with other people. Avoid to sharing the personal things like towels, clothes, and utensils to other people since these could potentially transfer the bacteria that could lead you to the diarrhea in one person to another people. So, just to make sure that there are no bacteria that can invade your body, you need to use the towels, clothes, and utensils by yourself.

  1. Don’t Wash Your Hands With Anti-Bacterial Sanitizer

The next thing that closely related to the tips number one to protect yourself from the diarrhea is that you need to always remember that although you’re suggested to wash your hand regularly, but you’re not strongly suggested to wash your hand with the alcohol-based antibacterial sanitizer. So, the reason that you’re not suggested to take that santizer is because when you applied it in your hand regularly, it will create the resistance reaction to the bacteria and thus, the bacteria will not be removed from your hand which then will lead you from the infections and diarrhea.

  1. Make Sure That You Already Wash the Fruits and Vegetables

The next thing that you should do to ensure that you can stay away from diarrhea is that you need to make sure that you already wash the fruits and vegetables before you eat them. This is very important since the skin of the fruits and also the vegetables are commonly contaminated with the bacteria. Make sure that you wash the fruits and vegetables with the flowing water so that the water can get rid of the contaminants from the fruits and vegetables.

  1. Soak the Fruits and Vegetables in the Warm Water When It Matters

Aside from washing the fruits and vegetables through the moving or flowing water, there is also an option whenever you couldn’t wash it with the moving water, which is soak the fruits and vegetables in the warm water for about 30 minutes. After 30 minutes, you need to scrub them first with the clean brush and then rinse it for a while before you could consume them. The warm water is a very potent ways to get rid of the contaminants such as viruses or bacteria away from the fruits and vegetables.

  1. Drink Clean Water

The next thing that you need to do to keep yourself away from diarrhea is that you need to drink the clean water. So, to make sure that you’re drinking the clean water, you better avoid the tap water although visually it looks really clean. You also need to avoid to consuming the tap water whenever you’re traveling to the other places, especially in the developed countries. So, instead of drinking from the tap water, it is better if you’re buying the bottled mineral water from the supermarket or the groceries store so that it will guarantee your healthiness.

  1. Buy Water Filtration System

The other thing that you need to do that closely related to the tips in number 5 is that you need to buy the water filtration system whenever you still insist to drink the mineral water from the water tap in your house. You need to have this system to ensure the cleanliness and hygiene of the water inside your house. The water filtration system commonly could filter out the particulate matters and parasites such as viruses and bacteria which without a doubt is the main cause of intestinal problem like diarrhea.

  1. Stay Hydrated

This is one of the most important things that you need to do to stop and prevent yourself from the diarrhea disease. It is not a secret whenever you’re having the diarrhea, your body loses a lot of fluids because of the faster food movement in the bowels. So, you need to make sure that you drink at least 8 glasses of water per day or even higher than that. In addition to that, taking the sports drink that contains a lot of electrolytes would be the good choice too to replenish the fluid loss in the body.

  1. Cook the Food Properly

The other thing that you need to do and remember so that you will be avoided from the diarrhea is that you need to make sure that you’re cooking your food properly just before you serve it and consume it. Your food, especially the food that comes from animals, are full of contaminants like bacteria and it would be very dangerous for your body if you consume it raw or you’re cooking it improperly. So, all you need is to make sure that you cook the foods properly, especially the meat, egg, or seafoods with the high temperature so that the contaminants like bacteria could be killed and will not cause any harm into your body.

  1. Don’t Cook Your Food With Microwave

The next thing that you should remember that closely related to the tips number 7 is that you’re strongly suggested to not cook your food using the microwave. This is because the microwave is not an effective and reliable tool to kill the contaminants like bacteria, although you put the high temperature in the microwave. So, it is better if you’re cooking the foods with the proper tool like frying pan or pressure cookers as these tools would definitely help to kill all of the harmful bacteria that contained in the raw foods.

  1. Serve the Foods Right Away or Refrigerate It

The next thing that you need to do whenever you want to protect yourself from the diarrhea is that you need to serve the foods right away after you finished cooking them so that there is no chance for the bacteria to contaminate the foods. But, in case you don’t want to eat it and you want to keep your foods right after you’re finished cooking them, just make sure that you put the foods in the refrigerator. Leaving the foods in the room temperature in several periods of time would encourage the growth of the contaminants like bacteria in your foods, which then without a doubt will lead you to the intestinal problems, including diarrhea.

  1. Wash The Utensils Frequently

The next thing that you should consider when you want to stay away from diarrhea is that you need to wash all of the utensils that you want to use just before you want to cook the foods. In the most cases, the utensils could be the perfect place for the contaminants like bacteria to stay, and they will be transferred into the foods whenever you don’t wash the utensils before the cooking sessions. Washing the utensils with the mild soap would be beneficial to get rid of the various germs and bacteria so that you will be less likely to develop the diarrhea in the future.

  1. Eat More Yogurt

The next thing that you should do to protect yourself from the diarrhea is that you need to consider eating more yogurt. Yogurt commonly would be very good as the diarrhea prevention since this food is considered as the probiotics, which will bring more healthful bacteria in your intestine so that there is a sufficient amount of the good bacteria in your body which will overcome the effect from the bad bacteria in your body that can lead you to the various problems and diarrhea is one of those problems.

  1. Eat More Fenugreek Seeds

The next food that you need to consider to consume whenever you wan to stay away from the diarrhea is the fenugreek seeds. So, the question is why the fenugreek seeds would be very beneficial to protect you from diarrhea? Fenugreek seeds could protect you from diarrhea since it contains high amount of mucilage compounds. So, the mucilage compounds are the well known compounds to stop the bad effects of diarrhea as well as to protect you from the harmful bacteria that can cause diarrhea.

  1. Add Apple Cider Vinegar in Your Food

The next tips and foods that you need to consider whenever you want to stay away from diarrhea is always add some apple cider vinegar in your food or whenever you’re cooking some foods. Apple cider vinegar is widely known as the spices that could protect your body from any intestinal problems, including diarrhea of course. So, the apple cider vinegar has some kind of components that could kill the harmful bacteria in your body that without a doubt would cause the diarrhea.

  1. Eat BRAT Regularly

The next food that you need to consider whenever you want to stay away from diarrhea is the BRAT food. So, the BRAT food is the abbreviation of Banana, Rice, Applesauce, and Toast. These foods would be very perfect source to keep yourself aways from the diarrhea since these foods have some kinds of binding effects and also really easy to digest.These foods considered as the easy-digest foods since these foods could add some bulks in the stool which will help the stool to pass more slowly through the intestines that could protect you from the watery stool caused by diarrhea.

  1. Drink More Chamomile Tea

The next thing that you should do if you want to stop or prevent yourself from diarrhea is drinking chamomile tea. This herbal tea is widely known for its anti-inflammatory properties that can cure the problems related to the GI tract and thus, it will protect you from the diarrhea and also it will be the very beneficial herbal remedies for the diarrhea. For the recommendation, you need to drink this herbal tea for about three cups per day. But, you need to remember that chamomile tea could affect the medications, including hormonal medications.

  1. Beware of the Dairy Products

The next thing that you need to take an attention of whenever you want to protect yourself from diarrhea is always watch out the intake of the dairy product in your body. The foods that considered as the dairy products are milk, cheese, and butter. We know that these foods are really tasty and you might can’t resist the temptation to consume the dairy products, but you need to limiting the intake of these foods since these foods would lead you to diarrhea if you’re the type of people who have the lactose intolerance. These foods also will make the diarrhea become worse when you already have the diarrhea.

  1. Don’t Drink Unpasteurized Milk and Cheese

The next thing that you should do that closely related to the tips number 15 is that you need to consider is that you need to avoid the consumption of the unpasteurized milk or cheese at all cost, although you’re not the type of person who have the lactose intolerance. The unpasteurized milk or cheese are commonly still contains harmful bacteria which can cause a lot of problems in your body, including diarrhea. So, make sure that you always consume the pasteurized milk and cheese so that it can guarantee that there are no bacteria that will invade your body through the milk and cheese.

  1. Limit the Intake of Alcohol and Caffeinate Drinks

The next thing that you should do to prevent the diarrhea disease is that you need to give the attention related to your intake of alcohol and caffeinate drinks like coffee and tea everyday. As long as you take those drinks in a proper amount. about 2 glasses per day, you should be fine. But, whenever you’re consuming the excessive amount of those drinks, that would lead you to diarrhea as those drinks are widely known can stimulate this disease. In addition to that, the alcohol and caffeinate drinks will plays part as the diuretics, which will make you dehydrated, the condition that you need to avoid whenever you’re having the diarrhea.

  1. Don’t Mix Many Foods in the Same Meal

The next thing that you should do to protect yourself from the diarrhea related to the food is that you’re not recommended to mix different groups of foods in the same meal before you eat them. Mixing the different groups of food in the same time of meal could trigger the diarrhea for some people because this will cause the issue related your digestion. Typically, foods like meat need more time to be digested than the other types of food, so that your stomach will release the under-digested or over-digested food into the intestine whenever you’re mixing different varieties of food at the same time.

  1. Avoid Food That Cause the Excessive Gas

The next thing that you should do whenever you want to prevent yourself from diarrhea is that you need to avoid the consumption of food that could cause the excessive gas once you already consume them. While it would be beneficial if you consume the fruits and vegetables, but certain fruits and vegetables can cause the excessive gas that you need to avoid when you’re having the diarrhea. The vegetables like cabbage, cauliflower, beans , and broccoli could increase the intestinal gas and you need to avoid these vegetables or your diarrhea will be getting worse than before.

  1. Always Look at the Foods’ Expired Date

So, the next step that you also need to consider whenever you want to protect yourself from diarrhea is that you need to ensure the expire date of every foods that you buy from the groceries store and supermarket. This is a very simple thing to do and yet many people still commonly unconcerned about it.

When some foods have already exceeded the expired date, that means that those foods in most cases will also contain a lot of bacteria, although you could still eat it with no specific difference in taste. These bacteria that contaminated the foods without a doubt will cause a lot of disease in your body, and diarrhea is always one of that disease.

  1. Take a Zinc Supplement

The next thing that you need to consider to protect yourself and treat the diarrhea disease is taking the zinc supplement. In the matter of fact, the consumption of the zinc supplement would be very beneficial to treat the diarrhea because zinc is the micronutrient that stimulate the protein synthesis and the transport of both water and electrolytes in the body. But, remember that you need to take the attention about the dosage of this supplement because over consume zinc supplement could lead you to the excessive zinc’ side effects.

  1. Ask the Doctor About Using Antibiotics

The next thing that you need to do to protect yourself from the diarrhea is that you might need to ask your doctor for a recommendation to use the antibiotics. You need to ask for your doctor recommendation because actually antibiotics could also kill the healthful bacteria inside of your body alongside with the bad bacteria that can cause the diarrhea. In the matter of fact, if you already have the bacterial infections that causing the diarrhea, you could take the antibiotics for a short term use. So, since the antibiotics could also kill the healthful bacteria in the body, you need to ask for the doctor permission and instructions before you take it.

  1. Consider Taking the Probiotic Foods

The next thing that you should do to prevent yourself from the diarrhea that also closely related to the tips number 21 is that you need also to take the supplementation of probiotics. So, if the use of antibiotics doesn’t help at all, you need to take the probiotics as well while you’re on the medication process.

Taking the probiotics will increase the amount of healthful bacteria that can be killed because of the application of antibiotics. The probiotics will maintain the balance between the amount of healthful bacteria and bad bacteria which will prevent you from diarrhea. (List of Foods Contain Probiotics Naturally)

  1. Taking Over-the-Counter Medications

The next thing that you need to do to prevent yourself from the diarrhea is taking the over-the-counter medications., especially the anti-diarrheal medications, such as loperamide and bismuth subsalicylate.

  • Loperamide is very essential medication to prevent yourself from diarrhea since this medication could slow down the movement of the foods in your intestines which allow your body to absorb more water and forming the more solid stools.
  • Bismuth Subsalicylate is very essential medication to prevent yourself from diarrhea too since this medication will help the body to absorb more water and toxic compounds in the bowel and thus, it will inhibit the growth of the harmful bacteria and viruses.
  1. Taking the Vaccination

The next thing that you should do to prevent and stop the diarrhea is that you need to vaccinate yourself since the viruses could also be the main cause of the diarrhea. The viruses that commonly become the main cause of the diarrhea is rotavirus. Rotavirus is a highly infectious stomach bug that typically strikes the babies and children, which then will lead them to the diarrhea. The rotavirus vaccination has indeed become the effective way to protect yourself and your children from the rotavirus. In the matter of fact, the induction of this vaccination could reduce the diarrhea disease up to 70 percent.

  1. Acupuncture

The other thing that you need to consider as the great remedies of the diarrhea is the acupuncture treatment. Well, most of the people are still uncommon to have the acupuncture treatment as the way to stop and protect them from the diarrhea, but the Chinese scientists have already proved that the acupuncture technique is very potent to cure the children with cerebral palsy from the acute diarrhea. So, why won’t you try the acupuncture technique as the way to stop the diarrhea?

  1. Rest

The next thing that you need to do whenever you’re wanting to protect yourself from diarrhea as well as to stop the diarrhea is that you need to have the sufficient amount of rest. This is the simplest thing that you need to do yet it is also very important to keep your overall health. When the people don’t have enough time to sleep, their body and immune system would be weakened and thus, this would make their body become more susceptible of having various disease, including the diarrhea that commonly caused by the bacteria infections. So, it is very important for you to have the enough time to sleep to maintain your immune system.

So, now you already know how to protect yourself from diarrhea and treat the diarrhea disease. Since this disease is totally preventable, you need to apply those tips that already mentioned above so that the diarrhea will stay away from your body. Stay healthy.