
4 Benefits of Snakehead Fish For Acne

The most common skin problem experienced by everyone is acne. Acne often makes people insecure and annoyed. Snakehead fish not only has benefits as a medical treatment and commercial skincare product.

There are benefits of snakehead fish for health such as provide positive effects for acne-prone skin including reducing inflammation, controlling soap production and accelerating wound healing.

1.     Skin Health

Snakehead fish is rich in nutrients such as protein, omega 3, essential amino acids, minerals and vitamins. It provides benefits to support skin health including treating acne.

  • Protein, an essential found in high amounts in snakehead fish. Protein is the basis for building and repairing body tissues including muscles, skin and organs. The high quality of protein in snakehead fish makes it a great choice for individuals who want to strengthen muscles while maintaining healthy body tissues.
  • Omega 3 fatty acids, snakehead fish is a rich source of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) which include content omega 3 fatty acids health benefits. They are important for heart and brain health. In addition, fatty acids can reduce the risk of heart disease, regulate blood pressure, improve cognitive function and reduce inflammation in the body.
  • Essential amino acids, acids that must be obtained through food as they cannot be produced by the body itself. These acids have benefits for protein formation, hormone synthesis and other biological functions.
  • Vitamin D, a nutrient that has benefits for the body in absorbing calcium and also maintaining bone health. The flesh of snakehead fish is high in fat, which is a natural source of vitamin D. Consuming snakehead fish regularly can fulfill the body’s vitamin D needs.
  • Vitamin A, a nutrient that is very important for eye health, immune system from cell development. The benefits of vitamin A for the body found in snakehead fish are good for reducing acne.
  • Vitamin E, is a powerful antioxidant to protect plant cells from oxidative processes and free radicals. This vitamin has benefits for maintaining healthy skin, improving skin elasticity and reducing signs of aging.
  • B vitamins, including vitamin B6, vitamin B12 and vitamin B2, regulate the body’s metabolism, aid in energy production and maintain a healthy nervous system.
  • Minerals, such as zinc which is beneficial in metabolism and the immune system, selenium which functions as an antioxidant, magnesium and phosphorus which are necessary for bone health as well as optimal muscle function.
  • A source of iron, which is an essential mineral for producing red blood cells in the body, preventing anemia and ensuring healthy blood circulation.

2.     Reduces Excess Sebum Production

One of the contributing factors to acne is the overproduction of sebum by the skin’s sebaceous glands. Clogged pores and acne breakouts result from excessive serum.

Compounds in snakehead fish are known to regulate serum production and also reduce the risk of clogged pores, which means it can reduce the appearance of new acne.

  • Regulating sebum production, fatty acids (DHA & EPA) in snakehead fish are able to reduce excess sebum production and thus the risk of pore blockage.
  • Anti-inflammatory properties, a sign of acne on our face is inflammation of the skin caused by infection with Propionibacterium acnes bacteria. The antimicrobial peptides in snakehead fish can inhibit the growth of these bacteria while the omega 3 reduces the skin’s inflammatory response. The combination of these two properties can resolve skin inflammation and minimize the appearance of acne.
  • Improving skin balance, snakehead fish helps improve lipid balance in the skin. A good lipid balance equates to skin having optimal moisture levels and reduces uncontrolled sebum production.
  • Provides essential nutrients for the skin, proteins, vitamins and minerals are essential for the health and beauty of the skin. It keeps the skin healthy, elastic and free from skin problems associated with excess sebum production.

Here are some ways to utilize snakehead fish to reduce excess sebum production on the skin

  • Add snakehead fish to your diet to provide omega 3 and other skin benefits. Ensure that snakehead fish is cooked in a healthy way such as boiled, baked and steamed to avoid adding excess fat.
  • Some skincare products use snakehead fish extract which is instrumental in controlling excess sebum production and treating skin problems associated with acne.

3.     Improves Skin Elasticity

Skin elasticity refers to the ability of the skin to stretch and return to its original shape after being pulled or massaged. In elastic skin, fine lines and potatoes will be less visible and the skin will appear more vigorous and youthful.

The benefits of vitamin E for the body has a positive effect on the skin. This vitamin is an antioxidant that fights free radicals and prevents skin damage. With increased skin elasticity, vitamin E can reduce acne scars and smoothen skin texture. 

  • Omega-3 content for skin hydration, omega 3 fatty acids can maintain skin moisture by forming a lipid layer on the skin surface, reducing dryness and increasing elasticity.
  • Vitamin E as an antioxidant, free radicals are unstable molecules that can damage collagen and elastin, the 2 main proteins in maintaining skin firmness and elasticity. So vitamin E from snakehead fish can maintain the structural integrity of the skin and improve elasticity.
  • Rich in amino acids for skin regeneration, amino acids can repair rough body tissues by reapplying collagen and elastin. With the increased production of collagen and elastic, it becomes firmer and more elastic.
  • Nutrients supporting collagen production, other nutrients present in snakehead fish such as zinc, magnesium and selenium support collagen production. Collagen is the main structural protein in the skin that provides density and elasticity and keeps the skin firm and youthful.
  • Reduces skin inflammation, chronic inflammation of the skin results in tissue damage and causes loss of elasticity. Omega 3 and other amino acids in snakehead fish have natural anti-inflammatory properties that can reduce skin inflammation and maintain optimal skin health.

There are several ways that snakehead fish can be utilized to improve skin elasticity.

  • Consume snakehead fish regularly because the nutrients contained in it are very useful for increasing elasticity.
  • You can consume snakehead fish oil supplements that contain omega 3 and vitamin E.
  • Using skin care products such as face masks that use snakehead fish as an active ingredient to improve skin elasticity and provide the nutrients needed.

4.     Faster Wound Healing

The thing that makes acne so annoying is its ability to cause wounds and damage skin tissue. The nutrients in snakehead fish are able to speed up the wound healing process and minimize the risk and method of permanent acne scars.

  • Anti-inflammatory, omega 3 fatty acid content in snakehead fish can reduce inflammation around the wound so that the spread of infection can be prevented and the healing process can be accelerated.
  • Improves immune response, nutrients found in snakehead fish (vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamin E have a role in increasing the body’s immune response in fighting infection and promoting faster healing.
  • Repair skin tissue, the high protein content in snakehead fish is able to form new tissue and restore skin cells damaged by wounds.
  • Benefits of collagen for the skin, minerals in snakehead fish have a role to form collagen as the structural framework of skin tissue. Sufficient collagen is needed to accelerate wound healing and prevent the formation of severe scars.
  • Reduces pain, active substances in snakehead fish can reduce pain associated with wounds so that quality of life during the healing process can be improved.

How to consume snakehead fish for acne

  • Adding snakehead fish to the diet to provide beneficial nutrients to the skin and reduce inflammation.
  • Using skincare products (skin masks) that use snakehead fish as an active ingredient to treat acne.
  • For me, fish spa treatments are great for cleansing the skin of dead cells and bacteria. This process can reduce acne and improve skin appearance.