Cold and Flu

15 Benefits of Ginger Tea for Cold and Cough (No. 3 is Great!)

Cold and cough are the common diseases caused by the infection on the body. It could happen due to some reasons. For the example, you may have the low immune system and this disease can attack your body easily. Then, to deal with this problem, you can use natural ingredients for sure. In this article, we will talk about ginger tea that is beneficial to cure a cold and cough. The ginger tea itself has been used for natural medications many years ago. It offers numerous health benefits you may never expect before. Thus, if you are curious about this kind of tea, then make sure you check the benefits of ginger tea for cold and cough below.

1. Have Analgesic Properties

The first reason why ginger tea is good for cold and cough is the way it has analgesic properties. In fact, it can help you to soothe the pain and irritation of the sore throat. Besides, it can reduce the inflammation that stimulates coughing. Therefore, having ginger tea or chewing ginger root can help to treat a cough as well as treating the irritation. You can also check on Benefits of Ginger for Asthma Treatments

2. Have Antioxidants

Next, one of the benefit of ginger tea for cold and cough is to the provide antioxidants. As a matter of fact, ginger has antioxidants and oleoresin. Oleoresin itself has abilities to relieve a cough. Besides, ginger has aromatic compounds which are phenylalkylketones known as gingerols, shogaols, and zingerone. As a result, the great compounds in ginger will help to soothe the coughs. Great, isn’t it?

3. Have Antibacterial Properties

As the consequence, ginger tea provides antibacterial properties to prevent infection on cold and cough. It is based on a 2013 review published in the International Journal of Preventive Medicineattests shown that ginger has anti-oxidative, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties to be herbal remedy for common cold and flu. Thus, and if you suffer from cold and cough, then ginger tea is something that should be taken into account. You can also check on Health Benefits of Cinnamon and Ginger Tea

4. Cures Cough

There are many products for treating cough available in the markets. But, the things you should know is the natural treatment is always be the good options. As the consequence, there is ginger tea who is always ready to help you. Based on notes from the University of Maryland Medical Center, the cough could be treated by having ginger steamed with water and inhaled it as well. This one can help to soothe a sore throat for sure. Thus, if you suffer from a cough, then you can count on ginger to deal with this problem. You can also check on Health Benefits of Rowse Honey

5. Reduces Inflammation

As described before, ginger tea can treat cold and cough by reducing inflammation. For the tips, it can be a great ginger tea if you add lemon to it. As we know that lemon is high in vitamin C, then it can reduce inflammation that leads to a sore throat. Besides, it helps to boost the immune system and removes free radicals in the body. Then, by having ginger tea and lemon, then you can have the excellent healthy and tasty tea as well.

6. Removes Toxins

It is known that ginger has the ability to remove toxins. As a result, it can be beneficial to cure a cold and cough. It can also take part to relieve dizziness, nausea, upset stomach, and vomiting that usually comes with cold and cough. Thus, you can start to drink ginger tea regularly for treating cold and cough.

7. Promotes Respiratory Health

Another benefit of ginger tea for cold and cough is to promote respiratory health. As a matter of fact, ginger can cleanse and heal respiratory system by eliminating mucus from the lungs that may be the cause of a cough. Not only for that, ginger is also a natural muscle relaxer that can help to relieve spasms. Thus, it is always the good choice if you drink ginger tea, or massaging your chest with ginger oil. Such the great benefits, right? You can also check on Health Benefits of Onion Tea

8. Kill Viruses

Ginger root has been there to treat cold and cough. At this point, it can kill viruses and infection in the body. To have this benefit, then you can prepare fresh ginger root and chop it as well. As the consequence, mince the ginger and pour the boiling water. Then, you can let the tea steep for 5-10 minutes and have it in your hand. You can also add honey to sweeten. After that, it will help to soothe a sore throat which may also be the cause of colds. Moreover, it is also recommended to drink 3-4 cups daily to relieve cold and cough.

9. Boosts Immune System

By having antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, then ginger tea can boost the immune system. As a result, the good immune system will prevent certain health problems including cold and cough. Not only for that, it also takes part in preventing infection and inflammation. Hence, are you ready to drink ginger tea now? You can also check on Health Benefits of Pickled Peppers

Further, there are other benefits of ginger tea as written below.

10. Source of Minerals

11. Helps Digestion

12. Helps Losing Weight

13. Relieves Stress

14. Promotes Cardiovascular Health

15. Boosts Metabolism

Tips for Consuming

  • You can make your own ginger tea or buy the tea bags product in health stores. Besides, you can use ginger for bathing. Simply put the ginger tea bags in hot water and let it sit for 5-10 minutes. After that, you can inhale the vapors to soothe inflammation and relieve a cough.
  • Another option you can have to treat cold and cough is by having ginger essential oil. You can mix 20 drops of ginger essential oil with castor oil and use it for massaging the chest and back. By doing this, you can relieve a cough then.

Also, it is best to talk to the doctor first before having ginger tea for pregnant or nursing women or children.
As summarizing, ginger tea offers its benefit to treating cold and cough. Then, you can drink a few cups of this tea for the natural medications. Stay healthy, there!