
8 Health Benefits of Chicory Root Tea

Chicory, a woody and herbaceous plant, has a lot health benefits. The health benefits include the ability to ease digestive and gastric issues, reduce arthritis pain, prevent bacterial infections, boost immune system as well as reduce the chances of heart disease.

Chicory is a small plant which is cultivated for its culinary use in preparations, like in salads and various other medical applications. It grows well in many areas, and is mostly found inn European countries where it is originated.

Chicory has been used since a very long time ago as herbal remedy for many diseases and still continues to prove its worth until today. Its root has also been used as the ingredients of tea.

Let’s see all of these amazing health benefits of chicory root tea.

  • Aid Digestion

Most teas are beneficial to aid digestion, including chicory root tea. It can act as a powerful prebiotic. For your information, prebiotics is a classification of bacteria which confer benefits on the host rather than diseases.

There’s a report published by FEMS Microbiology which stated that inulin (one of the compounds in chicory root) is used to combat a number of intestinal and digestive issues. Therefore, chicory root tea plays an important role in easing digestion.

  • Improve Heart Health

Inulin is not only beneficial for the digestion, but it has also shown to reduce the levels of LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol) in the body. This type of cholesterol is one of the main causes of high blood pressure because it blocks the flow of blood when it binds to arteries and veins.

This condition also contributes to the possibility of getting heart attacks and strokes.

Chicory root tea is also rich in antioxidants which may improve the balance of blood and plasma in the body. As a result, it reduces the chances of cardiovascular diseases.

  • Reduce Arthritis Pain

Chicory root tea is also beneficial for people who suffer from arthritis. It has been traditionally used as a treatment for arthritis. Some studies have shown that it has anti-inflammatory properties, which is able to reduce the pain in some conditions, such as osteoarthritis.

Chicory is also used as a general anti-inflammatory agent for aches, muscle pains and joint soreness.

  •  Aid in Weight Loss

If you’re looking for a way to lose some weight, then you can take a sip of chicory root tea. It is a good source of oligofructose and inulin. They combine together as a natural dietary fiber, which helps manage the weight by promoting weight loss.

  • Treat Constipation

Inulin, the goddess ingredient in chicory root tea, has been mentioned all the time, thanks to it! Inulin acts as a natural fiber which helps bulk up bowel movements as well as promote peristaltic movement and the secretion of gastric juices.

In other words, the digestion process as a whole is improved and constipation will be greatly reduced. Try to maintain a smooth and regulated digestive process, then you can reduce the chance of getting gastrointestinal conditions and diseases.

  • Boost Immunity

Similar to citrus fruits that are rich in vitamin C, chicory root tea is also rich in antibacterial effects on a number of dangerous strains of bacteria.

The polyphenolic compounds in chicory also acts as an immune system booster. There are also phytochemicals that can act as potential antioxidants, which are in charge of sweeping out free radicals from the bloodstream.

Are you looking for something to boost your immune system? Then, read these health benefits of pickled peppers. They are good for boosting your immune system.

  • Relieve Anxiety

The sedative qualities of chicory have been believed to be effective to reduce anxiety and soothe the mind. If you are stressful, then just take a sip of chicory root tea. It is able to relieve the stress and dangerous effects it can have on the body.

Do you know that when you relieve stress, you can also reduce the chances of getting other diseases? Indeed, it is. You can reduce the chances of heart disease, hormonal imbalance, insomnia, premature aging and many more diseases just by relieving the stress.

Stress brings some harmful effects to our body. So, it is better if you can find some ways to relieve it. Go check these health benefits of storytelling for mental health and health benefits of Greek mountain tea. You can arrange your schedule of drinking these teas.

  • Treat Kidney Disorders

The root extract of chicory is often used as a diuretic. This will increase the volume of the urine. When the volume of the urine increases, it can help eliminate toxins that the body stores in the liver and kidneys.

Therefore, it prevents the dangerous conditions that occur when toxins are allowed to remain in the body. Excess urination will also able to eliminate excess water weight as well as reduce fat. If you love sipping on a glass of tea, then don’t miss reading these benefits of tea for PCOS and health benefits of pineapple tea.