
Its 5 Amazing Health Benefits of Salted Cork Fish

Fish is one of the options you can include in a healthy lifestyle. Having fish routinely as your side dish is a good choice to fulfill your protein needs. Among all types of fish, there is cork fish or in English is known as snakehead fish.

It is called that way because of its head which resembles snake with an elongated body and dark color. Snakehead fish is beneficial for everyone even for men, just as being explained in benefits of snakehead fish for men. It’s a great fish which is a must to be consumed!

This fish preys on fish, insects and smaller aquatic animals in its natural habitat. Despite the shape that looks quite creepy, this fish serves a lot of health benefits as it is rich in nutrients that are needed by the body.

In a 100-gram cork fish, you will get 16.2 grams of protein, 0.5 grams of fat (which makes it perfect for weight loss too), 170 milligrams of calcium, 254 milligrams of potassium and many more.

One of the ways of consuming cork fish is by having it salted. Salted fish is known to be good for bone and dental health. So, if you wish to have cork fish in your diet, you can have some salted cork fish.

Let’s see the 5 amazing health benefits of salted cork fish and think of having them as your side dish after that!

1. Promote the formation and growth of muscles

As it has higher content of protein compared to other types of freshwater fish, salted cork fish is great for building and growing muscles. You can get 16.2 grams of protein just by eating 100 grams of cork fish. You can have salted cork fish as your protein sources other than beef or chicken.

So, if you plan to build your body, especially your muscles, consider consuming salted cork fish regularly. If you seek for some ways to build your muscles, consider swimming. Read more about it in benefits of swimming for weight loss and toning. It’s a great exercise to tone your muscles.

2. Accelerate the healing process of several diseases

Once again, thanks to the protein content in the fish. The albumin protein content in salted cork fish plays an important role in healing process in several diseases and body wounds.

If you have an operation, especially scarring and C-section surgery, and look forward to have the healing process fast, then you can consume cork fish.

The albumin content in cork fish enables the formation of the new cells and tissues in parts of the body that have been damaged by the surgery.

Besides accelerating the healing process of wounds, the albumin protein in cork fish helps to accelerate the healing process of several diseases, such as hepatitis, lung infections, diabetes, stroke and many more.

Do you know that some wounds can be cured by guava leaves? Benefits of guava leaves for wounds will tell you more about it.

3. Good for pregnant women

Salted cork fish can be one of the food pregnant women need. It is because cork fish is rich in protein which is very good for the growth of the womb and the fetus.

Besides having cork fish, pregnant women can also get animal protein from chicken liver and eggs. You can explore more benefits of snakehead fish for pregnant women.

If you’re pregnant and looking for some tips on pregnancy, make sure you read these health benefits of lemon water while pregnant and health benefits of swimming while pregnant.

4. Good for your bones and teeth

Cork fish is not only rich in protein, but also potassium and calcium. As we know, these two elements are needed by humans in order to achieve maximum growth of bone and teeth.

In 100-gram of cork fish, you will get 60 mg of calcium and 70 mg of phosphorus. Consuming salted cork fish is really good for toddlers and elderly so that the density and growth of their bones and teeth can be maintained well.

5. Maintain liquid balance in the body

As we all know that our body is mainly composed by water (around 70%). Our body does not always get enough fluid intake during the day while the cells in our body need it to perform metabolism.

However, the albumin in salted cork fish helps you to remove excess water concentration in the body. As a result, the excess water can go back into the blood so that the liquid in the body can be balanced.

Fish is a great food you should include in your diet as it is rich in beneficial nutrients for your body. There are many types of fish, and you can find out more about those types by reading these health benefits of eating tilapia fish and health benefits of white fish.