
The 10 Benefits of Honey in the Morning

Honey is a kind of syrup liquid of honeybees made from nectar plants. Everyone worldwide loves the taste of honey because of its sweetness and depth of flavor.

People like using honey for foods with many kinds of recipes. Every honey has a different smell, color, and taste depending type of flowers. Honey has many potential such as the health benefits of red honey and plays a role in many home remedies as medical treatments.

1.     Good For Blood

Honey affects the body in different ways depending on how it is consumed. If honey mix with warm water and drank, it will give a beneficial impact on the number of red blood cells (RBC) in the blood.

These cells have responsible to bring oxygen into the blood to spread part of the body. The mixing of warm honey increases the level hemoglobin of in the blood to treat anemia.

Iron deficiency anemia is a condition that occurs when dietary intake or the absorption of iron sufficiently, and the capacity to bring oxygen blood disorder.

Reducing of carrying oxygen causes fatigue, breathlessness, and sometimes depression and other problems. Honey can negate these issues by building the capacity of carrying oxygen in the blood.

Building the level of oxygen in the blood is essential because how the health of the body and how is easy to rejuvenate itself depends on the level of oxygen in the blood.

Preliminary research also shows a positive effect on hypertension or high blood pressure. As traditionally, honey is consumed to reduce the effect of hypotension or low blood pressure.

There is some preliminary evidence that honey can prevent the number of white blood cells (WBC) in chemotherapy patients. In small-scale experiments, 40% of patients with the risk of a number of low white blood cells won’t experience this after consuming 2 tbsp therapeutic honey a day during chemotherapy.

2.     Antibacterial And Antiseptic

Consumption of honey promotes an increased antioxidant, stimulates antibodies, and combats harmful microbial activity. Several studies look for honey to wound healing.

One study that uses therapeutic honey had undergone the process of special purification, to destroy all the types of bacteria in wounds among the study participants.

In another study treating wound and leg ulcers for 59 patients, 80% of them won’t be responded to conventional treatment with honey can’t process it, except for one patient, every wound in another showed improvement.

What’s more, infected wounds become sterile within one week after the application of honey. In traditional medicine, one of the benefits includes the treatment of respiratory infections.

Consumption of honey every day can be used to treat problems like excessive mucus and asthma. Clinical research also shows that medical-grade honey can destroy pathogen-born illnesses such as Escherichia coli and salmonella.

Honey also promises to fight bacterial strains that have been developing resistance to antibiotics. Research has been shown that honey effective in attacks against staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa to methicillin resistance.

Honey fights infection to many levels making it difficult for pathogens to develop resistance to it. Unlike antibiotics, which usually target bacteria when they are grown, give them to chance for resistance development.

Honey can be found disturbing what is known as quorum sensing, it is decreasing virulent pathogen bacteria in probably antibiotics works.

3.     Energy Booster

Many ways of food and beverages can be used to get energy boosters such as the health benefits of whipped cream and honey. One of the important use of honey in traditional medicine is as an energy booster.

As mentioned above, honey contains various types of sugar molecules specifically glucose and fructose. However, doesn’t like white sugar which is fructose and glucose combined to become sucrose, and needs step adding in the digestive process.

In honey, both kinds of those sugar are split. Thus, glucose acts as a source of instant energy. The United States National Honey Board recommend consuming honey because it contains multiple vitamin and mineral in small amounts such as niacin, riboflavin, pantothenic acid, calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, potassium, and zinc.

4.     Aids Digestion

Honey helps reduce constipation, ulcers, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, bloating, and gas. It is because of a mild laxative. Honey is also rich in probiotics or friendly bacteria like bifidobacteria, and lactobacilli to help aid digestion, increase the health of the body’s immune system and reduce allergies.

Using honey in place of sugar can be found to reduce the effect of toxins inside the gut from mycotoxins produced by fungi. If consult with a gastroenterologist online, they will suggest consuming honey mixed with lime in warm water as a solution for all digestive issues.

Besides, it throws undigested food, cleanses the colon, and remove all toxin from the body. Drinking 1 tablespoon every day then will help to increase the metabolism rate and boost the digestion process.

5.     Combat Skin And Scalp Infections

There are many benefits of honey on skin and scalp well-being as well. A small-scale study with 30 patients looked at the effect of honey on the treatment of seborrheic dermatitis and dandruff, participants applied diluted raw honey every day with rubbing in the problem area smoothly for 2-3 minutes.

Let honey for 3 hours before washing off with warm water. All the patients show improvement and treatment. The itching decreased and the scaling disappeared in a week.

While lesion disappeared in 2 weeks. The situation of hair loss also improved. What’s more, patients who continue treatment for 6 months with applied honey in a week won’t get suffer from a relapse.

6.     Improve Heart Health

Honey can prevent heart disease. According to the review, honey can reduce blood pressure, increase the level of blood fat, regulate heartbeat, and prevent the death of healthy cells.

All these factors can improve the function and health of the heart. One observational study involving over 4500 people over age 40 associated intake of honey in a moderation amount with the risk of high blood pressure lower among women.

Otherwise, raw honey usually contains propolis, a type of resin resulting in bees from sap produce plants and similar plants. Propolis can increase the level of cholesterol and triglyceride.

In overall, there is no human research in the long term provided about honey and heart health. Needed more research to understand the effect of honey on heart health.

7.     Treat Burn And Wound Healing

Topical honey used for wound healing and burning since ancient Egypt. The practice is still common until now. A review of 26 studies about honey and wound cure found that honey is effective in healing burns with partial thickness and infected wounds after an operation.

Honey is also an effective treatment for foot ulcers related to diabetes which is a serious complication that causes amputation. One study include people with foot ulcer-related diabetes who reported a successful level of around 43,3% with honey as a wound treatment.

In another study, topical honey healed an impressive 97% of participants with ulcers related to diabetes. Researchers theorize that honey’s healing comes from the effect of anti-bacterial properties and anti-inflammatory.

What’s more, it can help to treat other skin conditions including psoriasis and herpes lesions. One of the types of honey which is manuka is considered effective to treat burns. However, if have a severe burn, should be looking for medical immediately.

8.     Suppress Coughing In Children

Cough is a common problem for children with upper respiratory infections. This infection can affect sleep and the quality of a child’s life and parents.

However, medication for cough usually isn’t effective and has side effects. Interestingly, honey can be a good alternative with the proof showing that it is an effective treatment option.

One review of several studies about honey and cough in children found that honey looks more effective than diphenhydramine for cough symptoms. It can help to reduce cough duration. Another review noted that it can increase the quality of sleep among children also their parents.

There isn’t like other cough medicines, honey doesn’t have side effects. But have to remember not to give honey to children below 1 year because it can give the risk of botulism. 

9.     Weigh Loss

According to the researcher, honey burns fat while sleeping, it might be honey is the best food to get fit. With health benefits green coffee and honey can be used to reduce weight loss because act as fuel to make the liver produce glucose.

If select online dietician consultation, they will give a recipe for 1 tablespoon of honey to eat per day with warm water on an empty stomach, which helps the process of digestion get weight loss faster. Adopting reduce body weight using honey is the best way to get fit.

10. Skin Health

The main beneficial honey for skin health is help in moisturizing and nourishing and because of this, it gives the best skin result. Honey is best used for the face specifically for dry skin problems, also easy to apply on the face.

Raw honey help pores to open unclog and hydrates dry skin. If consulting with dermatologists online, they will recommend using honey for the treatment of wounds, cuts, burns, and different diseases as part of a home remedy.

  • Moisturizers and Hydrates

Honey’s natural humectant properties make it an effective moisturizer. The activity of enzymes in honey might penetrate deeply into the skin and bring hydration to the underlying layers. It results in plumper and softer skin with a natural radial glow.

  • Diminished Signed of Premature Aging

Honey draw moisturizes from the air and binding to the skin. This hydration adds to give skin a fresh and youthful glow and suppleness, making fine lines and wrinkles less noticeable. Honey contains natural antioxidants that fight off free radicals like aging.

  • Effective Pore Cleanser and Gentle Exfoliator

In nature, honey is antibacterial and exfoliating. These properties make it an effective natural pore cleanser for removing deep-down dirt and debris that might clog the pores and contributes to a skin issue.

  • Lightens Scars and Hyperpigmentation

Honey contains a tiny amount of hydrogen peroxide. It is giving mild lightening properties to reduce acne scars and hyperpigmentation over time. The similar properties make honey become an effective choice for brightening a dull complexion.

  • Fights Acne and Breakouts

The effect of anti-bacterial and anti-inflammation honey plays an essential role to reduce acne and breakouts. This property decreases bacteria and causes pimples, blackheads, and whiteheads. It helps to treat inflammation associated with acne.

  • Relieves Sunburn

Honey is commonly used to regulate medical wound healing, due to its ability to speed up the treatment of damaged tissue and reduce inflammation. This benefit can help to relieve and heal sunburn at home.

11.Oral Health

There is a great benefit of honey for oral health. Otherwise, with the benefits of baking soda for teeth and overall oral health. Certain type of honey has antibacterial properties to help attacks oral infections, cleanse teeth, break down plaque, and remove the symptoms of gum disease. For caring and maintaining oral health, drink honey as part of your daily activity routine. If facing any issue with inflammation or infection in the mouth, then can be healed by placing honey inside of the mouth. Honey works as a natural secret weapon for oral health.

12.Prevent Acid Reflux

Honey can diminish the increase of stomach acid and undigested food by coating the esophagus and stomach as several studies. Besides it can reduce the risk of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) which cause inflammation, indigestion, and reflux acid. Somebody prevent acid reflux by using honey. Besides honey, the health benefits of turmeric can be used for GERD. Honey has been used in Ayurvedic medicine for hundred years to cure diseases because have antibacterial properties. Preventing acid reflux using honey is the natural way to cure it. Many benefits of honey such as containing hydrogen peroxide, helping treat wounds, antiviruses properties, and rich antioxidants, provide nutrition and enzyme.