Skin Treatment

13 Unknown Health Benefits of Banana Peel for Skin

Banana is one of the most famous fruits in the world. With a slightly longer shape and yellow color, many people already know Banana for Skin and Hair Benefits. Not only the fruit, recently many people also know about the benefits of the banana peel for health. There are so many benefits of banana and banana peel for us. But, what we will specifically discuss now is about the health benefits of banana peel for skin.

Benefits of the banana peel for the skin of course due to the nutritional content of banana peel itself. Do you know what is the nutritional content of banana peel? See the list below.

Nutrient content of banana peel per 100 g

  • Water               68.90 g
  • Carbohydrate 18.50 g
  • Fat                    2.11 g
  • Protein            0.32 g
  • Calcium           715 mg
  • Phosphorus    117 mg
  • Iron                  1.60 mg
  • Vitamin B       0.12 mg
  • Vitamin C       17.50 mg

Besides to the nutritional content listed above, banana peels also have other nutrients. Banana peels also contain potassium, soluble and insoluble fiber. You should know about the Benefits of Potassium For Health. According to a study conducted by the Taichung Chung Shan University in Taiwan, green banana peel contains vitamin B6 which supports the manufacture of serotonin in the brain. There are many other Health Benefits of Vitamin B6 for the body. Another study conducted in Japan, yellow banana peel produces TNF (Tumor Necrosis Factor) substances in charge of fighting abnormal cells.

Wow, amazing nutritional content, isn’t it? No wonder, there are so many health benefits of banana peel for skin that we can get. What are the benefits? Look at the list below.

1. Overcoming mosquitoes bite

Living in the tropics and there are a lot of mosquitoes? Itching due to mosquito bites? Do you know how to Prevent Mosquito Bites Naturally? Do not let it. Mosquito bites can cause swelling and itching. Overcome with the banana peel. Banana peel has a function to reduce the scars of mosquito bites. Cut the banana peel into a small part, and stick it to the skin that is bitten by a mosquito.

2. Healing Wound

There are wound to your body now? Immediately paste the banana peel. Banana peel has the benefit of treating the wound. Could be, this is a wound caused by an injury to the body part such as the knee. Paste or rub the banana peels on the wounded part and feel the healing effect.

3. Prevent skin irritation

Another benefit of banana peel is to prevent skin irritation. This is caused by the content of antioxidants and natural minerals that exist on the banana peel. This content serves to help the skin rejuvenation process. Other than that, these two contents also serve to prevent skin irritation problems and bruises.

4. Overcoming psoriasis

Do you have psoriasis on your skin? Psoriasis is a chronic and autoimmune inflammatory disease characterized by the presence of silver-colored scales on the skin or red. Psoriasis makes the sufferer feel the pain and itching. Do not scratch, try to overcome with the banana peel.

Rub gently banana peel on psoriasis skin. Initially, will appear a reddish color on the skin. But after that, it will disappear slowly and the pain subsides a little.

5. Treat Warts

Warts are really very annoying, right? Warts are meat that appears like acne. Eliminate with the banana peel. First, cut the banana peel with the right size when you attached to the affected skin warts. Or, you can use other ways such as by rubbing banana peel directly on the skin that affected by warts for 10 minutes. Then wash with clean water. Do it regularly once a day for 1-2 weeks. Try it!

6. Prevent wrinkles

The content of antioxidants and vitamin C contained in the banana peel serves to reduce the appearance of wrinkles on the face. Why? Because the content of antioxidants and vitamin C is working to increase the production of collagen and help accelerate blood circulation. These two functions have the benefit of preventing the appearance of wrinkles and premature aging.

7. Lifting dead skin cells

Dead skin cells make your skin look dull and not glowing. Overcoming it with the banana peel. Mashed the banana peel until smooth, stick to face evenly, and let stand for 5-10 minutes. Then rinse face with clean water. Get a glow and healthy skin.

8. Treat acne

It has been proven that banana peels can be used to treat acne. This is because banana peels have nutritional content of B vitamins, vitamin C, vitamin B6, phosphorus, iron, magnesium, and potassium that work to remove acne. Banana peels can also be used to prevent irritation of acne and remove acne scars. You can also try other way to Get Rid of Acne

9. Smoothing the skin

Have a rough and dry skin? Use a banana peel. Make a banana peel into a face mask. Add natural honey while doing it. If you do this, your skin will definitely become smoother and softer.

10. Removing ink stains on the skin

If you want to quickly remove ink stains on the skin, next time try using a banana peel. Rub the banana peel on the ink-exposed skin. Later banana peel will change color, and ink stain on your skin will be lost.

11. Tighten the skin

Not only smooth and brighten the skin, banana peel also works to tighten your skin. You can use banana peel as a face mask, and do it every day to get the best results.

12. Moisturises your skin naturally.

Banana peel can be used as a natural face moisturizer. This can happen because the banana peel has a high potassium content that serves to provide hydration to the skin that is not fresh due to free radical effects. Use a banana peel as a face mask regularly so that your facial skin becomes softer and more supple.

13. Controlling oil on facial skin

Excess oil on the face is one cause of the appearance of acne. Banana peel acts as an exfoliating agent that is responsible for removing dead skin cells on the skin surface so your skin looks cleaner and moist. Vitamin C and vitamin E in banana peel also works to make the face look brighter, more energetic, and eliminate the dullness caused by lack of nutrients.

How to use banana peel?

To get the health benefits of banana peel for skin, you can use banana skin by directly attaching it to your skin or by using it as a mask.

To use it as a mask, you should apply the inside banana peel on your face evenly, when you do it you should make sure the fibers of banana peel stick to the skin, because that is an important part to get the benefits. Leave overnight and rinse with clean water when you wake up in the morning.

Things to consider when using a banana peel are:

  • Use fresh banana peels
  • Don’t store banana peels in the refrigerator.

Banana peel also has antifungal, antibiotic, and enzymatic properties that are beneficial to the body.