
7 Health Benefits Of Earl Gray Tea For The Body

Some people find it strange to hear earl gray tea. This tea is also called bergamot tea, made from a combination of black tea and bergamot orange extract.

It has a unique flavor and is rather expensive. This tea originally comes from Southeast Asia, cultivated in Southern Italy and has long been enjoyed hundreds of years around the world

But, gained popularity from England because in the 1830s the British prime minister named Earl Charles Gray always considered this tea to be from England gradually became famous as earl gray tea.

Many kind of tea is good to consume for health like the benefits chinese teak leaf tea for the body. Earl gray tea also has benefit for the body health,

1.     Prevents Heart Disease

One of the biggest deaths in Indonesia and in the world for men and women is heart disease. The heart has the function of pumping blood to meet the needs of oxygen and nutrients to the body. If the heart cannot work normally, blood circulation in the body will be disrupted.

The heart is divided into several types of diseases such as:

  • Coronary heart disease, which is caused by blockage of arteries by plaque buildup and chemicals from food and drink intake that disrupt blood flow in the body.
  • Congenital heart defects, the cause is abnormalities in the structure and function of the heart since infancy. This can occur from genetic heredity from our parents or one of them.
  • Heart failure, which results in not being able to pump blood normally so that the body does not get enough nutrients and oxygen intake.
  • Heart rhythm abnormalities, the heart rhythm becomes irregular sometimes feeling fast and slow. Abnormal rhythm conditions will have an effect on severe complications
  • Heart valves, caused by malfunctioning heart valves that cause blood to flow back and difficult to exit the heart. Valve or heart valve abnormalities form a small hole in the heart partition or can be said to be a leaky heart.

Many factors cause heart disease such as gender, heredity, age which cannot be changed. However, the factors of high cholesterol, diabetes, hypertension, lack of physical activity, excessive alcohol consumption and obesity can be changed.

One way is to adopt a healthy lifestyle including a healthy diet such as consuming earl gray tea with antioxidant content in it has the effect of lowering blood pressure and the risk of heart disease.

2.     Improves Digestion

Digestion is very important to break down and absorb nutrients from food and drinks consumed to keep the body healthy and functioning properly, to undergo activity and cell growth and repair.

Digestion involves hollow organs such as the mouth, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, anus and solid organs such as the pancreas, liver and gallbladder.

Conditions such as gallstones, constipation, mula, diarrhea, hemorrhoids, gastroenteritis can make the digestive system unhealthy. There are many ways to maintain digestive health such as :

  • Avoiding alcohol and smoking
  • Drinking plenty of water and consuming probiotics and fiber
  • Having a balanced diet and managing stress
  • Consuming earl gray tea which contains flavonoids and antioxidants.

Regularly consuming earl gray tea can help relieve indigestion and improve digestion to be healthier.

3.     Relieves Depression, Anxiety, Stress

Depression, anxiety, and stress are common among many people. This condition of generalized anxiety disorder is characterized by physical symptoms such as difficulty breathing, sweating, heart palpitations.

This feeling of generalized anxiety is often experienced by adults over the age of 30. The disorder is caused by family history, drug and alcohol abuse, trauma, arthritis, and certain conditions such as latency.

Common symptoms that can be recognized apart from physical ones are difficulty concentrating, overthinking, feeling excessive anxiety and worry, irritability, indecisiveness, nervousness, restlessness, fear.

If you feel these symptoms, try to consume earl gray tea regularly, which has L-theanine (an amino acid) and natural aromatherapy qualities that can have a calming effect and improve one’s mood. If this generalized anxiety disorder persists, you may want to see a doctor.

4.     Preventing Cancer

Do you like Thai food? Sometime young people when they don’t have money will call cancer (dry pockets), hehehehe. Cancer is a non-communicable disease characterized by abnormal and malignant cells that can grow uncontrollably fast and spread to other parts of the body.

The main cause of cancer is gene mutation in cells in the body. There are also external triggers that can cause cancer, namely physical elements (exposure to UV rays and electromagnetic wave radiation), biological elements (bacterial infections, certain viruses), chemical elements (exposure to arsenic compounds, tobacco content in cigarettes, alcohol, nicotine, benzidine).

Cancer can be prevented by maintaining ideal body weight, periodic complete vaccinations, stop smoking, exercise regularly, use sunblock, consume healthy foods and drinks with balanced nutrition such as earl gray tea.

Earl gray tea contains tannin which is proven to reduce iron absorption by the body and high doses of antioxidants that can help the body fight disease-causing free radicals.

It is highly recommended to consume earl gray tea regularly. Well, there is health benefit of Thai green curry chicken with eggplant as kind of Thai food for cancer treatment

5.     Lose Weight

Do you like honey? Here is the health benefits of honey for weight loss. Many people like to go on a healthy diet to lose weight, keeping the body ideal. In undergoing a diet, it is very important to consider the intake of food and drinks that enter the body.

One of them is earl gray tea. The polyphenol content in earl gray tea is useful in preventing fat digestion, fat metabolism in the body becomes fast and prevents obesity from damaging body cells.

With the effect of polyphenols, calories are broken down into food for muscles. It is highly recommended to consume earl gray tea in weight loss. In addition to diet, many habits that are done to accelerate gaining ideal weight are drinking plenty of water to stay hydrated, getting enough sunlight, getting 8 hours of sleep every night, exercise, avoiding midnight meals, walking more, optimizing to always eat lunch and mindfulness.

6.     Dental Health

It is proven that herbal tea is good for dental treatment like the health benefits of drinking chinese tea. The mouth and teeth must be kept healthy.

If not, it will increase a person’s exposure to disease. Generally, problems that occur when the mouth and teeth are not healthy are cavities, bad breath, dental abscesses, tongue cancer, tartar.

Symptoms that arise are usually loose teeth, bleeding gums, mouth sores, pain when chewing and biting, cracked teeth, swelling of the face and cheeks, chronic bad breath, sensitivity to hot and cold drinks, toothache.

One way to keep your teeth and mouth healthy is to consume earl gray tea which has high levels of catechins, useful for fighting oral infections and fluoride content, good for protecting against cavities, fighting decay.

If you have experienced problems with your teeth and need to be treated, you can go to the doctor. The doctors will treat the problem with cleaning to remove plaque, fluoride treatment to fight cavities, antibiotics to get rid of the infection, fillings to repair cracks and holes in the teeth, crowns due to tooth extraction, sealants as a thin protective coating, root canals when tooth decay reaches the nerve, and finally surgery to treat very serious periodontal cases.

7.     Skin Health

Skin is the outermost and largest organ. It is easily contaminated with dirt, germs, and bacteria. It is very important to keep the skin healthy. We can start familiarizing ourselves with a healthy diet, getting enough rest, not smoking, actively moving, managing stress.

By consuming earl gray tea is effective in maintaining skin health and beauty. Earl gray tea contains antioxidants that have been proven to fight free radicals in the body.

In addition to antioxidants, earl gray tea has anti-aging properties to maintain skin elasticity. More natural to keep skin health by using herbs. Here is list of herbs good for skin health.