
7 Benefits of Snakehead Fish For Pregnant Women

Protein is a very important nutrient for pregnant women for fetal growth and preventing fetal defects.

Protein can be obtained in all types of fish but in snakehead fish the content is very high exceeding the content in other fish. The content is albumin protein and omega 3 fatty acids which are very rich compared to salmon and needed by pregnant women. The benefits of snakehead fish for MPASI and pregnant women are

1.     Complete nutrition

Snakehead fish is one type of food that has complete nutritional content such as albumin, omega 3, antioxidants, striatin, and other nutrients. Snakehead fish is also very high so it is good for the digestive system of pregnant women.

With this complete nutrition can overcome malnutrition during pregnancy and also meet the nutritional needs of the baby through food and beverage intake such as consuming snakehead fish by pregnant women. Otherwise, many benefits of snakehead fish for health we can get it.

  • Albumin

The most important function of albumin is to carry fatty acids, thyroid hormones and steroids. The need for albumin in each pregnant woman varies but it is clear that if you experience albumin deficiency, it will have an impact on tissue swelling and preeclampsia.

Preeclampsia is a condition that occurs due to uncontrolled high blood pressure and is characterized by excess weight, excess protein in the urine, visual disturbances, and can even lead to death.

  • Omega 3 fatty acids

A very important nutrient for pregnant women and very effective for improving fetal brain development during pregnancy until the age of 2 years.

  • Antioxidants

There is antioxidant content in snakehead fish. This antioxidant acts as an antihypertensive in protein content, as we know that it carries a high risk during labor and one of them is preeclampsia.

  • Striatin

Is a pure protein in snakehead fish that has a role to accelerate the wound healing process including postpartum wounds.

2.     Growth of the baby in the womb

Pregnant women need to consume snakehead fish for the growth of the baby in the womb. Here are the stages of baby growth in general,

  • In the first of trimester, womb age 1 – 13 weeks

The phase of preparing for fetal growth and development and increasing pregnancy hormones affects every organ of the body. The characteristics of changes in the body of pregnant women in this phase are body fatigue, abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting, mood changes, breast pain and swelling, weight gain, headaches, cravings.

  • Second trimester, gestational age 14-27 weeks

The most comfortable phase for some pregnant women because the body has managed to adjust to the major changes that occurred in the first trimester. The frequency of nausea and vomiting is much reduced and also regains energy.

The body changes that occur in pregnant women in this phase are usually a growing belly, easy dizziness, starting to feel the first baby kick, body aches, increased appetite, starting to appear stretch marks, some parts of the skin darken, itchy body, swollen wrists or feet, and reduced nausea.

  • Third trimester, 28 to 41 weeks of pregnancy

In this phase, pregnant women begin to experience false contractions and anxiety before giving birth. Conditions that pregnant women should pay attention to in this phase are fetal movements in the abdomen getting faster and more numerous, experiencing false contractions, urinating more often, feeling heartburn, ankles, fingers and face swelling, experiencing hemorrhoids, swollen breasts and leaking milk, difficulty finding a comfortable sleeping position.

3.     Accelerates Wound Healing

The recovery period after the birth process, especially caesarean section, is very heavy and takes a long time. For this reason, pregnant women are recommended to consume snakehead fish which is already famous for its albumin content.

Here is the benefits of snakehead fish for caesarean. Albumin benefits to prevent post-wound swelling and quickly regenerate injured body tissues.

In addition, there are several ways that can be done so that recovery takes place very quickly such as :

  • Doing light physical activity for smooth blood circulation and digestive system
  • Managing emotions to avoid stress and anxiety
  • Taking care of surgical wounds
  • Getting enough rest and sleeping in a comfortable position such as sideways
  • Fulfilling nutrients to support breast milk production, recognizing danger signs (high fever, shortness of breath, severe pain in the surgical wound area, swelling in the legs, pain when urinating, redness and swelling of the surgical wound, severe bleeding from the vagina or surgical wound push discharge from the surgical wound).

4.     Maintaining Body Immunity

During pregnancy, the immunity of pregnant women changes and this prevents health problems in the mother and fetus. For this reason, the immune system in pregnant women needs to work very hard to maintain health, proper care is needed to get optimal results.

If the immune system decreases, it will trigger flu during pregnancy, morning sickness that lasts longer, continuous fatigue and weakness, and slowed fetal development.

For this reason, pregnant women are encouraged to consume snakehead fish because the albumin content contained in it helps in the formation of white blood cells which have a function to maintain the body’s immunity from bacteria, viruses to cancer.

A well-maintained immune system keeps pregnant women healthy and the fetus grows and develops very optimally. Similar as the benefits of snakehead fish for babies.

Ways to improve the body’s immune system besides consuming snakehead fish; sleep and drink enough water regularly, exercise, consume supplements and healthy foods.

5.     Increase Weight

Pregnant women are required to gain weight to avoid premature birth and the fetus in the womb grows and develops very healthily. The weight gain of each pregnant woman is different depending on the weight before pregnancy and height which will determine how many kg pregnant women should increase during pregnancy.

When pregnant women are underweight, it will have adverse health effects such as the risk of bleeding after childbirth, a long and difficult labour process, the risk of congenital defects and anemia, pregnant women have to undergo caesarean section, babies are born prematurely.

A healthy way to increase weight for pregnant women is to consume snakehead fish with its high protein content and the content of fat, fiber, carbohydrates needed for the body’s metabolism.

Good body metabolism make healthy stomach. Here is the benefits of snakehead fish for stomach. Consume nutritious foods and healthy fats regularly, maintain a diet and pay attention to the amount of fluid consumed.

6.     Ensuring the Placenta is Functioning

The placenta or placenta is an organ that forms during pregnancy. The placenta forms about two weeks after fertilization. It is recommended by doctors for pregnant women to consume snakehead fish for healthy baby growth and development.

The placenta has a very important function for the growth and development of the baby. The role of the placenta is

  • Channeling nutrients to the fetus, occurs at 2 months of pregnancy. Filtration of incoming food will be caried out by the placenta and umbilical cord in the bloodstream and then continue into the baby’s blood vessels.
  • Channeling oxygen, so that the baby can live while in the womb. Oxygen will be channeled through the placenta as needed.
  • Protecting the fetus from bacterial infections, the blood in the placenta as a place of blood exchange between mother and baby will be filtered so that only the rest of the metabolism remains. The protection of the fetus from bacterial infection in the mother’s blood is carried out by the placenta.
  • Disposal of waste products from metabolism, first flows into the mother’s blood and is excreted together with the rest of the mother’s metabolism.
  • Producing pregnancy hormones, the placenta produces pregnancy hormones that are useful for the development and growth of the baby, strengthens the lining of the uterus, stops the menstrual cycle, stimulates breast tissue and speeds up the body’s metabolism of pregnant women.
  • Channeling antibodies, in late pregnancy, the placenta helps distribute antibodies from the mother’s body to the baby to boost good immunity. Antibody defense after delivery is only 3 months.

7.     Prevents and Reduces the Risk of Swelling

Hormonal changes that occur during pregnancy have an impact on increasing blood volume in the body so that some pregnant women experience swelling in the legs (Edema).

Swelling occurs in the second trimester or postpartum. There are three things that affect leg swelling: the growth of the uterus, hormonal changes and also fluid retention.

For this reason, it is recommended for pregnant women to consume snakehead fish because the albumin produced in the liver has a function to regulate the pressure in the blood vessels and also bind blood maximally so that the risk of swelling can be reduced.